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Everything posted by Matra

  1. Neutral. Here is why, Bacara is a very big role to take on. It is one of the many roles on the server that you need to ease yourself into. I'm not saying you wouldn't be a good Bacara, I'm just saying I would prefer a Bacara that has more experience. Hell, the jump from CMD Keller to Bacara is a big leap, responsibility-wise, even though they are typically one rank away from each other. I wouldn't mind you being Bacara if you had more experience is the summary of what I am saying. Regardless of this, Godspeed, and I wish you the very best. -Former Bacara/Keller, Matra
  2. +1 A very detailed event, I can tell it took a while to set up. This should set an example for future events. They should all have the level of commitment that this event had.
  3. Snadvich, I have known you for quite a while. Probably since Rishii. There have been many issues in the past. And I feel if you do get Bacara, those issues will only resurface. I do not feel that your maturity is right for the position. Keep in mind, if you do get it. I will mentor you to the best of my ability. I don't lack total faith in you. You know the battalion, but I feel you are too sloppy in your work. Im sorry to say this, but I feel the best option is a -1.
  4. +1, a very well thought out event, definitely a good idea as a first event.
  5. If you read my application I clearly stated my purpose is not to wipe 41st. But I understand where you are coming from otherwise, I do have recon experience though, ARC is also recon training
  6. Steam Name: [SR] Matra [SA] RP Name: TR 4thKU LTC Matra Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:48608699 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st EC Experience You may look at my history and notice I have not been in many battalions, but isn't that a good thing? It shows I was dedicated to my previous battalions, that I was patient enough to gain skills and wisdom from them. Each and every single one felt like a home to me, but most importantly. They all felt like a family to me. I hope I can make 41st feel like a family to me as well. Icefuse Experience 187th I remember my first battalion being the 187th, I worked my way up to the rank of 2ndLT under the command of Commander Faeoa. I was, of course, new and I was still learning the ways of Icefuse. My biggest inspiration in the 187th was by far Reaper, he helped me out when I needed him and he was one of my only friends on the server at the time. He trained me how to do tryouts when I was just a lower rank within the battalion. After a while of being in the battalion, I attended paratrooper tryouts, I passed and I loved being a paratrooper to bits, I loved it so much that I wanted to get pilot trained as well. I eventually became the paratrooper lead and hosted para trooping tryouts for people that were interested in joining. Even making my own document for it. Everything was perfect for a while until leadership changed, classes were removed, people were demoted. And I lost interest in the 187th at that point. I demoted myself down to a clone trooper. I drifted for a while until I saw Doom's unit tryouts. Doom's unit After leaving the 187th, I attended Doom's unit tryouts, which was ironically lead by Commander Doom himself. I passed the tryouts and was commanded under the leadership of Bmount. I was in Doom's unit quite longer than my time in 187th, not because I liked them any more or any less. But because everyone communicated more clearly to one another. By this time, I knew what I was doing in Icefuse. Which allowed me to take on more of a leadership role. I even made a new roster for the unit at the time. I wanted to do everything in my power to help my battalion. I spent so much time trying to help my battalion. That I let go of many things in my life, I realized it wasn't healthy. So, I took a year long break from Garry's mod entirely. Galactic Marines After my year-long break from Garry's Mod, I finally came back to Icefuse. I was excited to see everyone from my previous battalions. But no one was there, except Reaper. I once again drifted throughout the server as a clone trooper. I noticed tryouts for Galactic Marines, I remember going to hanger 2 and standing up against the wall waiting for the tryout to commence. When it did, I passed, I was beyond happy. I went to the Galactic Marine bunks and there I saw Commander Bacara. It just so happened that the Galactic Marines received a new Bacara just recently. That Bacara was Gene, and Oxen as his XO in his flame trooper uniform. They taught me discipline almost immediately, how to be serious, and how to be a marine. They also taught me the code of conduct. Character, Courage, Commitment, Honor, Leadership, and respect. SMB when I heard about what happened to Joah on icefuse. I didn't really understand at first until a Jedi came in and murdered everyone I was training in a tryout. Weeks went by and I remember the Galactic Marines talking about heading over to Synergy. At first, I wanted to stay to support my battalion, but then I realized the Galactic Marines on Synergy would need me more. Synergy Experience Galactic Marines It was a rough start at first switching to a completely unknown server. But it was also nice to see it prosper and grow. The first map was, of course, Rishii, I loved it there along with the movie theatre. I became the Jet trooper lead and held tryouts as well as made my own documentation for it. Then, I was transferred over to the paratrooping lead. I was extremely happy about this change as I was a paratrooper lead before. I updated my old documentation for it and begun recruiting for it as well. Then, Gene went for a higher positioning, a higher calling. He