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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. +1 From past experiences I've encountered with you on the server I feel you are ready to test it as a BCMD. Definitely focus on the public relations with other battalions but again you can only do so much when people take things way too seriously.
  2. 4 | 4 | 5 Nobody was the best EJ
  3. 4 | 4 | 5 Shoot em up, and Naval killed our boarding team
  4. 5 / 4.5 / 5 (-.5 cause Zen killed me and poison head crabs)
  5. +1 dude did some amazing RP on the server recently
  6. I trust you will do well as you come back, I'm only concerned cause you were only gone for 3 weeks. I completely understand why you resigned, as quota can get overwhelming, but would this become a pattern. + 1 either way
  7. The only thing I'm concerned about with maverick is his amount of Hours on GMod. I see it as if he wanted to start up another server, its not like he's the first community member to try to make another server or be apart of another community. Did he damage the reputation of Synergy? With him coming back as staff damage the reputation of synergy? Idk but I only see the positive with him coming back to the server with his experience and what he can bring to the server and community. +1
  8. 5 | 5 | 5 Trauma was good boy to do this for us
  9. I don't know if you have to redo a full app and not a reapp if you were removed, since I didn't see a resignation, but I could be wrong. +1 Regardless
  10. +1 but cringe to have coloured text in the app
  11. +1 seems like a cool dude to have a Panda as a PFP
  12. Irons, from day 1 of my return to the server and battalion, you scream Leadership to me. You have proven to, not just myself, but other former BCMD's of the SO and 21st, that you have the material to lead the GM. You understand that trust you put into your troops and they give it back to you. So for that you have my +1 vote for Bacara. P.S Don't give Meach the Jagged eyes. k thx
  13. 5 \ 5 \ 4 Magnaguard was a challenge Totally. Or Jedi Hunter droid, what ever you call them.
  14. I can’t -1 you for like the Maple Leafs. So I’ll +1 based on your application.
  15. +1 However were you staff before? Cause I think you need to make a staff reapplication if you were previously staff on the server
  16. That's going to be a -1 from me Chief. You RDM'd multiple people including myself and you had NITRP. Also Also its only 5 days
  17. Unless I'm missing it on the forums, I don't see a resignation from being staff, just LOA's from back in June - July 2023. Was this a resignation in TS or removal?
  18. -1 like hysterical, need more hours on the server. Take this time to get to know more about the server and how it kinda works. Also happy birthday ;)
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