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Katy last won the day on January 22 2022

Katy had the most liked content!

About Katy

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Forum Rat

Forum Rat (3/6)



  1. bafkreid2ba7ejgvmcpu2ka6ukvopeg4ecz4xg5a

    1. Katy


      my bad thought thiwa s my twitter x3

  2. straight jorkin it

  3. Name: Katy Staff Rank: Senior Admin Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 11/17/2023 Reason for leaving: Life got unexpectedly too busy. I wish I could have done way more than what I had done. Sorry for any hassle Farewells:
  4. RP Name: 41st Jedi Master Katy Steam ID: 76561198079395814 VIP (Y/N): Yes. Age: 22 Timezone: CST What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: Lost interest in the server after playing for three years straight. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I'm interested back in the server again, so I'd like to help out where I can both server-side and with battalions and factions. I still have old and new ideas for events/encounters, and I'd like to explore them again for the server to enjoy. I also know I'd still enjoy helping people in general as a Staff member, so becoming that sort of person on the server again would be really nice. With my experience, It'd love to carry on what I've learned over the years where its needed. and learn new things both from the development to the server and the many new people I can meet and help out. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I felt that for the majority of it went very well. I was active and kept up with my event quota for as much as I could. I became a Senior Admin fairly quickly and GMO twice, I enjoyed helping people, both other staff members in events or NA or Admin training and Game helping, and for non-staff I did events and encounters immensely for as many people as possible in each different factions and battalions. But later on in the last few months as a staff, I would miss my quota regularly due to general burnout and loss of interest in doing events. I resigned not too long after and left the server. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.
  5. Katy

    Round 'em Up!

    5/5/4 It was really great seeing open ended RP that we could do along with really good action!
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