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Everything posted by Baron

  1. You have me on discord, don't be a shy, awkward gamer and not say "hi" every once in a while.
  2. -1, at the moment it adds plenty of passive RP on the server during the down time. There is also plenty of potential for the faction if done correctly but there does seem a clear lack of motivation which feels like a server wide issue, in my opinion, at the moment. I also don't think just removing it solves anything. It just creates an RP void that won't get filled and there is less overall RP. I am not aware but was there a revision proposed internally with BHs? Going to straight removal suggestion appears, from the outside perspective, as giving up.
  3. Overall: 3/4 - Overall the event was fun and enjoyable. The pacing could have been slightly better as it was constant action. Giving a minor breather would have aided in this aspect to allow everyone to collect themselves. Without this I could not really enjoy the plot as it was just constant shooting. In that aspect it felt much more like a combat sim. Story: 4/4 - This was a very Jedi centric plot, this is not a bad thing. From what I got from the briefing I understood why we were there and it was logical. There is nothing I can really take away from it. The only thing I would suggest, and probably I wasn't there for the story progression which I why I am not decreasing the rating, is the plot moved too quickly. Execution: 3/4 - There were too gaffs that occurred which cannot be ignored, the first being the HP of the initial contacts. It was ridiculous but rectified quickly. The second being the bridge incident at the start. I believe you said in TS you tested it and it did work. However, I still am going to take a point off as these two incidents cannot be ignored. Game Mechanics: 3/4 - The bridge idea was good, however, the time limit should have been extended to match the event more realistically. Five minutes was never going to be enough and once it passed the bridge was still there. This hurts immersion. Personally I would rather have had us fail and die in the bombing at the end because the bridge was out, or figure out another way (like resting the bridge etc..). Alternatively, giving us a more realistic time table could also resolve this issue.
  4. I think the primary issue I have with Naval is; I don’t quite understand you guys at the moment. Quite frankly I have the same issue I have with Naval when I left the community a year or so ago and that is; Naval is more of a server mechanic to “teach” players how to do medical and engineering (and whatever other training you do at the moment). Teaching someone how to roleplay ENG or MED isn’t the same as roleplaying yourself. And I don’t really see much outside of providing training. I think I would like to see a greater presence in roleplay in general. Now that is a two way street as both Clones and Naval have a tendency to barge themselves into a situation and attempt to hijack, which overall isn’t healthy for roleplay and respect amongst the community (Come on we have all done it at least once). Both sides shouldn’t shut down another person roleplay but at the It is an easy balance frankly. TL;DR - Less game mechanicy and more rp. I would also like to take the time to thank Foxey for bringing this forward and creating a discussion rather than being recluse and doing things on their own. I think more discussions and transparency in the community is a good thing, either on the forums, TS, Discord etc... I’ve been in discussions with people who make assumptions from the outside perspective of a Battalion/Jedi/Naval who don’t actually contact those in question and try hash things out and because this happens it creates drama and resentment between individuals. So thanks Foxey for doing something different.
  5. Personally I think all CG should have the stun stick as it gives them a tool to control a situation if needed, such as unruly bounty hunters who refuse to leave base, but I can see an issue of possible abuse. That being said if this is approved I see it has trial run used with riot troopers as testers and if it goes well add it to the other units, that is if it is ever suggested. So this is a +1 from me.
  6. In general I support a map rotation, regardless map selected, as it keeps things fresh for both the player base and game masters. +1
  7. Overall: 3/4 - It was good for the amount of people on the server at the time. Story: 2/4 - Story was thrown together rather than thought out. It appeared to be very improvised. However, I am looking forward to see part 2 and hope there are improvements. Execution: 3/4 - Having us get to the asteroid field by accident because of a CT with an IQ of 10 was mingy and could be been thought out more. I.E "We are being sent to patrol this area..." yadda yadda. However, the rest of the event went smoothly and made up for this aspect. Game Mechanics: 4/4 - Was very balanced for the amount of people on the server at the time and enjoyable to partake in.
  8. 4/4 - Good pacing and combat was balanced. Overall was enjoyable even if a little laggy.
  9. He upholds the grooming standard. +1
  10. +1, such a high level position on the server, regardless of faction, should be no different than any other faction on the server, regardless of how "unique" or "special" some members of the community may think it is.
  11. +1 I remember this lad when I first joined. He assisted me whenever I need helped with anything. I think he would do very well in this position as he most definitely has the work ethic to do great, productive things.
  12. -1 From removing from the store as it will not be fair to remove it from those who bought it, however, I do agree SO troopers should get a stealth weapon. My proposed solution, if it has not already been brought up, is to add a SO-Edition of the weapon which is weaker than those that are already on the store, or buff those that are currently on the store (with price increase IF NEEDED) and give SO the default stats for their version. This way both those who have purchased it won’t lose it or feel as if they wasted the credits and SO will still get a stealth weapon.
  13. Overall: 8 - I thought the forced medical rp before being redeployed was a great idea. Story: N/A - It was an FTX, doesn't need a story. Execution: 9 Game Mechanics: 7 - The rocket artillery was a nice touch but.
  14. 3/4 - Combat felt balanced and overall it was enjoyable. The plot could have been thought out a bit more with more slow burn at the start and the ending was really rough.
  15. He break leg good. plz no hurt +1.
  16. +1 One of the nicest and most approachable person on the server. If anyone has any issues never be afraid to ask this mans for help. I think he would be a model regimental.
  17. The addition of bounty hunters has been and creates a new variable in RP. I’ve noticed the people who have been working on it have put a lot of effort into the BH clans and whatnot, as well as developing varying characters. I would hate to see the work and future potential wasted because of the map change. However, with the rotation schedule going to be a thing we don’t really need to have them on the ship at all times. Anytime we return to a planetside base the BHs would be available then. And it does not make much sense to have them constantly onboard the ship nor contracting them out for defense considering we are essentially a mobile base with that would have 7,400 military personnel on board (please refer to crew numbers here https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer) Having BH contracted for defense on planet bases would apply more as civilian contractors are used to aide in defense on modern military bases in some locations. Alternatively, a better solution would be to have bounty hunter offices/representatives located in the main hangar bay at the far back hangers (the back right or left corner). Bounty hunters could be regulated only to the MHB or common areas unless with permission. While at their offices they can negotiate with a GAR representative their contracts for off-ship EVENTS among other things. If this route is taken numbers of bounty hunters should be very limited as having several running around onboard would be a bit much. Ideally on a clan representative and a body guard or two should be on board but not 10+ (That number is arbitrary and should be taken lightly). For “Server Lore” our ship could be the only/limited ships assigned for negotiating with freelancers and having such officers. I would hate to see the effort put into the BHs wasted due to a map change. The RP so far has been great in my experience when interacting with them. I think a solution should be found and a map change/rotation should not hinder RP. RP is the goal after all :) +1
  18. If you were truly being genuine and trying to RP I don't believe you would have gotten arrested 4 times prior. However, you could be new to RP and got interested in it despite the arrests and want to give it a proper go. A week isn't long but losing a potential new community member due to a loss of interest during that week of absence is also not good. So I will give this a +1 and hope you are willing to learn from your mistakes and partake in the RP. +1
  19. If you need to go on an LOA you must post one using this template or else it will not be recognized. If you are gone for over a week then you may be removed from your position (Unless said otherwise by a Director). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24580299 RP Name: Battalion Commander Blackout Battalion: Special Operations Who is in command until you return?: Bumblebee Length of Absence: 11/8/2018-11/12/2018 (We likely be returning sooner)
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