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Bart Versock

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Everything posted by Bart Versock

  1. +1 Have met him in game and he is a respectable guy. Good luck!
  2. O7 Nade You are one hell of a guy. Hmu on discord whenever.
  3. Lol fat -1. You literally acknowledge the fact that you RDMed. He is a Director and it says he can bypass the punishment guidelines on it if he feels the need. You had the chance to give reasoning and might not have to worry about the ban but you wanted to sit and be arrogant. This report isnt going to go anywhere because sinister did his job. Now serve the last few hours of your ban and think about what you did wrong. Then you never have to deal with these situations again.
  4. o7 Bbstine, You were a very valued member of this community. All great things must come to an end. Although this past month has been quite unfortunate, I believe you will grow from this and move forward. Good luck in whatever you decided to do in life.
  5. -1 You were removed from staff on MRP for some dodgy things such as minging/ failrp and a few other things. I don't think the current staff team needs members like this representing them. I would give it a bit.
  6. It would be a matter of about 8 or so channels.
  7. +1 Needs to be added a.s.a.p
  8. Name : Bart Suggestion: Allowing Jedi/Sith to have channels for their own branches. (Ex. Sorcerer/ Sage Channel) Where would this be implemented?: Under the Jedi/Dark Order Headers How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?: Allowing the people to be in their own branches channels, so private matters relating to those branches can be discussed. Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?: Yes Briefly explain why this should be implemented?: This would allow for people to discuss things in their own branch. Some topics like trials and what not can't be heard by younglings/hopefuls so this would make sense.
  9. Wtf? He is being active on the server what more do you want from him? Hahaha. dO YoU HaVe TO HaVe A cLoNe To Be sTaFf? Edit: oR JeDi
  10. Your point being? +1 met you in game and you are a pretty cool guy. Good luck!
  11. Did you try uninstalling all of your addons? And only installing the server ones. I tried that and it worked for me. Another method I used was switching steam accounts and that pretty much reset my game and it stopped crashing.
  12. Wow, you are one hell of a badass 😮
  13. It's going to be a no from me. Maybe if you didn't instantly come back and minge on our server it would be a whole different story. But this clearly proves that you haven't changed one bit since you were banned. Sorry , not sorry. -1
  14. It's the minor details.
  15. Except the fact that people have left and told the high staff the reason why the left was because of the server not being serious enough.
  16. I didn't know anyone was using Trigger Discipline. My apologies. Although I wasn't too caught up in this case, I was just stating what I thought was right for a serious RP server.
  17. Exactly, it got discontinued so they don't do it anymore due to the death's.
  18. Doesn't that say right there, that they discontinued it?
  19. Yes they can make their own training but it doesn't need to involve death.. You have to remember this is a SeriousRP server and we use FearRP where they must value their own life. No where would they be risking the lives of the soldiers to that extent, just to try out for the branch. As far as I know this has already been handled though.
  20. -1 I can't tell if this is a meme application or not.
  21. Alright, I would wait for that. I am sure they would be happy to help
  22. I would attempt to create a support ticket with ubisoft.
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