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Everything posted by Gadget

  1. I believe I remember you back when I was Bacara or XO before christmas/beginning of this year (memories a bit patchy). You were in the 91st and you were a clear and concise leader. I feel you would do an admirable job as Spec Reg. +1
  2. A solid 5 out of 10, maybe 6. A lot of confusion and people on both sides being uncorporative. Started great with Marvel and all, went in the base and some people wanted to shoot more than they wanted to talk. Good attempts, good execution bad reception, bad reactions. Could of been great if more people were willing to passive rp and not kill them cos they bored now.
  3. I swear the rule was to always be cloaked if no clipping as it does break immersion for many people if a Tal or a trooper goes all ghost a flies through the wall @Nade Jones. Or did they change it.
  4. Is it just Flametrooper and Jet or is there an ordinary trooper in the pack?
  5. Are these coming to the server or do we have to go through the good old suggestions page first
  6. Yeah, but can you list the 5 previous bans
  7. Imma tell you right now, You gonna kill the server We had a talent show event thing a while ago and some GM and me decided to sing Country Roads and the server lagged so hard it almost crashed.
  8. 1 alfa lad versus 1 shiny boi Shiny bois rise up!
  9. Isn't creating a fake Commander App against the rules? Due to this joke getting old real fast and being more irritating then amusing "Oh look, X is applying for Y Position, Let's read this...oh...oh... What a cunt...."
  10. Basically being lonely in Londom while at University result in me trying out different game modes in Gmod. Kingdom RP Hogwarts RP And eventually Star Wars RP Joined Icefuse for the total time of 5 minutes, was in DU that was fun, kinda. Later left to find a more active server and found Synergy. I mainly started playing to talk to people and to have something to play to kill the time. Didn't think I'd get so invested in the server but I did and still am to an extent. I mainly hang around as I want the community to last and thrive and I want the organisations and people I've met and will continue to meet to have a good time and persist into the future with new skills, knowledge and experiences. The server has allowed me to hone my leadership and management skill which I am planning on putting into my job aspiration of being a Management Accountant.
  11. Average IQ of the server is dropping higher than expected, I'll have to find the sources.
  12. This will not really help, people crashing into each other is due to people not being specific in text comms, crashes as in Gmod crashing is the map and anger emerges because BO is intermediate activity and no CPT+ want to do it. -1
  13. Increasing internet speed is based upon background usages, signal reciever in the PC if Wifi or just an ethernet cable and the type of internet you have. Also traffic on the internet can affect it as well as timing. Deleting files on your computer may make your pc load faster and do things faster but not your internet.
  14. I don't think I'm getting Colonel Qal back anytime soon...... Sad days PLUS ONE Also its Roleplay not rollplay, we ain't out here playing with bread rolls, the only bread some of use are getting is from working
  15. Just like how that trooper just got annihilated by the lightsabre rifle.
  16. Dennis had some good points, including the fact that to apply for this position you need to have held the rank of Commander for a month. Also I think scarecrow was more asking if you spoke to the other batts before hand to get there opinions and make them aware of your application attempt, I've seen several Spec Reg apps shot down because they apply without asking the other batts about it. Now I see nothing wrong with you personally as the interactions I've had with you have been generally nice, BUT I do think you are lacking in the experience section being a BCMD or CMD+ for an extensive amount of time is pretty important and helps you understand what the spec reg position will be like. -1 for the above stated reasons as well as what other people have put.
  17. Wow, both of these are wrong XD Being funny is subjective some there is no generally funny fucker on the server
  18. I think what you asking for in the revival of the event ideas part of this forums. Which is where anyone can put up there event ideas. The main issue for stale events is because everyone is doing shoot em ups and nothing else. Even when they say it's both, it's a lie. The only passive rp or serious rp you get is if you chill with a senator. I would suggest maybe implementing a system where GMs get punished for doing just shoot em ups and if they do both explain how it's both and not just They had a chat at the beginning before fighting thus both. Most of the event or encounters, as they have gotten pretty long winded and almost events, I have participated on has only been about droids attacking the base. And if o wanted to shoot things for no reason I would be playing call of duty or destiny, not a star wars ROLEPLAYING server. +1 to the Game Master core getting a boot up the ass a bit -1 to giving Tom dick and harry game master for being creative, there is a forum thread for that
  19. Gadget


    The RC rocket launcher thing is already 10 times better than the normal rocket launcher, having a better one seems real stupid. Also someone spamming rockets will be annoying, not saying you will but the scorch after you might. If we use the only none legends lore on Delta, which is the game. I believe scorch was just good with bombs and liked them a lot. He didn't run around with a rocket launcher otherwise the game would be real easy. I may be wrong with the lore, don't get salty I'd I'm slightly wrong -1 RC is good enough save up for the grenade launcher like I am saving up for the Advance flamethrower
  20. I think people are getting confused with being mean and being from the UK. We really don't give a fuck about you or your feelings. But if people are complaining about rp not being dropped and explored more is a big dumb.
  21. -1 Too OP, next thing they'll ask for is for God Mode so they are truly OP. Maybe eve Lightsabre rifles. XD +1 it's a pretty insignificant thing as money is a slow grind to get. I wouldn't say SOBDE pay as you aren't quite SOBDE, at least not on the server. But boost it up to maybe 450 upwards
  22. This event was WAY too long and had choppy planning and execution, would highly recommend you get a Game Helper next time to assist. Also try not to tab out or go AFK as much. Also why did Ori, who was cured of the Virus, go bug bomb but the other one didn't. It feels like you were forcing it length onto us and straining yourself. Also calm down on the spawning of bugs and there health. They had like 2k health or more and there was like 20 or 30 at one point. Also make sure everyone knows your soing an event as you had some people doing BARC training when the player count was above 110. I would give it a 5 out of 10. But neglecting the errors it was good.
  23. So you are passing off fandom not really even legacy as it would of had a page already, as lore. 1 Lore is not a term you give something, lore is assigned via books and comics, this is fandom. 2 I dont really care about this and I dont mind its existence as long as I dont have to deal with issues with EOD and other shit like that. But I assume most have the same reservations. Shame I have to think of a new name for a second clone as Gambit was my go to fall back.
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