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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. -1 the tickets you make are super cringe and mingy sometimes so I feel like you don’t have the maturity and respect to become staff imo Good Luck!
  2. +1 Good Luck! you still have a shite hockey team tho I’m not even capping dude
  3. This is a big :ThanosSmile: Moment
  4. Name of the staff member you're asking: @Joah @Jackson @Square @Zim Question: When is the hot fix coming out for the server? I heard it was supposed to come out 2 weeks ago during the weekend... then last weekend, then it sort of just faded away and we never heard anything about it. Further attachments: Concerns: There's a lot of small doodads gizmos and dingus's that people are waiting for that are coming out in the 'Hot Fix', and a lot of us want to know and maybe get a time frame on when it's coming.
  5. you already have your lore accurate gun nerd keep it
  6. -1 I don't think you'll ever need at as you'll always have like 50 shock around you anyways... the gun would be for like a last resort, and I don't ever see padme having to result to a last resort option on the server. It's gonna be used more to fuck around than anything.
  7. This is a no brainer the only palpating is the lispy Palpatine REGIONAL FOR LISPY SHEEV 2020
  8. How come our nose runs but our feet smell? @Marvel
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