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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. I can't put words togeather to say how sad I am You did a really awesome job brother, and we got really close while you were in SO BDE I really hope you still chill and play other games cuz I know how sick you are of this one Imma give you a fat o7 man, love you brother
  2. 9/10 sorry your pc kept giving you trouble managed to still pull off a great event
  3. Aw man loopy. i hope you get better soon man and all of us wish you the best love you brother
  4. Ahhhhhh my eyes! jk jk +1, Good Luck! Can’t wait to see more great events!
  5. +1 Nice app, would love you to work alongside us! Good luck brother.
  6. Don’t really know you to well so we’ll see what happens aye +1 Good luck buddy
  7. Love you brother you had a long run as staff, mad respect, thanks for always believing in me hope to see you around still man huge o7 to you
  8. You can just check the console tbh if you're really not sure
  9. -1 I love the whole realism idea and would love to see nothing more than an edgy sniper on a hill one shot head shotting people, but i'd much rather keep the integrity of our server how it is now than to resent the amount of lag and errors that would come from adding things like these.
  10. I could see this causing quite a bit of conflict amongst people on the server so I'm gonna -1
  11. This definitely seems like it would cause performance issues on the server so I don't know about this one
  12. +1 Wow surprising I actually like this suggestion
  13. +1 serious rp on this server is a joke
  14. Did you try verifying game files / uninstalling gmod / deleting all your addons and maps
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