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Everything posted by COC4IN3

  1. Events have been getting alot better recently so to be honest I don't know why you are moaning, yes before the events were terrible back when kiara was in charge (not trying to be mean) but now that the head admins are in charge it's been alot different. Even us naval have been performing passive role play that even turned into an event that was picking up supplies. (Not a shoot em up) So think of it as this maybe people should start doing some great passive roleplay and that could possibly turn into a great event. Peace out.
  2. Wow the legendary Tomas has made his return, Welcome back brother! D A D D Y I S W A I T I N G! +1
  3. COC4IN3

    Day 3

    1 of the best admirals that's synergy has ever had!
  4. I see it my boy I'm loving it !
  5. Wow your boy never got a shout out Anyway we love you palpy max and I will remember you as palpy for the rest of my life! Let' see if my other boy core can do the same great work as you did ! LET'S DO THIS!
  6. Wow! What an amazing application, I believe you can do this! +1
  7. COC4IN3

    BCMD Reports

    That's the best comment that I have ever seen my G
  8. Hahaha now you know who I am aha
  9. Well I have definitely not heard of you aha
  10. It's me werewolf / post scralone aha
  11. Totally understandable, Id be annoyed. But I don't want drama with you as, you are a good guy.
  12. Please get off your high horse bro, I took this all as a joke my dude and to me it looks like your being a little bit salty when someone is having a laugh and a joke with you. If you have taken this more seriously then I will stop as I do highly respect you, but what I don't respect is when someone who has this so called ''REP'' thinks he is better then everyone else. Again I will say, this was all for jokes nothing serious, but I can tell you are taking it slightly seriously. I'm not going to reply any further as I think it will get out of hand and I have responsibilities to take care of, Thank you for reading this comment and hopefully it doesn't spark such drama as I do not want to be apart of it. Thanks med.
  13. I'm just pointing out a fact, and you have done nothing.
  14. -1 Naval already give out ATC training hosted by the Flight Ops.
  15. I'm older than you my child.
  16. +1 Would be amazing to see you in the staff team!
  17. Yeh, I disagree with that aswell.
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