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Everything posted by Gadget

  1. I bought my laptop off of Ebay from Spain, it was £600 when new there were £1000, I'd recommend checking Ebay for one. Get one with a graphics card like him we well as decent ram and a decent processor.
  2. Name: Gadget Who helped (If applicable): Willy Event Name: The Dar'Manda Summary of the story: A group of Dar’Manda, honourless, disgraced Mandalorians arrive on planet in a crashed ship and proceed to occupy an outpost while they recuperate, unfortunately they were followed by DW, who see them as traitors and attempts to persuade the republic to let them kill them, the Dar’Manda plead with the Republic as they are decreed as traitors for not following the war loving heritage of the DW and the rest of Mandalore. What was the result of the event?: DW defeated, Dar'Manda escaped and only minor casualties. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  3. Gadget

    never forget

    Remember that, the amount of effort that would take as well
  4. God, reading this comments is like a political debate geez. Anyway Egg was Gree when I joined the server almost 2 years ago, I never interacted with him too much but have heard about him. Mainly mixes to be honest. He's mingy, he's a good Gree, he left the batts in shambles. etc. But being honest Logic fucked the batt real bad and then left with a lot of the high command of 41st upon his departure. As I said, I just got my info from basically gossip and also cos Logic used to bitch to me about it, even though I was busy with the 21st/GM. Saying he's inactive is stupid, most people are "inactive" as most people having fucking lives and can't be on every day. But when he was Gree he was always on the server or TS when I was on. He will, hopefully, bring back 41st and continue upon the current progress that has occurred. So imma +1, he's a good dude and cares a lot about 41st, HE WAS GREE FOR LIKE 9 CONSECUTIVE TERMS. like you have to be good to do that shit.
  5. Name: Gadget Who helped (If applicable): Hades, Leche Event Name: General Grievous was not prepared Summary of the story: Grievous attacked and was not prepared at all, he disabled comms and power on the base when he started the attack, going pretty well. What was the result of the event?: Grievous got put in a corner real hard and escaped [He wasn't meant to get stuck in the corner] Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up
  6. Name: Gadget Who helped (If applicable): Hades Event Name: State of Mind... and Ghosts Summary of the story: A sith ghost arose, as determined by his 100 year curse, 1000 years of rage, 1 day of peace. He's had enough and once he was defeated he wanted the curse broken. What was the result of the event?: Curse broken, Sith escaped. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Bit of both.
  7. The only super active Regimental atm +1 Keep up the solid work butt.
  8. -1 Getting on the server to not rp but white knight is stupid. If it's your real life girl friend, go see her in person you rem. If it's an E girl then why don't you realise that the relations ship ain't going to go anyway being serious, long distant online based relationships font really last. Also girls on an rp server are prime targets for idiots, of she is being harassed inform her to make a ticket for the admins to deal with it accordingly, suffering in silence is an easy way to depression. And also 7 offenses and you pissed off a good portion of the server with your antics and shitty attitude.
  9. A lot of the time when the server crashes it will crashes a few times in a row, as it's being reestablish and then people are joining it causing stress. But yeah, the server does seems more unstable
  10. A misclick was also checking this thread
  11. Name: Gadget Who helped (If applicable): Hades, Scream, Neptune [Shadow] Event Name: The Monarchs and The Senator. Summary of the story: Beginning plot The King and Queen from Sarkhai arrive to negotiate with the republic. They have had an issue with a coup and there youngest son, who is also the Senator of the has joined them and seems to be supporting the CIS even though he loves the Republic and his family. It seems suspicious. After initial contact Once the monarchs have engaged in dialog they will plead for the republic to assist them, it will later turn out that the son was informed of their location and forced to pursue them with some droid forces. The clones will be asked/begged to capture the senator for questioning. This will be an ambush situation. Once captured, can be killed then revived but the king and queen won't be happy, he will after a short while hint to the fact he has a wire on him, they connection can be etched wirelessly. Once severed they can speak opening for a short while, eventually the informant guard is informed to break the senator out and try and kill the king and queen. Different ending based upon the success of the guard. What was the result of the event?: Republic brokered a deal and a plan was formed, Event server event involving an assault on SarkHai royal palace in the future. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.
  12. +1 good guy with lots of potential
  13. Feck, almost forgot. @Agent I'm back.
  14. Pretty good event, some issues with some EJs but generally okay. I would give it a rating of maybe 6 or 7/10. Was some confusion with the plot as me [Jawa] was accused of murder when I was a good boi. But it made the event a bit more interesting.
  15. UWU what's this? Notice another 21st trooper applying for staff. Looks like I'm going to have to +1 Ya did good kid and are a responsible leader and a good officer.
  16. In a matter of fact, I'll probably be an Uncle before these are added/fixed.
  17. Well the first half of the event was about a 5/10, The lag was unbearable and the NPCs were to OP. Last half, like a 7/10, kinda fun but quite a bit of nothing. sometimes and the rp was a bit dry, and again the weapons be too strong So a 6/10 over all
  18. Name: Gadget Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 3 days Reason: My grand parents 40th Wedding anniversary is on the Sunday and my bro is coming down from Uni for the weekend so I'll be preoccupied. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yas Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yas
  19. @Rose I had to changed my plan as Matt wasn't meant to say he was captured and have clones looking for people, when Bad Batch found the cave I had to try and get the DW out otherwise it would have been a bit dull if they died there. But I will take your feedback and try and do a more passive rp heavy event in the future
  20. Name: Gadget Who helped (If applicable): Matt, Harte, Neptune [Shadow] Event Name: Die like the Duchess Summary of the story: Death Watch send in a captured civilian with the end goal of incapacitating Senator Amidala due to her peace loving ways. Once this the DW commence to recover the body and confirm which result in an confrontations with the Republic. What was the result of the event?: DW defeated but almost successful Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up
  21. From when I've been on I've noticed some of the higher ranked staff getting complacent and the lower ranks trying to pick up the slack for issues they don't have the experience for, resulting in like 10 admins for 1 sit. This is even true with tickets for staff as I am SA again and I spent about 4 hours 1 days cloaked and in admin mode doing tickets including ones I shouldn't be doing but no active NA+. Felt like a admin on duty on a Dark RP server...
  22. It lasted a bit too long and when the ship was destroyed it was still alive for like 30 minutes for no reason 6/10. Good when stuff was happening, just a lot of nothing. Also don't give non 21st Jet Boots and maybe get more GHs to help you***
  23. What can I say except your toxic \(•_•)/ You are a nice guy, a bit of a minge sometimes but if you dont let your hair down everyone once in a while you end up like me... +1
  24. I remember some of you events from earlier this year and late 2018. They were enjoyable and complex compared to many that had saturated the server around those times. A real role model for new and old Game Masters to aspire to. +1
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