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  1. Thank you for all you have done as well for this community @Brooklyn Hope to see you back soon.
  2. I understand the want for more information regarding development etc, however, it's important to note that things don't always go as planned and that can often lead to some greater problems/community frustration when you announce 10-20 things that we'd ideally like to incorporate and then only end up doing 5-6 of them for various reasons. It's happened in the past. Not a fun time. Also, the server suggestion section does make up a fairly large portion of our updates so that pretty much spells out a lot of stuff for you guys anyway.
  3. Played for 3 hours last night with 0 bugs or issues. Saying this now will probably jinx it though. I think they've been updating the game quite a bit.
  4. No, putting up a server is not an issue, I was merely pointing out that it would eliminate the other option which was the purpose of the poll.
  5. They discontinued official servers for Survival Evolved. So would only work if we put up our own.
  6. Maybe we start as a mega tribe and ride it until we get raided. Then put the server up. Could be a fun venture.
  7. What up folks. I've been pretty interested in getting back into ARK ever since our last go-about with a Synergy ARK Survival Evolved server. I wanted to quickly gauge how many people would be interested in playing if I were to put up a server. The nature of the server is for fun this won't be a monetized server or anything like that, but rather a space for community members to come together and play the game. I'm debating between putting up a full-blown server or just making a mega tribe on a pre-existing official or community server which could be a super fun idea as well. The game is currently on sale on Steam (HOWEVER PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS NEW REMAKE IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC INTENSIVE) If you have a potato for a computer I would not recommend purchasing it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2399830/ARK_Survival_Ascended/ Like I said this post is mostly to gauge interest. If you'd like you can join the old Synergy ARK Discord: https://discord.gg/Cy6UJCU3XM
  8. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  9. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  10. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  11. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  12. Pending To be reviewed by the Founders and Dev Team
  13. Pending To be reviewed by the Server Directors
  14. Pending To be reviewed by the Founders and Dev Team
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