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Everything posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. essit being my savage boi <3
  2. +1, Its small and a good addition. Be good for some new event ideas.
  3. +1 he was a fantastic keller, i feel as if hes the only one able to have the position and deserves it
  4. Actually, xaze did my tryout because we were all in discord lmao but yeah that was me
  6. As of late I have been getting on the server, haven't had the drive nor want if im being honest. I took a 2 week break to play other games got back on played Jedi and had a full name change, the first thing said to me was "Oh its this fucking retard" and then everyone proceeded to avoid me so i couldn't even get some practice in other then people like Zodiac(Knox) or some other padawan that i forgot the name of. I feel as if People have the wrong opinion when it comes to me or simply how I joke, Me saying things like "Yeah your dick little" is a clear joke but sure i guess its hostile to my best friend and deserves some hate. My time on the server was a decent amount of time honestly, First battalion i was in was the 101st back when Forge was commander and that was the funnest times on the server i have ever had, didn't have to be serious all the time but when i was i got rewarded for it and that was without a doubt the best commander i have ever had. Now onto the little more annoying parts, I have noticed a lot when it comes to the server, the clear favoritism, Harassment and over all rudeness. People dont know how to forum their own opinions from anything like a server suggestion, a application, or simply a person. If you're not ready to think of your own opinion on a matter, and put your own thoughts into something like a post dont post on it with a bias opinion, its a waste of time for the person going over it, and the person trying to get the position and most of all, its a waste of your time because most of them are skipped and not read. You all got on one persons someones ass for a player report even tho the new commander is in turn better being told his ARC would be removed and "You'll be removed if i get commander" which is childish in my opinion. If you dont like something, put your thoughts on it type out a reason and statement behind it dont harass the player about the post. I have seen "What you do on the forums dosent affect your in game status" when it really dose. I was total dick on the forums being toxic and over all a cunt, and now i cant even get on the server with out being totally shit on, so this is a "Think before you post XD" kind of thing. @Zim I brought you to this server I can take you right out faggot. Nah jokes, I feel as if half the shit you do isnt appreciated so im going to thank you like others should have. Most of the updates are approved by Joah is true, but he puts in HOURS AND HOURS of work each one to push out new content for the players even when hes stressed out with a long ass work shift. Man deserves a metal. @Joah As much shit as you gave me for my autism, I do want to think you for one of the funnest times i have ever had on ark. Wish I recorded some of the raids tho woulda made a good video but over all thanks. (also sorry for tagging you I know you hate it <3 @Matra Being my Keller back when i was in KU ima be honest with you. One of the best I have had, Funny, lay back and over all fun to play with in and out of the server so thanks for that. @Oxen One of the best commanders i have had, Being mature smart and over all a fantastic guy. I dont think there has been anyone giving you negativity because you're overall a great guy, thanks for your serves as well. @Esitt How the fuck did i forget you? First admin to help me out on the server and really is a good chap, love this guy <3 @BadDog and @Freck Leaving TRO honestly but im going to say my thoughts, The TRM's have been slacking. with 5 of them 1 should have been able to host a tryout within 10 days and its disappointing to see BadDog hosting a TRO tryout when its the TRM's job. If they dont have the time like i dont, Do what im doing and resign. over all fantastic TRD's and was amazing to work with you @Jackson Worked from New Admin to Senior Admin and working under you/with you was a blast thinks for being a fantastic director keeping this "Boat" a float. The callouts below are not meant to be toxic. But more of an eye opener, See it as you want. @smokes i cant find his real tag but, You honestly have changed when you got Keller, better or worse. You need to slow it down and make sure what you're doing is right. I was removed when on a LOA and you couldn't even tell if you removed me or not. Slow down, you can do it i believe in you. @Zodiac, Gotta relax with begging my guy, every second I had you asking me to do something to get you TRO or Dev team. Relax a little, fun to talk to but you need to reel it back 10 feet. this one go's to everyone in the community. If as a community no one can accept an apology or even roast and continue to banter of said thing. They are not the ones who should be sorry it is you, Most of you guys provoke arguments or are extremely passive aggressive and when you get rebuddle they get slammed with hate. I dont know if its stupidity, or the fact your egos are so fucking big you cant tell wrong from right any more but, If you dont like a player the answer isnt to harass them, be a dick ext its pretty obvious. dont speak to them. Block them move on, if a player walk away. As much as you guys can say "Its the internet i say what i want "Racial slur" is ok i guess, the Internet is a way to express yourself sure, but human decency is a thing. Know right from wrong, a racist joke in private can be deemed funny but in a large group its deemed unprofessional. This gos for me, but we all need to grow up, learn rights from wrongs and move on and with that im ending this here. All comments will not be responded too but have at it.
  7. No matter how small we make it its never good enough for zim maybe.... Its bigger then his dick is the issue? Im going to make this very clear because people seem to think im being super hostile to Zim. Me and Zim have been friends of a little over 2 years now, He knows im joking with him and i even read the message above out to him as i was typing it and we had a 2 second giggle and moved on. Its utter bullshit how half of you can call out members, be passive aggressive and not get hate and I cant even make a joke to my Best friend.
  8. Its small, Like zims dick. As far as i am concerned its lore friendly, small, and well why not eh? +1
  9. -1, Personally dont see a reason to add any more music to the server when its used for small quick moments.
  10. Low-key, think there is already a city map i can take a look if youd like?
  11. -1, Dont really see a reason too. Put a rule against scamming, player scams another they get punished end of story. People dont have money to go and buy credits and what not.
  12. you could do this buy using the Q menu or, but that can be annoying and i see where you're coming from so for this Neutral
  13. it has its ups and downs, Would prefer if you cant spam moves like spinning or the dick tickle move and focused more on the normal swings but ya know running in a around like autistic child looking straight down is easier then two autistic children spinning in a circle swinging a pool noodle. But hey, With the new system i guess you dont need to time your swings when they are getting their stam back (:
  14. Many of you know me but uhhh ima be coming back a little different so Took some time to catch up and reduce my stress so im a lot less snippy, but im still over all an asshole. Hope to make new friends and uhhhhhh see you all monday
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