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Everything posted by COC4IN3

  1. That was the most sensible reply. Thankyou
  2. I havent seen joahs post only yours, now i have my opinion and i highly disagree with you. Calling me toxic due to the fact that i disagree with you is dispicable and what a stupid thing to say. There is a +1 and a -1 for a reason and YOU ARE NOT ABOVE IT. If you dont give someone a rep then thats you doing your own thing. Now let me do my own thing and +1 or -1 anyone that i want, it is a free world and can simply give a rep i'd like to. It seems like you like to keep your "rep" high i guess and im not going to be carrying on this as if it leads to an argument then i will not be taken part of it. Do not call people toxic because they disagree with you. Have a nice day.
  3. COC4IN3

    Alfa Ban

    Most likely to be a mistake nothing to make a big fuss about, im pretty sure they will sort this problem out. +1
  4. Now i think your kinda toxic for assuming that im toxic. I -1 you because i disagree with you, not everyone will agree with you.
  5. @Forseen Where do I start with you! You encouraged me to join back the staff team but sadly ive resigned again... To be honest you was literally the best director there was, and I'm glad to of served in the staff team when you was around. Make sure you keep your goals high in life and you will achieve greatness You will know about that when you eventually progress... I am saddened to the fact you are resigning but happy for you and your future, and I know oxen is going to be one great director so I know we haven't been left on a bad deal. Forseen, you're a great man and GET INTO CRYPTO-CURRENCIES You will me missed by many but I know you will still pop on from time to time and I know I will see you again, someday.... From Your Boi Scralone!
  6. why did I not get a shoutout bitch? wish you the best!
  7. +1 I really enjoyed it, only a short event but it didn't need to be too long. Thanks for the event!
  8. I will not be back if its going to be the same on how it is its poorly run
  9. they had 2 days to message me about it and it was very clear but that's not the only reason why
  10. If you wanna talk about it with more depth then just bring me to your channel or anything bud
  11. its not that brother, I don't want to be promoted but I get like literally no appreciation at all and people come on their naval at the end of the event and they get promoted, it doesn't make sense me and keem been working our arses off and get no thanks but the others do its ridiculous. and I was sorting out my branch and I'm having another manager from a different division telling me what I can and cannot do... but because he is a LTJG he has his ''power'' to over throw me and you know me well I don't take that bullshit so i'd rather just leave the toxic naval and just leave staff. I genuinely thought that freck would sort out the naval and be very strict but it seems to me that hes let loose slightly, I believe he can do better and believe me he can but he has people in positions that are inactive as fuck and some people getting promoted without a valid reason.
  12. Note: All resignations are final ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Post Scralone Steam ID: You guys have it somewhere.... Date: 27/01/18 Reason for leaving: Don't have time anymore and it don't see a point being on. Farewells: @Forseen I am leaving and that's final, but keep going as you are amazing on what you do! @Max I promise you son that this is final... I will not be returning and make sure you keep walking your cat bro @Zim Best dev out there! @HeatherI just love how you get promoted on your characters when you do absolutely fuck all @freck - don't know why I cant tag you.... Love you as a person but hate you as an admiral! SORT THE NAVAL OUT, IM SICK OF SEEING NAVAL COMING ON AT THE END OF AN EVENT AND THEY GET PROMOTED FOR NOTHING... AND WHEN THERE ISNT AN EVENT HAPPENING THEY DONT COME ON THEIR NAVAL, LIKE WHERE IS THE DEDICATION? @ to everyone else, Peace I'm done I will come on from time to time but that's it and I will probably play on tonight just for a little bit!
  13. wow, didn't even see this coming! so many fallen Bredrins!!!!! Hopefully this doesn't mean we wont speak again... if so I will miss you bud! o7!!!
  14. -1 Unfortunately I do not believe you would be able to cope being a regimental commander, as much as you're a funny guy I just don't see fit. Good luck.
  15. -1 It's clearly in the rules to not be racist wether you are joking or not it' just pure filth and such vulgar to be talking in such a manner. Might be a "mistake" however people know not to make racist remarks, so personally I think you need to be banned and in my opinion if I was in charge, I would make sure you was perm banned.
  16. COC4IN3


    Weirdo... SPREAD THE LOVE!
  17. Take care my friend, us humans can go through alot of pain wether it' physical or mentally but everyone deals with things differently. I salute you to actually come forward and speak about your feelings, as I went through the same path. It gets worse to get better, take care my good friend. Be safe. <3
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