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Bart Versock

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Everything posted by Bart Versock

  1. I wouldn't recommend these. Probably buy these https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MMEF2AM/A/airpods
  2. Going to remain Neutral on this. Yes I believe you should get the new models for it, but I wouldn't try to force it. The model is literal garbage. I'd wait until we can get one made.
  3. +1 Worked very closely with my boy gadget when I used to play Clone Wars. He is a really great guy and puts his work in. Bomie
  4. this is some major blackmail anyways +1 Nick is a good guy, but like others have said, rules are rules.
  5. He just showed that he's allowed in there.
  6. Lol, you result to name calling and toxicity. My +1 stands for the same reason as it is valid. Wasn't that supposedly why this whole situation started anyways? lmfao
  7. +1 Clearly seen enough. He did what he was told and the mute happened afterward. If you warn someone to take it to PMs then mute him afterwards that makes zero sense. Clearly not the correct move in this situation. Also, I don't quite understand why it was such a big deal in the first place. If he is just chilling in there and Qal wasn't online it shouldn't matter. Seems more like Shock trying to get their action in for the day TBH.
  8. Hello McGregor, Sorry to see that this is happening to you. One 'problem' we have with the server is called load in lag. This happens to everyone unfortunately and is annoying but you get used to it lol. Pretty much how it works is when you load into the server, your game will keep getting the connection error at the top right. You have to wait for it to stop doing this and it will be okay afterwards this can take upwards of 5-10 minutes. As far as losing connection when you are trying to join and not even being able to load in, that is something I do not know. I hope this helps you. If you have any more questions make sure to direct it this way.
  9. Clearly a +1 more than enough experience
  10. -1 Once again. You got removed from staff on MRP for a very valid reason and the CWRP staff team doesn't need that. Your last app was less than a month ago, (24 Days) and was denied. For that reason itself I believe this application should be auto denied for breaching the 30 day mark. But that is up to the HAs ^
  11. Another one of these? This meme is so fucking stale.
  12. No way you just said that to Smokes
  13. Feds, you are a chill guy, but some of the stuff you say is just outright toxic like stated above. I know like everyone else says "I am trying to change" or "I am changing" but there is still the bit that is there, and I don't believe you are qualified for the staff team. -1
  14. Lol. I never met you so I don't know how you were. But you want to appeal from a perma ban and you put little to no effort into it really. Neutral, leaning to a -1.
  15. -1. Quite immature actually. Let the people that want to come on the server and be idiots get banned themselves. No need for comments like that.
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