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Everything posted by Baron

  1. I am going to give this a 9/10. I really appreciate bringing RP and entertainment for us nightowls and those in non-american time zones. I'd like to see more events around this time to bring entertainment and new people from this these time zone to the server.
  2. 8/10 - Really enjoyed the hostile/tense rp between Leven and the guild. Only complaint is use of T-21s. Also I liked the "realism" of having to clean the base up after it getting bombed, a nice touch.
  3. 6/10 - Main issue were the Talz. They were acting very odd for people seeking safety, like running towards their death. The talz rp could be improved. Other than that it was fine.
  4. @Maverick_ Corrected what I meant. Essentially…more! Flatten this hell scape of a base.
  5. 7/10 - I came in late but still had fun. Would push to 8 but that would require you to bomb the base more, and more specifically those pesky troopers on it : ^ ).
  6. I am going to hold off on giving my support or my opposition to this app until I see the response to what Ratio has said. However, I am leaning towards oppose and will give some criticism; this app is clearly a rushed job with a giant blerb of not really well thought out ideas thrown in. It is very hard to read and find what you are really trying to say, other than the standard "I am good look at how good I am" and how "I will stop the bad thing." I look forward to your response to Ratio's comment.
  7. Baron

    21st Bacara BCMD

    I am unfortunately going have to -1 this app because I agree with Comics in this situation. If the app is revised and includes your plans for the battalion along with the other issues mentioned I would be willing to reconsider.
  8. 6/10 Would go up to 7 but the spawning on top of people was a bit much as well as the good with giving some of the commando droid npc "boss" health. Other than that I really enjoyed it.
  9. 6/10 Was fun, did some fun Rp. Thanks for doing something around this time.
  10. +1 After replying to Dennis' question, I will throw my support behind you. However, I would have liked to those goals in the app more clearly.
  11. 8/10 Had a lot of good laughs.
  12. 8/10 The use of the intercom system was great.
  13. Baron

    Death Tunnel

    6/10. I feel as if doing a quick DB at the start to remind everyone of their tasks would have been beneficial. Especially since more people joined than what were at the DB on main.
  14. +1, after talking to Gret I am willing to support him in his effort to become fox.
  15. +1 A very informative application in which you discuss your plans in depth and address key issues. One of the best I have read in a while.
  16. This is going to be a -1 from me chief. As someone who has no history with you (as far as I can remember) I am viewing this app essentially as a new person with a fresh view. Regardless of the points said previously above me, my issue is this app tells me nothing about you or your plans to help the battalion. You point some stuff out but do not explain the "how". Essentially this app boils down to "Here are good things that are good, and I don't like bad thing".
  17. Imma give this a 8/10. I enjoyed every second of it.
  18. Story: - (The storyline of the event) [3/4] | [Not much substance, however the inclusion of Naval in identifying the approaching hostiles is something that SHOULD be done more and I appreciate you doing this.] Execution: - (Flow/Timing) [4/4] | [Everything went well, no complaints.] Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) [4/4] | [The droids placement and having them "move" forward and flank us was very refreshing and I hope more GMs take note of this. It felt like a real battle rather than the classic "Imma just drop pods on your head hehe" stuff.]
  19. 3/4 - The spawning of the droids could have been better has they got stuck on the ships and was annoying. It was a standard shooty shooty but the cis comms added it to.
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