left Galactic Marines, but in turn, Oxen took over. By far the best Bacara I have ever seen. He taught me everything I know. He promoted me to Commander Keller due to an overall vote as to who should become Keller. I remained in that position for 173 days. Oxen was then soon about to be deployed, I felt it was necessary to allow new leadership as the Keller position, I still maintained XO however. I handed my position to Smokes. Then, Oxen resigned from Bacara and wanted me to go for the position, in which I did. I became Commander Bacara about a week later. But Oxen stayed in the battalion to continue mentoring me and conditioning me for the position. I have learned alot from that man. Staff Experience I first became a staff member on Rishii moon, but I was a TR long before then, I actually even trained Fizzik on icefuse while I was in Doom's unit. I just wanted to help people, so I would train and train my heart out. I eventually got promoted and my window to help people increased drastically. By the time I was a Senior Admin I was already Keller. I had responsibilities as a staff as well as a Commander. Then, however, when I received Bacara. I was already being mentored by Oxen which was a Director at the time. He not only taught me how to be a better player but a better staff member as well. I was promoted to overseer. I noticed the amount of work increased, which I loved. But it was also a strain considering I had to even out my time as Bacara as well as overseer. But I managed it, then they got rid of the overseer rank and had an emergency meeting. They were determining who to move down as a Vet admin and who to move up as a Head admin. I was moved up as a Head Admin. Now that we had no overseers. The work was very stressful, especially because I was also a BCMD. I inevitably resigned from everything including Bacara, and handed the reigns off to Jacien. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I feel I should become a Battalion Commander because I understand what it means to be one. You are no longer responsible for yourself, but for an entire group of people. I feel the conduct that I have been taught should be applied to EVERY BCMD, Character, Courage, Commitment, Honor, Leadership, and respect. My loyalty to my previous battalions is unquestionable. Out of my 2 and a half year experience. I have only been in 3 battalions. I was committed to every single one of them, and 41st will be no different. Not only do I have the loyalty for it, I also have plenty of experience for it. I understand I may not have been a 41st before, but that doesn't mean I don't know the lore. I'm not trying to powerplay anyone, rank doesn't matter to me. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I am confident that I know everything there is to know about the lore of the 41st. Such as Etain Tur-Mukan all the way to Improcco Company, The Sarlacc Brigade Battalion A and B. And even to Commander Gett. * I have more lore than this known, just used these as examples. * Availability: I am typically on during lunch and at night and early morning Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the very beginning of it and before that on Icefuse for around a year and a half. So around.... 2 and half years in total? Somewhere around there. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Such as my goal with Bacara, my goal is to have the battalion in a state where I know it will prosper without me needing to be there. When I feel it is in that state, and I have someone I know will do an amazing job, I will resign and hand off leadership. My goal isn't power. Its to restore order. Power means absolutely nothing to me. My overall goal is to stop minginess from happening, just because this is my goal, does NOT mean I am trying to get rid of fun. Minginess and fun are two separate things. Another big goal of mine is to get the 41st involved in almost every battalion in training and try to make it not so introverted but more outgoing and welcoming. Also, I am NOT planning a complete wipe. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: If I go inactive, I will resign myself
  7. +1, a very well thought out event, one of the best ive been in in a while.
  8. +1, a well thought out event.
  9. Matra

    Matra's Return

    RP Name: TR 4thKUARF LTC Matra Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48608699 Age: 18 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been in this community since the very beginning. I watched it grow from nothing to what it has become now, and I think that it's beautiful. I was involved in the growth of it at one point. And I wish to be apart of that growth again. I want to continue to be able to help players out on the server and to stop the bad eggs from ruining it. This server holds a very special place in my heart. And the last thing I want on it are people that want to ruin the fun for others. I have served the community once, and I feel if I am allowed to serve it once again. It would be an honor. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I feel that Garry's Mod fuels my creativity when it comes to roleplaying. So I actively started looking for role-playing servers when I first started out. I first came across IFN (of course I left), and I was here since the very beginning of Synergy. I am the kind of person that likes to help others. I have seen the rise and fall of many communities. But this one, I know will be around for a very very long time. Do you have any previous staff experience? : I was a Head Admin on this server.. and I was a Head Admin on a different server about a year ago. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? : Ive played 508 hours on this server. I was on this server since the beginning of it.
