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Everything posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. @Weeaboo https://gyazo.com/b7f47b223a78ed2e34d1590215bffe5a
  2. depending on how many addons you have can bog down your pc, id delete all addons(and the folder) and re sub to the server pack and anything else you need, if this still dosent work i dont know what to tell you other then Gmod is trying to be state of decay 2
  3. Thanks for all the time put in the server o7
  4. happy early b day my guy
  5. Seen you around and xaze himself said you were amazing in the battalion, all i can give you is respect and a +1 +1
  6. I have butted heads with Xaze for a while but i simply wont sit this one out. Andrews you @ed him to draw his attention suspect something to be said, Thats damn sure the same as me @ed someone with a low-key insult then getting pissed when something is said, then stated you wanted to drop it but left a extremely passive aggressive message behind it. Bobonater. do I even need to pull quotes here? "Learn how to roast/say rude comments to somebody without having to always rely on vulgar language. That just shows who is the real cunt/bitch is. lmao" You call him out for using "Vulgar" language then follow it up but calling him a "Bitch/cunt" Only word that can come to my mind with that line is Hypocrite. He isnt relying on "Vulgar language". he used "Power hungry fuck", and "Cunt". hey look at that! you both used two "Vulgar" words! its almost as if. Here me out on this. You're a hypocrite! Thanks for your service danger. o7. You did better then most can and can appreciate the time put into the server As for the two being utter retards. Dont be passive aggressive and not suspect a response in the Gmod community. You'll end up with my rep. Next time, lets keep resignations civil and on topic and not @ people with passive aggressive roast, and or a underline insult. Ill take my roast extra crispy for standing up for a friend, a good x-commander, and someone who was provoked into a argument then blamed. Ill take what ever is thrown at me be it -1 or another temp ban. Most of the drama was supposed to leave with someone, so lets not start this shit again.
  7. If it got denied once its more then likely going to be denied again, you already have to ask commanders. if the commander dosent like the idea dont force them. Sorry to sound like a dick. but its even more work for us Dev members to go and ask every commander each app if they signed it or not.
  8. it has claimed 4 lives so far Zim, it is not safe. You are giving false statistics!
  9. We are playing mine craft and he made a "Mine" and get this guys. Therese no safety rails, we keep falling and dying and this is my formal public exposure and complaint and i demand safety railings or i will be suing. GET THEM MADE @Zim
  10. you gonna do me in like that?
  11. Dad listen here, I love you please dont be like my real dad leaving for smokes and not coming back even tho its been 17 years. Please working/meeting you o7
  12. let me stay mildly inactive please dad +1
  13. Thats physically impossible unless every class whats the same buff. as in all heavy's want extra heath and armor. If i look at this as a tester, id say yes this is a good idea and it really is. But as someone who knows a slight amount of what zim dose. I know much work this will be for him working it for each class. So personally. This is too much work for something that isn't broke.(except a few but they are fixing it) If she aint broke, dont fix it. -1
  14. ill go give this a test and give a +1/-1 to it then
  15. Toasters cant shoot tho im confused and cant figure out how to put an opinion to something that i cant understand. this has broken my IQ range.
  16. How dare you. -1 I dont allow this bad
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