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Posts posted by IKE

  1. 5 minutes ago, Arroyo said:

    -1 You deleted models for Christ sake.

    For all the people giving others the dumb and disagree reactions stop doing that. Everyone has their own opinion 


    Much Madness is divinest Sense -
    To a discerning Eye -
    Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
    ’Tis the Majority
    In this, as all, prevail -
    Assent - and you are sane -
    Demur - you’re straightway dangerous -
    And handled with a Chain -“
    -Emily Dickinson
    Now lets see how many people give the same reactions to me 

    everyone has their own opinion to thnk others peoples opinions are wrong or they disagree with them

    • Agree 3
    • Winner 4
  2. I've gotten extremely bored of SWRP and just garry's mod in general. It's my birthday soon and I've been playing with my friends on the xbox a lot recently, plus I'm getting a new PC soon. Not gonna lie I'll probably be back within a month but just incase I still have the urge to strangle anyone called garry I'll list some people who have become close friends of mine.
    @Stix Stix you're literally my oldest friend, back from in 501st when you were some torrent company guy, idk, to where you are whatever your are now. You're my oldest friend and you've given me some great laughs.
    @Spike you are another old friend whom I share lots of memories with, honestly I was really sad when you went, we would chill in a TS channel. 
    @Turbine LOL failed GCSE to make new SO Roster, which wasn't even used.  Known you for a while and you've been great in just about every role.
    @Rick my dude I can't thank you enough, you worked effortlessly to help me get knight, doing trainings all the time, sparring match after sparring match. Glad your back.
    @Omalic Global warming is real and polar bears will die 
    @Phil Bruh Idk how I didn't get Rex after my interview.
    @Freck honestly one of the funniest guys ever. I always looked up to you. You were the 14 year old that proved he wasn't just a escaped autist from some camp.
    @conrad best Kix not gonna lie. Though I prefered the name Conillim.
    @Qal G I V E  M E  S U B  C H A N N E L 
    @Rogue I remember you way back in the day of when we were both CSM's in 501st. Your still doing work for 501st as Anakin.
    @Pythin you were that PLTL in 41st right?

    @Vango even though you barely used your mic you were a great person to talk to
    @Lucifer ^ same for you

    @Comics your fucking memes were legendary. I was your apprentice and you have talk me great in memes.
    @Maymays My favourite GM MAJ
    @Alfa reeeee come back and save BO
    @Fedoramin FEDORAMIN. There's 3 accounts with Fedoramin so I don't know which is you but you're my oldest friend. First ever person who didn't say "Go do something useful"
    I was sad to see that you don't play anymore but I'll always remember you.

    @Stern ebic african man
    @JBFox You were the best TRM I had.

    @212th thanks for basically adopting me for like 4 weeks while I took a breather

    Again I'll probably get bored of building on minecr...fortnite and come back in a month.
    This is your local autist who makes memes on serious posts signing off.

    Also @Valdor/Keltor I looked at CC logs and you did my CC training

    • Friendly 4
  3. 33 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

    Aaand you are?

    Think of any drill sergeant in a army movie, combine that with a lot of steroids and you have smokes. For real though Smokes is a fucking legend, guy who TR trained me, and all I can say is that even though I didn’t appreciate how long it took before I’m grateful for it now because I learnt so much just from him training me to be a TR.

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