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Everything posted by Finn

  1. Alright, so I think I got it figured out. For some reason, and I don't know why, but my Gmod just didn't download one of the WiltOS addons (the Blade Symphony one, to be specific). I was subbed to it, and it said it got mounted, but no GMA was ever downloaded to any folder. Unsubbing and resubbing 2 or 3 times, forcing to file to download, seems to have fixed this issue. for reference, the error in the console was like 1 line WorkshopDL: There is no file to mount for '893244794'! WorkshopDL: Failed to read addon file for 'SH Whitelist Content' (1251198810) It looked like this for me (not the right addon, just the first one I grabbed off my console for an example). This has been fixed for me.
  2. I didn't catch any errors, but I can check again in a bit, see if I missed something.
  3. Bug Type (Server:): Animation Severity level (1-3):1 Evidence (if you can): just my experience Description of the bug: Lightsaber animations don't work. Both my player and other players appear to not have animations on my end. How can we recreate it: idk Before anyone asks, I've already tried Restarting Gmod, Verifiying cache, deleting all addons/cache/lua folders, unstalling anything thats not from the server, restarted my pc.
  4. Finn

    Claw`s ATK Reg APP

    1. What issues do you see within each attack battalion and how do you plan on fixing them? 2. Do you believe 501st leadership can function well upon your potential absense? 3. What do you plan on accomplishing within the ATK REG position? Gonna be real, I'm not a fan of these answers. 1. You have to be able to better articulate what issues you see. Teamwork can always be improved, but that's not the only thing wrong with all 3 battalions (and I haven't had any interaction with you since I got commander, and even well before then, so I'm not sure how you can see what issues 212th has). 2. I'm very concerned that you're the second 501st XO to go for ATK Reg in succession. They seem to be losing a lot of commanders quickly. Do you think this is an issue, and if so, how do you plan on rectifying that as ATK Reg? 3. This is the same answer everyone puts on their app, and it tells me nothing. If you want to be the ATK Reg, you should have a specific goal. I won't give a vote just yet, but I'd like some more insight into these.
  5. Finn


    I agree. for too long have bithkind been subjucated by the elites (see post above for proof). #BithLivesMatter
  6. Alright. memes aside, the idea is to give the community a voice in whats happening in the community. If every report was decided behind closed doors, with no public interaction, it would be very east for staff to abuse/play favorites, or for the community to think that staff is abusing/playing favorites. At the end of the day, the votes don't do much more than show High Staff what the consensus of the community is. Especially considering the only times it's ever an issue, is when the action being done is a grey area, or the person is a longstanding community member who people like. Other than those rare occurences, the voting is mostly unanimous. Whatever the reason is, there's no harm in it, and you making this thread (and defending your point so aggresively) is a little weird, if I'm being honest.
  7. Hang on, if I shouldn't vote on reports, how will I throw shade now?
  8. 212th pilots represent! Good luck my guy.
  9. -1 I said this on your Cody app, I told you when you applied for ATK Reg, and I'll say it again. You don't have the right temperament to be in a position in authority. The fact that you're telling people to discount recent events solidifies this. You got banned for doing the exact same thing Frank did, and you more more complicit in that you were the main instigator of the events (if you disagree, check the ban legnths for each person involved, see who has the longest). Even ignoring the ban, you have a terrible attitude when it comes to the server, and done nothing but cause trouble since you got removed from ATK reg (to the point where you were removed from 212th, AND had your legacy removed). You need to do some serious attitude adjusting before trying to apply for another command position.
  10. -1 seems kinda bad imo. CIS wouldn't logically use it, as they don't care about individual droids (plus who would get them for CIS, every B1?). Troopers/Jedi don't need to repair droids aside from R2, 3PO and sometimes Huyang. Bounty Hunters could use it for the IG droids, but this seems like a big ask for one faction to use occassionally.
  11. Tin brought up an interesting point. Having the same leader for an extended period of time will inevitably cause stagnation within the squad. Do you think you're doing enough to combat that stagnation, and keep the squad fun and engaging for both the members of the squad, and the troopers/Jedi interacting with them?
  12. ew girls but good luck with the job
  13. coulda been a 7day ban though I enjoyed you as Mas Ammedda, good luck with whatever you do next.
  14. 2/10 real basic, not a lot going on, spawned in way too many droids, and the B2 event jobs were just suiciding with rockets to kill us faster (which is not only cringe, but is breaking NLR). I would have rated 0, but since you crashed you couldn't really adapt the situation.
  15. 7.5/10 I enjoyed the event, and the ships flying around really added to the immersion.
  16. 9/10 would have been a 10 but one of the GHs crashed our LAAT #FoxtrotLAATGang
  17. nah 101st lame. but 102nd......
  18. I miss jetpacking on endor. The terrain was perfect for surprise reinforcements from across the map in .004 seconds.
  19. No worries, what's done is done.
  20. yo ngl this is a 0/10 in the future, make sure your event jobs understand how to RP properly before trying to be part of an encounter. They were seriously lacking at best, and attempted to powerplay at worst.
  21. Finn


    6/10 decent event, I had fun. kgl 1life events are cringe on the map you used though, cause the pathing was way too fucking good, and I kept getting ganked.
  22. Guys, you're all misunderstanding what he's saying. He doesn't like the current process of unbanning everyone after 6 months. The fact that, aside from a few special cases, every minge under the sun gets unbanned after 6 months, is what he wants to have changed. People who are repeat offenders, have no intention to play on the server legitly, etc. shouldn't get auto unbanned.
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