  10. Battalion: Galactic Marines RP Name: TRM 4th GM BCMD Bacara Date: 5/13/2018 Reason: I have been contemplating this for a long time. And let me tell you, it was not an easy decision. But I have so many things going on in my life at the moment, such as medical school, a girlfriend, as well as my job. It just overwhelmed me, I hate this word, but it burnt me out. I feel like I have failed Galactic Marines, so I will be recommending another Bacara that can do better than me. That's what Galactic Marines deserve, a leader. I also feel I shouldn't be in this position because of my activity as of late on Bacara, I have made a promise, that if I ever went inactive or anything close to that; I would resign. The Galactic Marines deserve an active leader. Its been so much fun, and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to run these fine men. And as always, " IM A MARINE". Goodbyes: @TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes Please come back, help Jacien run the battalion like how you helped me run the battalion. @conillim Keep up the good work as regimental. @Oxen Thank you for everything, thank you for being the best Bacara, and thank you for training me to be Bacara. @Jacien I am expecting you to take the mantle, I will be on to help you whenever you need it, just let me know. @Wynter You are a Warrant officer for a reason. Good job. @Jeice I honestly have no idea if you are in the battalion anymore or not. @Raids You are the cheekiest cunt in Galactic Marines. @Woods Try not to explode anything while I am gone.... @Gene_Starwind First Bacara I had experienced, you are one of the best as well. @Gallen I hope to see you rise through the ranks. If I didn't mention you, i'm sorry, but there are so many of you, and I cannot @ everyone. This is Matra, signing off
  11. Name: TRM 4th GM BCMD Bacara / Matra Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48608699 Date: 5/13/2018 Reason for leaving: I have been contemplating this for a while, it has been hard for me to make this decision, this place has been like a home to me, and I have seen it rise from nothing, to what it is now. And it makes me proud to be a member of it. But, life has been getting in the way slowly, I am in medical school right now studying to become an anesthesiologist, I have a girlfriend, and I have a job, all these things I feel are making me do an inadequate job in my position. I feel I shouldn't be in this position, I feel it just slows the progression of the server that we have all worked very hard for, when someone in my position is doing inadequate work. I am not permanently leaving the community, just until everything settles down in my life. I love you all like a family. Farwells: @Oxen I'm sorry I have failed you in the Bacara position, my next pick for Bacara should be a nice one. @Joah You have given me a home, and I thank you for that. @Jackson Thank you for dealing with all the questions I have ever asked you, you are an amazing staff member, and you deserve where you are. @Prince I have seen you grow into a new person ever since I trained you as a TR. Keep up the good work. @Gene_Starwind You have been my first Bacara, and I thank you for that. @Qal Keep up the work. @TR GM 4thHRHL CSM Smokes You have always been a close friend to me, you were an advisor, and a 2nd up, shoot for something greater, your too damn humble. @Rasputin I think this is you buzz, not sure, but you have always been a close friend to me ever since you were Neyo, god speed. @Medic I can't believe you skinned me that one time.... @Freck You spoke what was on your mind, I like that. @Square I hope you continue to do amazing things for the staff team, keep it up! @Zyner Keep doing plo koon things. @Lighig You were an amazing Ki-adi mundi, and I love your personality. @Fizzik I remember training you as a CC 2 years ago, on your first Star wars server. You have done me proud with what all you have accomplished. If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean you don't matter to me. There are just so many people I wanted to @, it would be impossible for me to @ everyone.
  12. Congratulations you have passed the interview process Welcome to the staff team
  13. Name: Matra Who helped (If applicable): Korm, Arcann, Thexan, Rogue, Twrgy, Bumblebee, Quill Event Name: The Ancients Summary of the story: Thousands of years ago, Jedi were escorting a sith holocron out of the reaches of the sith. The transportation ship was attacked by the sith, 3 jedi managed to escape with the holocron, via escape pod, the cold of space made them go into cryosleep, after thousands of years they were found by a republic vessel, They are released from the escape pods, along with the holocron, they are taken to the medbay where they are given medical treatment. While they are at the medbay, a jedi opens up the holocron and the spirits of the sith are released, they eventually close the holocron again and the jedi rejoin the jedi order. What was the result of the event?: The holocron was closed, trapping the spirits of the sith inside, the jedi then rejoin the jedi order Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: It was more of both really.
