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Everything posted by Wulf

  1. +1 i like this idea alot, this would be cool to see and like em
  2. 5/10, Pretty decent not too bad, wouldve liked some RP but eh, LFS can fuck itself tho lmao
  3. 7/10 pretty good, Cough 41st messed up Cough. but all in all decent. AT-TE Commander Fordo, Signing off. O7
  4. 8/10 Really good, wouldve like more RP but all and all really good
  5. 7/10 Really good, fucking PTSD Simulator lmao. But did good. Wouldve like some more rp such as like EOD and stuff. get a good balance between Combat and RP
  6. I would say, if your going to give this weapon a Buff. I would increase the DMG by 2, and give it a Scope/Reflex. RC should have really advanced Equipment, Why the DC-17m has only ironsights, i have no clue for. +1
  7. +1 Adds more to Heavy. Heavies are the Speir of the Frontline combative forces, they should have equipment or the incentive for others to join. ENG get a Repair tool, DP-23, Armor packs. Medics Have Bacta kits.
  8. +1 I would Love to have this map back, problem is, is the rotation. If im not mistaken a HA needs to switch the map and that could be problematic, not cuz activity but the willingness to do it. I miss this map, map i came into this RP on
  9. id probably upgrade ur ram to a 3200 due to AMD needing that extra oof overall its good, just make sure the stuffs compatible
  10. 4/4 Really good, good balance of everything, i wanna see an alpha arc event and a Whole 3 - 5 hour event
  11. Wulf

    Old Republic Base

    4/4 Pretty good, great Balance of ENGrp, MEDrp and incorporating new Features added from the update. Balance combat as well, more events should be like this
  12. Wulf


    imma +1 this but joah has talked about this along with giving Hunter something that allows to see through walls. so yea
  13. +1 (also it would be 4/9/19 would be a year on the server btw)
  14. +1 Nothing to bed said here, Known this guy for a bit. he'll do great
  15. no goodbye for me ;-; jk have a good luck with ur endeavors
  16. Imma be nice and give this a 2/4. Iv seen your events and typically they are really good, but this event wasnt one of them, alot of things could of been worked on and been explain. Such as Gamemodes and what not. Example of this would be the sniper portion, didnt exacly know what to do, or what the premise was. but it was fun for the first half
  17. +1 very respectable person, also very mature. he deserves this position
  18. +1 u take this battalion seriously, took time to actually listen to people, ur the BEST option for bacara
  19. Feeling the same way now a-day, focus on urself my friend cya around
  20. goodbye my old friend, u brought be into GM and kinda was my role model in GM. Sad to see u go but Life is upmost important, kinda why im on ROA from the server. Have a good one, hope to see u in the future
  21. Holy crap-Oronie jesus what an essay +1 my friend, well deserved
  22. Honestly to get better at PVP is well practice. I was crap at PVP until i started playing competitive games such as CSGO, Siege etc. But also analyze Every person u Fight, Every Action u take, and Every Mistake u make
  23. I would like to Void this app
  24. Wulf

    Remove Defibs

    honestly, didnt really care about Defibs, but i do see the issues they present, also with the annoyance of people Yelling for a medic to revive. Just dont die +1
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