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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Ron

  1. I can understand your desire to play and continue playing on a new faction that you have a great deal of interest in, though this suggestion simply strays too far from the original implementation plan for their faction, nor are BH meant to be a "main" faction. With the upcoming rotational map schedules, BH will remain as "Event Jobs" while we are on the Ship, and will continue their faction-based roleplay as is once we return to the base. Don't quote me on this, but I believe Joah is going to opt for a 2-week split between Base & Ship, giving both map types equal playing time throughout the month. Additionally, community feedback does not support this suggestion.
  2. Just make a store support ticket so I can keep track of it in pending, I already assigned your tags.
  3. I’ll re-add an activity button and enable emoji menu on mobile devices later tonight
  4. Forums Added Pepe Emojis Added full Facepunch 2009 "post rating" icons to our current reputation/reaction system (lots of new options) Added Forum Mod program (invite only, must be active, set a good example, report shitposts, and you may get noticed/invited) Added "quick action" forum mod tools for easy completion of Store Support tickets, Q&A, Suggestions, Appeals, & Reports Added updated store images for all new and old Clone Wars SWEPs (additional full store re-design coming Soon) Added [New Server] Early Access, VIP, & Premium Investor Packages (only available until 3/1/2020, exclusive once removed) Added Early Access & Premium Forum groups (special user bar, name color, increased rating limits, avatar size, allowed to upload GIFs, & more) Updated reaction / reputation limits across all groups, starting at 10 for members, 20 for retired, 25 for staff, 30+ for VIP/Management/Founders Updated Founder group images to include Leadership Roles + Base Founder tag Updated Navbar to include Synergy Steam Group (https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SynergyRoleplayOfficial) Updated Synergy Store software (https://synergyroleplay.com/store/) Updated Synergy Forums software January monthly maintenance tasks TeamSpeak Operations Battalion server group Operational Battalion category (Naval / Shock) Mechanized Battalion / Icon Update Specialized Battalion / Icon Update Battalion Trainer / Icon Update Early Access & Premium server groups Server Staff, Management, & Founder server group icons Founder's Waiting Room (for any serious community concerns; follow CoC for all normal server/staff issues) Decreased needed subscribe power to view Founder's Channels (Server Staff should have an easier time contacting Jackson & Square) To my fellow PEPEGAs ( @Greek @Bbstine @Marvel ), unfortunately, the pepes turned out to scale poorly when used as reactions. With that in mind, I've uploaded all of the above to our current "Pepe Emoji Collection" and can be used globally throughout the forums within the Emoji selection menu. I've also updated and added additional reactions to the reputation system. I will continue to work on these and polish them over the next 1-2 months.
  5. Yeah, it's something I'll be working on, but for the time being we'll be doing regular restarts anyway for performance sake. Pending
  6. I thought this was a meme until I realized it wasn’t in off topic +1
  7. this is an emergency, someone get this man some caffeine, STAT #coffeeGang
  8. Yeah, it's a small bug with the forum's integrated copyright links, I'll have it resolved next update, thanks for reporting. //Locked for now
  9. Thanks - Joah has made an official stance on the subject so I'll be locking this and leaving it up for others to see. @Anders0n Please make sure to inform CG and @Nightmare please inform TG that simply using the "Middle Finger SWEP", which has been purchased via the Store, is not an Arrestable Offense, and will be considered invalid. Please make sure any baton classes are not enforcing "made up" rules that do not exist on the official server rules document, maintained by the Directors. Now, if someone flips off an officer and verbally tells him to "FUCK OFF", this would still be considered Disrespect and arrestable; nothing changes there. All donation / store SWEPs must follow any and all server rules; as there is no such server rule against it's use, anyone who has purchased the "Middle Finger / Point / Hand" SWEPs is allowed to use them within any current SWEP / RP rules. Also, I highly discourage you attempting to create battalion or jedi specific rules against the use of store SWEPs, it will only lead to negative results; they are supporting the community and server, do not punish them for it. @ traditional @ Forseen Please make sure Joah's statement regarding store SWEPs is being enforced; people should not be getting arrested for simply using it. // Locked
  10. People should not be getting AOS’d for a donation SWEP, it’s not a weapon and does not have any ability to damage/assault, especially if there are no server rules against it’s use. @ Forseen @ traditional @ Joah Can you look into the above please? I don’t think CG should be arresting for the use of a hand swep; but I digress and will let the above make an official statement.