  14. Upon conducting your interview on the date 04/29/2018, You have been ACCEPTED into the Synergy Roleplay Staff Team! Good Job Trooper. Your next mission awaits you. - Galactic Marines BCMD Bacara | Matra
  15. Steam Name: [SR] Matra [HA] RP Name: TRM GM BCMD Bacara Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:48608699 Battalion or squad you are applying for: GM BCMD Bacara Experience: About a year or so on Icefuse before Synergy was even thought of. I was in 187th, for around a month until I joined Doom's unit. I reached 2ndlt in Doom's unit until I departed for GM. I was actually Bacara before the wipe happened, I feel I am capable of the positioning. I am one of the longest running members in GM apart from 2 others. I have been in GM for about a year and a half. So I definitely know how it runs. GM is practically all I know. I have been told all the lore possible in GM. Even the minor details. TRM - I have experience in commanding positions such as TRM Head Admin - I must be doing something right if I am a HA. I feel I am more of a leader than a follower. And I am not afraid to do what needs to be done. AKA removals, demotions things like that. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I am one of the longest-running members of Galactic Marines. I know how the battalion functions inside and out. I am not afraid of the amount of work. In fact, I would say I thrive under pressure. I also know all the lore GM has to offer, I have studied it, and even attended many lore sessions pertaining to Galactic Marines. I already have experience in many leadership positions such as Head Admin and TRM. I have also been Bacara before so I know the ropes of what I need to do. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I know everything there is to know. Availability: On weekdays, 7 PM - 2 AM On weekends, I am available at all times of the day. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since it came out, and even before that on Icefuse. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be in a position to where I can hand the reigns of my battalion off. And to know that whoever I hand the reigns off to, will keep the battalion alive and well. I want the battalion to be prospering by the time I depart from Bacara. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: If I go inactive, I will resign myself.
  16. You have PASSED the interview process. Welcome to the Staff Team!
  17. You have PASSED the interview process. Welcome to the Staff Team!
  18. +1, I agree, more eastern staff the better. Also, from what I have already seen, you are eager to get to work.
  19. You have PASSED the interview process. Welcome to the staff team! //Moved to Staff Applications - Accepted
  20. -1 No point at all, what you are describing is literally the whole point of the TR Branch.
  21. Matra

    Brem's Staff App

    +1 Active and wants to help the community. I have seen him helping with events.
  22. Steam Name: [SR] Matra [OVS] RP Name: TRM 4thGME XO Matra Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:48608699 Battalion or squad you are applying for: GM BCMD Bacara Experience: About a year or so on Icefuse before Synergy was even thought of. I was in 187th, for around a month until I joined Doom's unit. I reached 2ndlt in Doom's unit until I departed for GM. I am one of the longest running members in GM apart from 2 others. I have been in GM for about a year and a half. So I definitely know how it runs. GM is practically all I know. I have been told all the lore possible in GM. Even the minor details. TRM - I have experience in commanding positions such as TRM Overseer - I've made it to Overseer so I feel I have a pretty chill attitude and I am easy to talk to. I also love work, I would rather be piled on with work than just receiving a little bit of work. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I am one of the longest-running members of Galactic Marines. I know how the battalion functions inside and out. I am not afraid of the amount of work. In fact, I would say I thrive under pressure. I also know all the lore GM has to offer, I have studied it, and even attended many lore sessions pertaining to Galactic Marines. I already have experience in many leadership positions such as Overseer and TRM. I feel I am one of the only people that can actually handle the job of being Bacara. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I know everything there is to know. Availability: On weekdays, 7 PM - 2 AM On weekends, I am available virtually all times of the day. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since it came out, and even before that on Icefuse. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be in a position to where I can hand the reigns of my battalion off. And to know that whoever I hand the reigns off to, will keep the battalion alive and well. I want the battalion to be prospering by the time I depart from Bacara. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: If I go inactive, I will resign myself.
  23. Best Bacara we've had to date. I don't think I will be able to live up to your standard. But I will certainly try.
  24. Unfortunately, your application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback. You may reapply for staff in 30 days. (4/30/18) Please take this time to look over this feedback from the community and help change your application for the better! //Locked //Moved to Staff Applications - Denied
  25. Name: TRM 4thGME XO Matra Who helped (If applicable): Korm, JaBaku, Blaze Event Name: "Pirate raid" Summary of the story: The Venator is en route to a distress call, the distress call is actually bait that pirates laid out to catch unsuspecting ships, the Venator picks up the so-called "Injured occupates" of the ship. They turn out to actually be pirates and they begin to raid the ship. They won't destroy the ship because then it would be useless to them. They will try to take over the ship and hold naval captive if they have to. The republic should win the fight, and when they do. The pirates will either be dead. Or the remaining pirates will be sent to Coruscant to be judged by a court of law. What was the result of the event?: One of the pirates lived, and is being sent to Coruscant to be judged Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: It was a mixture really.
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