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Everything posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. +1, We all make the same shitty jokes. I have seen people blatantly say "order 66" in chat and not get banned. A week is FAR to long for this, reduce to a day and move on. a week for 2 comments that have nothing to do with racism, Sexism or harassment is too much.
  2. Ight if you're serious http://steamcommunity.com/id/WaterMelonWolf/ hmu
  3. Lets start a synergy.... Counter Strike Global Offensive team yeah?
  4. Tyzen i love you. But opinions can change. Its an opinion, nothing is set in stone.
  5. @Dargon Not on the list. DIdnt list the names because I dont want to cause drama, Stating my opinion and reason for a -1
  6. Im not the nicest person around nor do I really care what people see me as because i already know im an asshole. This being said, Washington. Im going to agree with @Zim and @Joah if ANYONE says anything against what you and the group of friends on the forums they get "Witch hunted" for weeks. I can pull the 5 names i can see on Every. Single. Post. Coming against you and the others in your group. This is going to sound hypocritical as i have done stupid and fucked up shit on the forums but i simply dont see you as mature enough for the position. When i first joined the server and met you i liked you found you fucking hilarious and fun to play with, Then you changed coming from me this is going to sound hypocritical again but you started to cause drama and other issues with in the forums. When you got demoted one rank from staff you left instantly saying that you hosted sims constantly and loved doing it, But if you loved it so much you should have worked for the position back rather then give up. On top of that, you left Ashoka randomly because you felt as if the 501st didn't like you which wasn't true, making you look even more immature because rather then talking to them or asking around the 501st or ask for a blunt answer from them you threw in the towel and stopped playing her basically running away from your issues and over thinking small things. The best part about all of this is you guys will -1 me, and zim and anyone else who -1's this but not Joah because unlike them you know Joah isn't brain dead like me. But that dosent make sense because zim made good points and said what Joah said a hell of a lot more summed up. but he got hate because of the blind mob mentality you guys are running. Learn to accept feed back and move on, Lets all grow up as a community rather then sit and cry about ones issues. Nothing personal bud That'll be a no from me dog.
  7. What i enjoy. Is one of the most mature people on the forums told us something true as in oxen, and he still got downvotes for standing up for someone.
  8. you do know all he did was call him out right. Everyones calling him a hypocrite but he called someone out for drama, and is leaving the server Medic called people out on his resignation and was seen as "XD savage funny". Hes leaving the server. Relax move on.
  9. i mean. Its obvious what im going to vote. We have RM assign an RM to your group That'll be a no from me dog
  10. Name: TRO Wolff Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83306542 Date: 2/28/2018 Reason for leaving: I feel as if i have been WAYYYYY to toxic on the server lately. On top of that I dont really have the drive or want to play garrys mod at the moment and wanna play other games. AND FINALLY im hella behind in school and am way to stressed out with it to worry about staffing on the server, ill still be on maybe 2-4 times a week for tro to make sure everything is good. But as of today im no longer staff. Pleasure working with you all, even tho i wasnt the most pleasurable Farewells: Dont really have any. Wasn't the most liked on the server.
  11. No proof, Nor evidence. The report itself is Immature, calling it bullshit ext. That'll be a no from me dog.
  12. Dont really have a type of music i like more then the other, Just wanted to see what people listened too
  13. Ok, Being on the biggest assholes on the server i can even say this is going to far my friend.
  14. there is still battalion medics. That's unfair to them lmao its my opinion not the decision.
  15. Rm is supposed to out head any reg medic there is. Thats how it was made to encourage people to join RM if we changed yours we would have to change all battalion medics. That'll be a no from me dog.
  16. didnt we just add a few more models for jedi?
  17. Post some of your favorite songs below, Curious as to see what we all listen to and well. I need more music lmao
  18. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  19. This depends 100% on my vote, Are you the one that sings like a god?
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