  11. Our next server addition to the SynergyRP network, leaks above, please do not click if you don't want spoilers!!!!111!!
  12. If i’m being honest, this is definitely needed and I’d hope the upcoming Admiral takes an active role in CG management. Why? Because in my opinion, a large majority of “RuleRP” is being carried out and enforced by CG. I never understood why shock was given full server rule authority over a majority of OOC issues. If someone is breaking IC rules, it should be a shock issue; if someone is breaking OOC rules it should be a staff issue. Running up to someone and screaming “FAIL RP!” in itself is breaking character. Using the “scoreboard to check kill counts” when someone reports RDM, is infact metagaming. CG claims they do this, along with other OOC methods to enforce in-character rules. I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity. CG/Shock/any Security battalion should be widely respected, and act as example clones for our new players. Instead, most battalions have little respect for CG due to their consistent negative attitudes, unnecessarily forcing themselves into RP scenarios, yelling at people in OOC, and taking rule enforcement to the extreme; the weird part is they are mostly proud of this reputation. I would only hope, that the upcoming Admiral takes a personal role in fixing both the negative attitudes and perception within CG itself. Work with the server directors to clarify IC/OOC rules, instill extreme respect for their fellow clones/superiors, and form CG into the highly respected security force they are meant to be. Currently, I feel like CG has little to no oversight, and a lot of the issues stated above could have been resolved with an active REG/Senior/General overseeing direct CG operations. #C U L T U R E check —————— @ Forseen Random thought after reading this post, but what if we allowed Generals to be assigned to each REG Commander to help oversee specific battalion operations from a High Command level. I feel like a number of battalion management and cultural issues could be resolved with unbiased high command oversight, including active REGs, Marshal, and Generals becoming involved at both the battalion & H.C. level. This isn’t to say REG/General should come in and completely fuck an entire battalion, but sometimes the only way to fix a bigbully is put a bigger bully above them. —————— just my 2c and personal opinions above, i’m not involved in the server or RP enough to have any emotional attachment to these types of changes, but I honestly believe the RP experience would be improved 2-fold with active changes within CG/BO/Naval leadership. Both battalions serve unique roles and need to be working seamlessly, alongside our server staff to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  13. Yourself and Regional have turned the Question & Answers section into your own personal spam-the-staff section. Consistently harassing staff members, spamming their PMs, pokes, messages. Constantly complaining about store purchases, spamming dumb reactions out of spite, and continued toxicity after numerous warnings. You have continued to break the section rules by continuously posting questions that only relate to your own personal interests and benefit. This section is to be used for the general interest of the community, rule clarifications, and questions/answers that more than one person would have. We have yet to forum warn or take any disciplinary action thinking you both would attempt to fix your attitudes. Stop using this section as your own personal Spam-the-Staff, stop acting like an entitled child over your donation benefits, and stop spamming staff members with useless complaints regarding your own ego; additionally, if yourself and Regional continue to go out of your way to cause problems, stir up drama, and spam staff members, we will need to take further action. You might actually see beneficial answers and changes if you showed even the slightest interest in improving or community benefit, yet every complaint you've had centers around your personal lose of power, authority, or entitlement.
  14. Sorry, but if you didn't read the very first line of the workshop description: " NOTE: This chat requires ULX " ULX is most notably the worst, horrendously preforming Admin Mod and can barely support an 80 player server and a bans table over 1,000 lines. We do not use ULX, and have not used it for quite some time. Any suggestion that requires ULX will be automatically denied for this simple fact. We are currently running a lightly-modified D3A and I'll be re-writing both D3A and the chatbox in the near future. Denied
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