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Everything posted by Baelfire

  1. Baelfire

    I like Climbing

    I am a god with the climbing swep. lets gooooo +1
  2. +1 this is a good step getting back to being a CWRP server. since in the title of the server it clearly states "Clone Wars"
  3. He did in fact get denied 5 hours ago due to not contacting a HA in the time provided. He cannot reapply for another 30 days.
  4. Honestly I can attest that he is changing. I have been watching him for awhile now and he definitely isn't as bad as he was back when he got blacklisted from everything under the sun. He is going in the right direction. Do I personally think he could join a battalion and climb through the ranks, probably not as mean as that sounds. But he at least deserves the chance to prove he has changed which is hard to do because everyone just sees the name Migo and ignores him (You can say yall don't but I see people just brush him off when he is on)
  5. rip the clones. you know the alphas murdered them all.
  6. hmmm can't say I have interacted with you much. But I have never heard anything bad about you. So there is that. +1
  7. Every battalion has haters. You need to learn to get used to it and move on with your life lol. No battalion can make everyone happy.
  8. +1 like how the hell you still around after all this kind of stuff. This is the toxicity that ends up souring communities for people.
  9. I mean the RC has a special hud that displays pretty much everything you can think of so that is why they can see invisible enemies. Though I do kind of like this. so I am gonna +1 this
  10. Seems rather half assed to me. Neutral for now. Once you add some meat to that app I will vote accordingly.
  11. I mean we tried this once before lol.
  12. Title of Thread: CWRP - (Name) Staff Re-Application RP Name: Shock PFC Baelfire / G WS KA Sedrin Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43025541 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 26 Timezone: -7 MST / Arizona What was your previous staff rank?: Admin Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No Why did you leave the staff, team?: This last time that I left was due to me being burnt out on gmod all together on top of getting a new job and trying to get settled down into the job and among other things. Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I have always enjoyed helping people as well as assisting in events even though I barely got to due to my past time constraint. Now I feel I have gotten a good enough grasp on how I can manage my time I feel that I can put forward that little bit of assistance the staff team could always use. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Of course. I completely understand and would expect no less.
  13. +1 by far the most suited for the position experience wise that is applying. Doesn't matter if he wasn't in 187th here or not if it did matter THAT MUCH it would be a rule. Battalions change all the time when the BCMD mantle gets passed on. I can't think of anyone better to help continuing to shape the 187th Best of luck Technodad.
  14. I mean I have never seen anyone honor a CT's credentials besides sock lol. I know since I am trained in just about everything and everyone more or less just dismisses you since your a CT lol
  15. I played on sup for about 3k hours then i ended up not liking some of the choices the higher ups were making so I decided to go try out other servers. I tried out synergy once before and got murdered by the then climber even though I answered his question right >.> so I decided to move on. But I ended up coming back down the road and bumblebee ended up getting me to stay
  16. The curse strikes again. The curse will not be denied!
  17. I remember in the old days when you got insta demoted for doing the adrenaline bug on purpose. -1 while he did exploit a bug in the game it hurt nothing, didn't disrupt anything, did not effect the game play of others whatsoever.
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