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Bart Versock

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Everything posted by Bart Versock

  1. Bart Versock

    Dumb Rep

    Lmfao literally the same exact thing with me hahahahaha.
  2. You don't need to use the code. Just select the beta and let it download.
  3. So what exactly are the differences? Better voice quality, and better processing I am guessing? I didn't know if they would improve the graphical quality or not.
  4. I am getting this when I try to launch. https://gyazo.com/99693ebfec3fa6193155a7309a89725a?token=d910de4cb3ab617417f90f3b8ea99e51
  5. +1 I remember when we were just padawans lol. You have grown so much and your dedication is top notch. You will be a great yoda!
  6. Merry Christmas! It's awesome to see you giving back to the community like this! [SR] Bart Swanson [HA] https://steamcommunity.com/id/yuhbeter/ The Jack Box Party Pack 3. It would be awesome to play a bunch of these with the community.
  7. +1 Bring him back. Mike is a great guy and it looks sincere.
  8. +1 Was a great trooper back when we were in 501st together!
  9. -1 You should have asked to buy it in the first place. Now you must suffer the consequences of your actions. Chargebacks are bad looks for the server and cost money for the founders. Pretty simple to ask your parents to spend their money in the first place imo.
  10. +1 good guy, and is a dedicated member to the recon regiment!
  11. +1 I'm sorry chambers, but after seeing that post Bbstine just put, that's not how a director should be speaking. Thank you for this evidence.
  12. +1 Has done a great job, while I agree ARQ wasn't the greatest of ideas, he has done other things that have helped Rancor a lot.
  13. Welcome Rud! Can't wait to work with you buddy.
  14. +1 if he is willing to change he can come back, but he will be on very very thin ice.
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