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Posts posted by IKE

  1. 12 minutes ago, Xx_EpicGamer_xX said:

    Name of the person nominated: site lord mathiago

     What they did: started the gonk droid wars of 23800 and introduced 3 new characters (forum rp)

    When they did it: in the last 2 weeks

    Any screenshots/videos to show this: the 3 threads he made 

    1. I want gnok. Droid please ad gonk droid 

    2.  I have changed the deal 

    3. Your 24 hours are up

    ———————————————————.       You can find all of these in general rp in cw there 100% lore friendly

    +1 because it’s like the only one in months 

  2. 7 minutes ago, KanZ said:

    /me talks shit about Synergy yet somehow crawls back to the server from time to time, f@#$ing things up from inside out





    Otherwise, I personally believe he deserves a 2nd chance, though I would like to abstain giving +1/-1 as there were two sides of story.

    Also, let us not forget that there were some in this community who +1 to this particular Ban Appeal:

    You know, one of 'em Joey's (or Lily the trap) pals.

    AKA, the ones that ruined that reputation for 187th greatly and leaked some tryouts.

    Just this. ^

  3. With the whole bullying Patrick situations I’m just going to leave my 2 cents. I think there was a big over reaction and Maymays got thrown in the mix and he was blamed for all of it. I disagree with Maymays bullying Patrick completely because as far as I could see, Maymays demoted Patrick and Patrick got the maddest you can get. And then Maymays got blamed for it. If I’m wrong correct me.

    • Agree 4
  4. 18 minutes ago, Anders0n said:

    This has to be a meme... please tell this is a meme

    But if its serious ---> Are we transitioning into Old Republic (SWTOR) RP now? Thought this was Clone Wars.... strange. Already the Sith and how they work "RuInS mY ImMeRiOn" as the Clone Wars takes place after Darth Bane and the introduction of the Rule of Two for the Sith, which i believe happened around 1000 BBY - 990 BBY . (Just FYI my lore and overall knowledge is rusty and shouldn't be taken seriously, I recommend you do your own research). But i see why its run that way, for the overall enjoyment of playing as a Sith on the server and adding variety to the server.

    TLDR: Adding a "Sith Trooper" would be just tightening the noose around my neck tbh -Crab Rave- 

    Big old -1 from me chief ❤️

    What this guy said. I’m alright with Sith because we need it as we are in dire needs. -1

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