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Everything posted by Scarecrow

  1. I answered Joah's to my knowledge I will put some screenies up tomorrow as it is late for me rn but I can also upload all my old slg pics as it is exactly how it used to be
  2. This has been up for over a year now i believe 9th of jan 2019
  3. Name: Scarecrow RP Rank: Master/LTC Suggestion: Adding Venator SLG back into the Event Map rotation it will need both content and the map itself Implementation: Adding it as a event server map option Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1619909280 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1643265110
  4. Yes but that require going on a event job messing with health every time if he dies resetting health and giving a saber having admin approval/oversight Just adding the body group would make the whole process simpler It wouldn't require adding anything new to the server just adding the model to Kenobi as it already exists on the server
  5. Name: Firelord Scarecrow RP Rank: Jedi Master/ LTC Suggestion: Adding this skin as a option for Obi Wan the model is already used on the server it would mainly be used for infiltration missions or blend in with bounty hunters and use that for RP as well as assisting in the hunt for Maul Implementation: Adding it as a body grouper option to the Obi Wan Job Lore: Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Obi Wan Kenobi Slots: 1 Description: Born of Stewjon was taken in as a padawan by Qui Gon Jinn became the first Jedi to Bisect a Sith in a thousand years and he later trained Anakin Skywalker after Maul killed Qui Gon Jinn Model: models/dw_sgt/npc_deathwatch_maul_sgt_f.mdl
  6. I did say that the ones without Jobs weren't included and the red one died? I know Kix ended up in that weird cryo suspension thing but I didn't know when that happened on the timeline whether is was before or after 66
  7. Dead/MIA MIA is missing in action its a blanket term that I am using for anything from medical issues, jail time, being captured or being genuinely missing ect.
  8. Dead/MIA that includes jail time same for Barriss
  9. No that was someone else who looked the same, similar to what happened with Eeth Koth and the randie guy that looked like him and fought Palpie. Adi was gutted by Savage https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/564812845951352832/725448126999167016/q0rJ6F.gif
  10. I did say jobless but Boil is seen after Umbara I don't remember his death though
  11. Exactly Fi is in a coma but really Delta would be on their Kashyyk mission right now to leaving Sev we are in that time bracket
  12. So here's a list of characters dead in our time frame but on sever for those interested (Note I might miss a few if I don't know their lore mainly Alpha and Sobde) anyone who doens't have a job wasn't included 1. Dooku 2. Ventress 3. Savage 4. Trench 5. Ziro 6. Cad Bane 7. Adi Galia 8. Barriss Offee 9. Thorn 10. Fi 11. Sev 12. Havoc 13. Colt 14. Hardcase 15.Fives 16. Tup 17. Dogma 18.Kix 19. Waxer 20. Dash 29 Dash 24 21. Dash 44 22. Tracer
  13. +1 You are very capable pal but please remember put your [Censored] your foot down when you need to pal
  14. -1 literally ODST drop pods with republic logo's placed on them even then if we were to add the we would have no reason to use them
  15. +1 Best person I can see ruling over the empire
  16. Lets no kid ourselves its +2 and leave ya PC on for a day
  17. I remember when Admins used to force model NPC's into props because they couldn't spawn them is this similar
  18. We want to keep him 100% and dont really want this model i refer you to my -1 post. But no Echo is not more scuffed than Havoc Squad pal nothing is really more scuffed than that other than sith
  19. Dude lets not go there in terms of where people should be half of the lore characters should be six feet under by now we have a fandom sub unit mate i love ya but theres 101 more problems before where Echo is
  20. -1 Echo is already getting a updated 501st model along with Jesse and Fives with the 332nd update. But personally I am still not entirely happy with the way you've gone about this the 501st has made it clear that we don't really want the model but you have still constantly asked nearly every BCMD/XO in recent history to allow you to put this up and currently the 501st still don't want it but have gotten tired of you constantly asking In all honesty thats the reason why the HC said fine put it up.
  21. There's making your unit look distinctive then there's just plain ugly looking models -1 And for the sake of addressing comics I mean look at those texture and how glossy they just look wrong
  22. +1 When did rotations in the past it was when sith were around and they helped cause their own conflict with their existence on the ship which strained it. Then the next time it was to a map which not many people wanted to go to and didn't really end up liking so that didn't last. Only issue I see now is with bounty hunters and how the will function
  23. The 501st ones and Ahsoka are being done anyway
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