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Everything posted by Rolenth

  1. If anyone has any clips, please link them here
  2. So this is literally 3 minutes after half a California Devil pepper. @Shakes. @UneJamMut
  3. I can't drink anything properly.
  4. Holy shit, not just myself but everyone at RT Atlanta would like to thank everyone that hopped in stream to watch and to donate! Video explains some but i'll put in more details; Last year we raised only $321....only that, 5 minutes before we went live we saw someone donated $325. BEFORE WE STARTED WE PASSED LAST YEARS. We set the goal from there to $500, then $650, then $1000 etc etc., we kept going up and up and y'all are some beautiful humans. A few minutes before we cut the stream and said bye to everyone, someone donated $200, that brought up to -insert drum roll here- $2,000. HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT. Without a lot of y'alls support we could not have made it here, Y'ALL WERE A BIG BULK OF THE DONATIONS! We did some dumb stuff within the last 25 hours and I was apart of it. Obviously not everyone watched all 25 hours, so here's a list of stuff y'all made me do and stuff i did for other donations. Tasered(?): 6 times California Reaper: 4 WHOLE ONES(my throat is killing me) Alcohol: 7 shots of vodka, 3 of which were Jello shots. Sriracha: 3 shots Shaving: Nice try boys. Getting hit in the nuts with a ball: Twice, one missed but the other hit dead on with no cup. So y'all beat me pretty hard. Anywho, from us here in Atlanta to this beautiful community of friends, Thank you! Medic(Joe) TeamSpeak Developer #ForTheKids
  5. Closing due to stream being over, incoming thank you post.
  6. WE GOT 2 AND A HALF HOURS LEFT! I wanna die
  7. Bumping so the late night owls can read it, sue me.
  8. https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=321685
  9. i'm there all 25 hours and donate.
  10. Oh hello my children, so before I go on with what i'm saying, I have already had a sit down with Zim, Jackson, and Joah to approve of this advertisement. Due note: This is NOT FOR SELF GAIN, this is for charity. Anywho to what i'm making this post, So I've gotten the honor to host this years RT Atlanta Community live stream starting TOMORROW AT 9AM EST! This will last 25 hours(clocks roll back an hour Sunday at 1 am). During these fun filled 25 hours we'll be playing a multitude of games, having punishments(oh i'll get there) and much, much more! So I know some people are confused on what Extra Life is...welp here you go! So, what is Extra Life? Extra Life is a charity organization designed for gamers, by gamers to help sick kids. Extra Life was started in 2008, and in the 10 years since has raised more than $40 million for sick and injured kids. Gamers from around the world play games and raise money in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. RT Georgia is raising money in support of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta treats 32 million kids each year with cases ranging from broken bones and asthma to cancer. These hospitals operate entirely from donations. During my time at an EMT, I have taken care of dozens of kids and some I have personally driven to Children's Health Care of Atlanta. I know the work they do is phenomenal and I'll back them until the day the world ends. So how can you help? By donating to this stream, this is where you'll see us doing a bunch of dumb shit for the kids. We've mapped out stretch goals with punishments to back them, I've personally made my own but those are my little secrets if we hit them(I have planned up to $700). During this duration I will be popping into the TS every 5-6 hours and advertising this post to keep it rolling(if you have me added on any form of social media, i'm sorry in advance) So now punishments(lowkey wanna die from saying yes to these). These are just a few of the punishments we have planned. 1. TASERS, yea that's happening. 2. Mouse Traps. 3. Ghost Peppers There's a little tease, okay this is getting long and I know it's a bare to read. SEE Y'ALL TOMORROW, PEACE! P.S.: My name is Joe so if you hear someone say that, they're talking to me. P.S.S.: I've defaulted myself as the "punching bag", if someone backs out or isn't the age(we have alcohol), I'm doing the challenge.
  11. Shit, I'll edit it out of the titles
  12. Is...someone bringing back boxRP? @Beb IT'S HAPPENING
  13. Rolenth

    HOPE Squad Idea

    Also we aren't looking to add in any new batts/squad last I heard.
  14. No one gives a fuck about 187th.
  15. Send me a picture over discord. It shouldn't be that high. Nevermind, got dragon to get it for me.
  16. My opinion still stands, imo nothing was really changed. Put an actual why and not lore from the wiki and info from a year ago.
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