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Everything posted by Gadget

  1. My one recommendation or change you should make when you get on is the method you use to deal with people who agitate you, getting angry and causing a scene doesnt help and make you seem minge or annoying. Act calm, get staff or the appropriate person to you and go through the correct process. You have been doing okay its just a few mess ups. Ask a staff member to give you a tour and tell you the dos and don'ts on the base so you dont get arrested and banned again. +1 but last try
  2. Could maybe be Naboo but Endor doesnt fit as there arent enough trees. We could say this is an outpost on a planet in the unknown region and we name it ourselves.
  3. I remember an entire battalions heading out and coming back 2 minutes later. Out of the 7 that went out 2 came back and one crashed as he walked in. No hostile were discovered....
  4. For all those people thinking a new jetpack will mean they will work. I'm sorry to say but you are stupid. The jets packs lag due to your input lag when the server is full and being pushed, mainly during events or if you look at a lot of people. The only way to fix that would be to upgrade the servers. I'll +1 but I dont think it'll fix anything
  5. Yeah, your not recon and your not shock bumping it up would make you like recon. You are apparently getting an ARF trooper and they should have a speed boost on them. Dont know if yours will. But yeah, upgrade your sprint skill -1
  6. Gadget


    I would suggest you give something up rather than add more to your battalions job lists I am unsure of the jobs you have but I am an adamant support of the removal of stupid officer jobs so get ride of that one if it was me. -1 on adding another job outright +1 for the replacement approach But I also ask the question on where are the parachutes. Otherwise feel like I'm going to see a suggestion for all of 187th to get jet packs. Which will be a sad day. Also you should wait and see what the summer brings. More member to the batt may fill holes you currently have in jobs. And paratroopers arent jet troopers, there is subtle difference. One flies and one falls.
  7. I would think the best option would be like a body grouper for Base ops ENG so they can fight in battle. We could also bring back RM for the MED branch. So -1 for your initial idea but this substitute could be a better alternative for this. Because base ops wearing cloth isn't very protective, also why everyone doesn't want them outside.
  8. The entire time you were in GM I had to deal with complaints, arguments, insults and bitching about stupid stuff. I know that was a while ago but it is still fresh in my mind and I am keenly aware that people dont change very quickly, I may be wrong. I'm going to have the -1 due to past attitude issues when dealing with conflicts and criticism. And the fact that not only I but the 327th also had to deal with this speaks volumes to me.
  9. At this point, the server gives zero fucks about lore. They have helmets which can detect vibrations super well. They heard the wing beats of geonosians approaching there position in the star wars series, they can probably hear a droid walking about invisible and roughly know where it is.
  10. Posts like there generally stir up more shit then they settle, but that's none of my business. [sips tea] Anyway, the 187th has a mildly bad rep due to there entrance into the server again, which is no fault of your own and I am not going to breath more life into that dead horse/Logic. A few members in the 187th, not naming them as most have been dealt with. Have caused issues with others or conducted themselves is an manor befitting of a minge and not a serious or normal battalion. Most 187th i have interacted with are often pleasant and are all-round good troopers. But as the saying goes. One bad apple ruins the bunch. With the lack of deployment, this can be attributed to the fact that you don't have number sometimes and you don't have any unique qualities as of yet for yout battalion. 104th and tanks, 91st and speeds, Rancor and Miniguns, etc. This should hopefully amend itself as we enter summer and we gain the influx of people, but until then you are just going to have to weather the storm and prove them wrong.
  11. They are built into ther helmets so unless they have it off they always have them on. It's obviously a more complex system then just "they can hear real good" but I dont know the correct manner to adequately describe it to you.
  12. -1 The reason SO can detect cloaks isn't due to a system or something like that, it's literally there headphones. They are super sensitive and detect vibrations and motion meaning they can hear the droid moving while invisible. I dont know about RC as most the times it's 'REDACTED'
  13. Not saying that you wont do a good job or that you dont have enough experience. But I feel that, at the moment a spec reg isn't needed as they are all doing okay. Having one for the run up to summer thou could be a good idea. My only gripe is to increase your activity especially at peak times but with summer around the corner and school coming to a close then that will hopefully increase. As my commander and as of late my XO you have helped me bring back GM/21st and deal with drama inside the battalion. You have great potential for this position, but as many stated BCMD experience would be desirable but not necessary. I'll give you a +1 but just try and amend your activity as we enter summer.
  14. +1 Have seen you on the server a lot lately, lead 91st and being a good role model. I also need my Best Friend Neyo Back... ...I'm lonely without him.
