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Everything posted by Rolenth

  1. Rolenth


    So here's the thing, replacing the CPU in a laptop is 1. Hell and 2. Not worth it. Better off buying a newer laptop
  2. Hoe just join the channel whenever
  3. Hey man, I physically made 1 tag icon, all the others was Jeks idiotic attempt or tags the battalions/people wanted. Also freeloader? The exact post you put here didn't state a payment, so you're also one. -Cheers
  4. The only time when that's allowed is when either you void it or it's under review
  5. Here's a meme, you trying to sneak into the jedi order 384858 times
  6. ...why would you even put this up? It's been dealt with by the Chairmen, you're just restarting a put out fire.
  7. +1 from an ex bacara to a new bacara, I can see you doing great
  8. Welp ladies and gentlemen....it's time for me to go. I've been here since DAY 1 and it has been a fun ride but I'm out of here. I've seen friends come and go, people rise and fall, autism and non-autism, facism and democracy. I've seen this community at it's best and at it's absolute worse(Billiam). Achievements- 1st Director PVT-Masrshal Youngling-High Jedi General Crewman Apprentice-Rear Admiral TeamSpeak Dev Neyo I have other matters to deal with and other passions that I've discovered. I'm 25 running a business with 5 employees managing 30 houses(i'm a landlord), i'm streaming and i enjoy that so fucking much(shamless plug-in at the end of this). Farewell- @Tristan : My brother, we've been running through this hell fire since day 1 and you've always been the little demon on my shoulder. GET UNSCUFFED INTERNET. @Rush Cat SON, SON, SON! I AM COMING HOME SON. @Venom/TJ Good luck as Kal, still send me dick pics during Master Meetings. @Joah No matter what has happened from shitfuse to here, when i was Director to today, you're still one of my closest friends i've met in the gaming world. Keep on pushing on and make this place better than ever. @Zim We but heads all the damn times but we've always been able to meme it about. @Jackson: Watching you rise from PVT-TO FUCKING COMMUNITY CHAIRMAN. Dude, i'm so proud of you. Just remember that your school is 2354687096x more important than this. Get that degree my dude. @Carter I will keep this as unoffensive and civilized as I can....STOP BEING A DICTATOR, LET PEOPLE BE FREE AND HAVE FUN, IT'S A FUCKING GAME, GOD DAAAAAAAAAAAMN. On the contrary, you do good work and people can respect you for that, just learn to dial it back from 99->1. @Andrews53 Congrats on Director, keep up the good work and FIX YOUR FUCKING SLEEPING SCHEDULE. @Lighig Boi, you're the memiest yoda i have ever seen, quaaaaaaaaality. @Egg I'm coming to Valhalla, see you soon, tell the Odinsons i am coming. @Wolfro Welcome back and goodbye! @Hudson I'll redownload SWTOR and we can meme it together. @Hiki COME PLAY MORE SIEGE YOU WHORE, also get some form of sleep, damn woman. @Jenko CARRY ME MORE IN SIEGE. @Draver CARRY ME HARDER THAN JENKO. @Spooky IT'S NOT MY BIRTHDAY. @CruorFlumine I'm the better Jocasta, oh buy me a new computer. @woeny23 DO MORE FOR MASTER FOR FUCKS SAKE. @Quill Khan P O G G E R S. @Sinister You were my Yoda when I got Master and now the tables have turned to where i'm a Master before you getting it. @Trunks BOYFRIEND! BOYFRIEND! I'M COMING TO SEE YOU, TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND YOU'RE BEING KIDNAPPED BEFORE I ARRIVE. WE DOING SOME HOODLUM SHIT. Shamless Plugins- Stream: Help me get to affiliate before my birthday in January. www.twitch.tv/medic175 Discord: https://discord.gg/rj7THkw If you want to stay up to date with my stream join the discord, i advertise it there. Final Words: Careful of your leaders, because good tyrants mask what they do with "the greater good", but great tyrants make you believe it. -Crisis Goodbye my friends and children, i will hop in from time to time to say hi how are ya. -Medic, ARC-5150, Signing off. "Joah": Show some love, We lost a grandfather today. (That shit hit me hard) Here's a song to the work i've put in for legendary status!
  9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Daddy Medic Bug: letting channel admin move people Location of Bug: entire ts Date/Time Bug Started Occurring: 12/1/18 10AM What is this affecting: Ability for people to pull users without giving channel passwords out. Severity (1-3): 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sev1 - Visual/Non-impacting Sev2 - Impacting Production and/or Operations Sev3 - URGENT FIX NOW
  10. ....who cares about forum rep..... -1
  11. Aight Oaks I'm back with what I want http://imgur.com/3OVSHWm Hopefully this can be fairly easy on you. Can you put across the image "The Medical Frigate" please my good sir.
  14. Egg...my son. You've done something that not a single person in this community will EVER do, almost 2 years as Gree. Through the face of ignorant and resistance you stood the test of time and always pushed through. See you around my boy. #Egg4President
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