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Posts posted by IKE

  1. What about, if you have a gun with ammo, then you use it, if you don’t have ammo in your gun your allowed to use your knife. Because that’s the only time someone would use a knife on a EJ in role play. I mean you could technically tell them to stop for fail RP currently cause I’m what instance would a clone knife a droid when they have a fully functional gun.

  2. 2 hours ago, Fizzik said:

    Gun control is pointless and only punishes law-abiding citizens. What do you propose? We infringe on gun laws to do what, have less gun-related crimes? That's genius. More laws to stop criminals from breaking laws, that should stop them. 


    That's completely sarcastic BTW if you didn't get it. Trump hasn't done much with it because he knows there's not much to be done. 

    It’s not really punishing them though, it’s creating more safety for them. Like Phil said New Zealand are doing it after this mass shooting yet Donald Trump ceases to do anything about it. Over here in Britain Donald Trump is considered a joke to everyone.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

    It worries me that people say rhino takes skill, yes the skill to look at the ground and press W

    This amused me. There’s way more to it than that.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Joah said:

    It's basically a debate of Immersion vs Performance.

    King David's lightsaber system was not designed to be run on populated clone wars servers. They were designed to run on 100 Player JvS servers.


    Also debate on skill, I think rhino takes more skill and is a way more satisfying thing to master, I would practice with my master for hours to get better at it 

    • Agree 2
  5. 1 hour ago, BigZach said:

    They didn't give it back the first time they were wiped. Joah stated it was too hard and practically impossible

    He could give a warning and change it so everything is sold for same amount, that way we can sell our shit. I would be pretty triggered if money was wiped. 

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