  15. RP Name: Battalion Commander Bacara Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:89827130 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 20 [21 in June.] Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin [SA] [I was also a GM and a RTR but i don't mind going back to a GH and TR while i get back into the swing of things.] Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): Nope Why did you leave the staff, team?: I was removed due to inability and inactivity as I was dealing with both BCMD, but more importantly Life issues. Including university, mental and physical health (I got really skinny and home sick/lonely) and job searching. Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I have now finished university [hazzah] and have significantly increased my willingness to be on this world. I am searching for a job still but that is a passive thing that i do in the day time. To my knowledge the staff team has gone down hill a little bit, well mainly numbers, and i wish to attempt to help with the revitalization of the staff team. Help the staff team to become more active especially more around my time zone as most of the staff team is American. I am aware of my faux pas and will work on improving them while I'm on the server. My activity has always been good and I attempted to be a friendly, approachable person. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.
  16. I'm gonna remain neutral for now. The SOBDE regimental in my mind acts more as a BCMD hovering over the squad leads, who are also BCMDs. The thing is SOBDE and regimental life are very different, regimental and most BCMD position with a lot of trooper are basically the same. SOBDE also work with each other a lot more then other battalions and spend most the time in the same channel in TS and deploy together. A normal reg just talks to the lead to make sure tryouts are good and shit. SOBDE teg cant really monitor tryouts as SOBDE are limited in the number of people they have. It qkudl be easier to just put the MCMD to be monitor them as SOBDE is fine as long as the leadership is good. Again neutral but raising more points for people to think about.
  17. Always a nice a chill guy. One of the best HA on the server and always seemed to have a cool level head about yourself. I may not have know you well over your time back but you've been a pillar of this community while you were here and you will be sorely missed. o7
  18. -1 Need you back as 21stGM Colonel Qal(l). Taking a less meme-y and more serious tone to this, +1. Has been doing a great job as MCMD as far as I can tell. Hosted regular BCMD meetings that didn't last 3 hours and keeps tabs on the battalions, there performance and there activity to ensure all battalions are maintained and supported. Attempts to promote activity in his troopers with patrols and promotes RP where he can.
  19. By filing an LOA you acknowledge that using the LOA to deliberately avoid performing your staff duties will result in removal from the staff team without notice. IMPORTANT: If you are going on an LOA for more than a month please contact a Director first before posting it. Otherwise you may be removed from staff. Title your LOA as: [NAME]'s LOA [START DATE-END DATE] Name: Gadget Staff Rank: Senior Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 10 days, 7th to the 17th Reason: I have a shit ton of university coursework to do [like 14000 words] which is due the 17th. The level of stress i am under is making it difficult to do admin work during this time. I will attempted to achieve my quote on days I can but this is unlikely due to the perpetual feeling of dread i feel most the time. So to summarize - School and mental health. Note - This is mainly for Staff but will also impede my activity as Bacara. I will be accessible in TS sometimes and Discord. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  20. I'm about to break your fragile immersion even more.... A Venator would only have 1 Battalion on it, not 10/11 Battalions and 4 SODBE squads. Also this has been reported and has been noted by Joah himself and should be fixed in the nest update [hopefully]
  21. Event job +1 A weird interview process just to be a fucking droid on a CLONE WARS: CLONE TROOPER ROLEPLAY SERVER is big dumb and really pointless. And no one would remain in character as a droid going beep boop all day. It would just be for events and jedi had them in there star fighters not as companions, thebone exception was R2-D2 but he was also Padme's astromech soooooooo -1
  22. I dont know if that would actually damage SOBDE as people would basically hate you for being OP, well more than usually XD Battalions bonus are so battalions arent literally, what's your favourite colour, mines blue so I'm 501st . Also a lot of non SOBDE battalions have requirements before you can access their better classes. Mainly GM and Rancor comes to mind. GM need GMACT, they may not be as hard as SOBDE, I've never been to any, but I know of many previous GM who, along with ARC successfully become RC. Saying SOBDE earn them is kind stupid as you dont join RC as an enlisted like your join a batt and earn trainings and experience and shit. SOBDE takes already capable soldiers and gives them good shit. The tryouts isn't a trainings it's an elaborate test of varing difficulty based on whether you are good at what ever elements are tested. SODBE is hard for the facts of its exclusivity, status and reputation, in lore anyway. GM is hard as they where the most versatile troopers that could do anything, never surrendered, no matter the odds. [New Bornalex, battalion if B2s, weapons disabled for the GM, used power enhancing prototype suits to first fight the droid, 99% casualty rate =victory (slight exaggeration)] GM was feared. Rancor and ARC is hard as it was a training that changed the perception of the soliders to be more independent and smarter as well as dealier. That's why most commander where ARC trained and many of them are some of the best fighters you see in the TV show and comics and other media.
  23. This is a difficult predicament for me, as I could end this boys already ended career about past experiences I had with him being in GM, why he was blacklisted, blah blah. But there are about 20 of those by now. I'm not going to be vindictive and say good riddance and the likelihood that I will speak to you again, being honest, is slim. But you did have your good moment, like how getting serviced by a women on a railroad track is a good moment before you are hit by the oncoming train and turned into a red mist. So I suppose this is good bye, good luck and stay away from girls on train tracks.
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