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Everything posted by COC4IN3

  1. I find it funny that's all AH
  2. I like cereal, especially if its coco pops or white powder
  3. is this a serious report or a meme? aha
  4. -1 1. Never heard or seen you. 2. CT pct ? Theres no "ct" its 101st and whats "pct" ? 3. When they ask for previous staff positions, please tell us what servers and what was your rank please. 4. I think this was made just to get into the staff team. 5. Not a good application. Good luck.
  5. Hahahaha this is funny, its serious roleplay for a reason, there shouldnt be a limit as there is no limit to serious roleplay as you are trying to be in that character 100%. Its about pretending to be in the actual clone wars, we all know its a game but sometimes some of us want to escape reality and to put this roleplay spectrum into reality. You guys joined a serious roleplay server so respect it and enjoy it. Just putting my opinion out there, nothing against anyone! <3
  6. +1 I think he could pull it off ! Good luck xaze
  7. I advise you to either try an elite battalion or jedi my boi
  8. yey you got forum private! and I have ran out of reps to give out
  9. hahahaha we need a miracle brother
  10. posts are easy to do but rep is harder aha
  11. ahah Boost each other so we aint stealing any oxygen! aha
  12. yes, we need to find another one
  13. that's us fucked then bro!
  14. yo wtf I'm an oxygen thief!!! CHEECKY BUGGER!
  15. +1 I actually support this post! I personally think that you shouldnt need to be a game master in staff to rank up, but thats my opinion. Good luck!
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