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Everything posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. Good guy, Funny as hell. That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  2. are you even a TR? I also have never seen you on the server. That'll be a -1 from me dog
  3. Dont try and copy my zim. Ill beat you
  4. Why did this get so much hate, He legit said he was Neutral.
  5. you might have -1 my roast on Puck but you sir always have my +1 for being amazing. Cunt
  6. +1 I was in his regiment for a while and can say he is a great trooper and would make a great member in our team!
  7. -1 Im sorry was there supposed to be a lack of detail? (Note i do respect you theres just no detail in this. Add a little more for my +1
  8. Contact the owners. PM Joah,Jek Indox or Mods on the teamspeak
  9. +1 well put by stahl i really dont think i need to go into detain with such a good over view of xaze. all i can say is he deserves this position and is most qualified
  10. WASHINGTON MAKE THE TEXT WHITE REEEEE, but ima give him a good ol +1 because he is good man yes?
  11. I am agreeing with him. Voiceing my thoughts.
  12. Im disappointed Puck. For as much work as Xaze's puts in to your battalion you cant even give him a rec. Considering the fact all your time was spent playing VR Chat or from multiple reports "he orders us to the brig then beats us with a baton." Give credit where its due. We cant even pull Xaze off of the server for an hour off most of the time to play any other games.. If ANYONE gets the position id prefer the one who isnt power hungry and can actually run the battalion, you didn't even give credit to either of your commanders. you know the ones who ran your battalion when you were inactive? Like I said before, Give credit where it is due. The amount of favoritism with in your battalion i have seen is more depression then Zim himself. Coming from the Galactic Marines when i joined the battalion of CG in only one mission saw how much time xaze has thrown into the regiment. If you didn't trust your Commanders enough to lead then why promote them to their positions. Im disappointed. The recommendations should have gone to those who lead the battalion the full time. Noodles and Xaze. should be the first person on the recommended list. Sure I hate to see you go in all being a old member, but now you leave xaze and noodles and who ever is your new Fox to fix the broken thing you have formed to be a "Regiment".
  13. Neutral, His "about me" was rushed and dosent really give much information. But i may have to slap a -1 because we have had to retrain a few of his old CC's.
  14. +1 I have to be honest, most fitted for this position with the EMT you know what you're doing irl and even in rp. You have my fat +1
  15. +1 I Trained him for TR and he was amazing, Great guy and trooper. Good addition to the staff team for reasons of - patient, Fun, Serious and hes not afraid to ask questions.
  16. -1 I have seen you minge, you're an ok trooper but i dont see you fit for staff.
  17. +1 He is a good trooper, and would make a great staff member can I uhhh give him a +2?
  18. As one who helped plan this from the start i can see where we went wrong - Needed to pull less people - Slightly larger map for the number of people - Plan for the troopers to be dicks.
  19. -1, I dont normally do these and just do my meme filled "+1" in the server but when i see something this uh, If im being honest bad. I need to say something, Events jobs were asking for heath sets in admin chats which should have been set in the pre-set, or by the GM before or DURING, events jobs should be inside the event room. Grevous was mingy as hell, talking about how he shits and other mingy shit. This was short, sloppy and next time should be planned out and letting a General free? when we have him in cuffs and ready to be transported just stop.
  20. I made this for texas because he couldnt make it himself due to a week ban off the forums for failed login
  21. Name: TR GM 4thKUO COL Texas Length of LOA: Just for today Reason: Hes not home and wont be able to be in the staff meeting, Family/personal things. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Not a named Jedi and for only a day, so yes? Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  22. can I do a +2? because if so he has my not only +1 but my +2, He puts so much work into everything he dose its outstanding.
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