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Everything posted by justuscloud5

  1. I have no life I guess Btw I joined in 2018 but didn't make a forums account until 2019 so I've been here over three years now
  2. Congrats you can finally ride roller coasters
  3. This man was searching for bussy on the dark web
  4. Whataburger face reveal
  5. Spirited away And we would all shoot your father if we had time machines
  6. I order you to go outside and touch some grass
  7. +1 the greatest degenerate known to man
  8. Yep the poor jedi with the outside temple
  9. No offense to anyone that voted v1 but you're pretty retarded I remember half yall crying about that fucking map and how broken it was, there are areas on that map with the wrong step and you'll go to see God by accident. Seeing these posts makes me think I'm talking to someone who just inhaled glue. Like I'd understand extensive or endor, but anaxes v1 might be worse than Jinea and Titan. Honestly Endor v1 might be more functional.
  10. I don't play anymore but I think a major part of the staying power for battalions in 2019 besides their player set identitys were the battalion perks. Like running faster and in 327ths case a shotgun it helped get people in the door and stay.
  11. What can I say I've done enough shit to identify it. I live and breath it
  12. I was just wondering if there was anything else because you my friend are acting extremely retarded
  13. Best Santa can do is send Margaret Thatcher for your request
  14. Comics congrats on passing the Greek citizenship test

    1. Comics



      Also I am single :3

    2. justuscloud5


      Atleast you're not a furry

    3. Comics
  15. Hey its the guy I made COL in 104th very pog +1
  16. Wow after all I've done for you no @ i feel disrespected. But seriously I wish you well in your future endeavors my old friend, thank you for everything you did for the 41st you were one of my first WO when I was gree and you stuck with me and the 41st for a year so all i can say is thank you. I hope do well in life and your future endeavors o7.
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