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GM Leadership
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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. Right. As being both BH and Clone Command I have a decent understanding on both sides. First plan would be to attempt to address the metagaming on both sides where both sides assume the worst of each other. That will be solved by speaking with BCMDs and their Officers to treat the Roles that are Citizens such as Freelancers and Those on say Clan Member acting as Mercs. For actually Roleplay is that if you have those that say want to Trade then we can establish trade deals. Such like that. Doing the Political RP with BH Cabinet Members. For Disconnect, That's down to how they treat each other, Hopefully that is fixed with the first part of my statement here. Hopefully that answers your question.
  2. Steam Name: Crimson -iwnw- RP Name: Omega Lead 09 Niner/ Senior General Quinlan Vos RP Rank: Squad Lead Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61827702 Experience: CG: I have served many roles in CG including reaching Commander Three times. I have been a trusted leader in the Battalion for a while now and have earned honorary without running for Fox or being the XO. I am always helping them with leadership and advising as much as I can. Jedi: After starting to main jedi I have reached Jedi Master. I have also served as Seer Lead for the consular branch and have generally given a good impact for the Jedi Order as a Master. I have also led the changes to Jedi Strike Teams to hopefully bring them to light. Overall I would say I have more than proven myself in the Jedi Order. Slight Update to the Jedi Portion, I have now reached Senior General and am the 5th Highest Rank in the Order. If that does not tell you how much they trust me, then I should not be running. Specialized Regimental Commander: I have now served two Terms as Regiment Commander. Now I know the biggest concern was not completing them. However during my time I have completed everything that needed to be done and I felt burnt out after the Mechanized changes. I was also told that others wanted the role so I stepped down earlier to allow someone with more passion to fill it. During my term I changed Recon to Mechanized with the rest of High Command. I have also been told by the BCMDs at the time I did a good job but that may be biased. Omega Jedi: Currently I am one of the longest Omega Jedi that I can recall. Most of the squad enjoys my company and I hope I am leaving a good impression. I have also helped create the lore trials for the so bde jedi. Overall I have been their jedi for well over three months now and the rest of the squad does not want to run. I have asked the rest of the Squad leads and they are ok with this. Niner: I would now be on Term Two of Niner and currently hold Omega as still the best Squad within SOBDE. I will admit I should have supported my squadmates in certain situations but I try to be more stern on situations on those. I can not say that the state of Omega is 100% one me. Previous SLs before me have set a good standard and I have just maintained it. The only thing I push for is the squad acting as who they are playing. So you can assume I will push for RP during my time. I do not want to get to much into my Niner Term since most of you have seen it. Why should you become Chancellor?: Well First reason is because I want to remove the Jedi… Im joking. Seriously I want to push for more RP within the Server without the heavy reliance of the Game Master Team and Staff. We as players have knowledge of the universe we play in. That means we have creative freedom when it comes to how we RP. For example, Some of us play as lore characters. You now have a framework of a character to work with. Myself and Faie argue about the clone's existence. You have Null ARCs and Alpha ARCs who hate each other. You have many chances to entertain yourself. I just want to give you the chance to do it or help those who are not too keen to RP in a mass public. This is going to be up for the players so this is not something I am going to force upon everyone. This can be just as little as Box RP. Just something to do on downtime. There really shouldn’t be down time at all if possible. Second reason is that I have been here since near the beginning of Synergy. Now I'm not going to say I was here from the split but I have had my fair share of experience. I have spoken to players, Staff, and some of the Directors and we most of the time agree on things to improve and what drives the server. With that in mind, I do not want to make any massive changes unless it is necessary. I will not push for change to make change. That I can promise. Hopefully this was enough for you but if you really want me to explain please feel free to message me. Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?: Yes Availability: Mon & Weds = 10:00 am - 7:00 pm CST Tues, Thurs, & Fri - 10:00 am - 11:00 pm CST Sat & Sun - All-day You can Contact me on Discord at anytime. Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: CG Commander X3 CG Branch Overseer Jedi Master Etain Tur Mukan for over 3 months Bounty Hunter Cabinet Specialized Regimental Commander X2 Niner X2 Jedi Senior General Seeing 2 remove Naval Post What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is? The Role of the Chancellor is to be the Overseer of RP on the server. He also serves and the tie to the Player Base to the High Staff. He represents the players and what they want. That's not his only role however. He also serves the players as well. He can add to the players' experience. We as a community have the responsibility to provide to the experience of new players. If they join into a server doing nothing b-hopping around, they do not want to stay. Especially for a server with this reputation. We as the players should be creating an experience that at the least entertains people. Either Comms RP, Box RP, or just general maintenance of equipment. The Chancellor’s job is to create that or inspire for it to be created without him starting it. I know this is a short summary but it's that simple in concept.Not always the easiest thing to execute but that is the role. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, Not that anyone wants to hear me. Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?: Honestly, Where it is now. Right now we are suffering from minor leadership issues which will fix itself over time or with the help of our wonder regimental team. The other issue is activity which should be helped with the addition of something to do. More or less the only thing I want to see changed by the end is Officers and NCOs creating anything to do that's not just standing still doing tryouts. How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?: As I have said above, the only thing I am going to push for is creation of anything to do. That being me creating Box RP with Naval or CG or Ordering Battalions to run Drills. Just creating something to do that is accurate - ish to how a military base would stand that's not just us afk doing Tryout RP. So stage one would be to be working with CG and Naval to create or resume its random creation of RP. For example making Troopers clean their weapons with a Quarter Master or CG doing inspections of the Base for flaws. Again it's the simple things that I want to push for. The Server is in a relative good state in structure wise. I could be wrong but as far as I see as a player, these are the issues I want to dish out and clear up. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yas Do you understand that your position has a three month term? Yes P.S. @Woeny and @Forseen thanks for trusting that I would not meme too hard
  3. 6/10 It was just a shoot em up. Not Bad but nothing amazing.
  4. Crimson


    +1 Im going to leave it to the Interview if you both make it. I have heard bad things but again that's here say. I wish you luck.
  5. From knowing Oxen for a while now, I know he will do good for the 21st. However, to the Initial Critics of its too short I think that a retarded reason for disagreeing personally. Keeping it short and simple is fine and what most English Teachers tell you to do. Secondly, For not explaining the plan Again I think is fine. He is not Copying and Pasting "i WaNt tO iMpRoVe rElAtIoNs REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". Its the same as every Single App Ever. Hell I did it for both Apps for Niner for me. It feels like you do not want the 21st to improve when you have someone who is capable but god forgive he shorten it and compartmentalized is plans. I apologize for my toxic behavior but I hate two faced people that will Plus One Apps with the same amount of Detail but with Flavor..... Overall +1. Good Luck.
  6. @Woenyngl, saw it coming but Aight. GG man.
  7. 7/10, Only issue that affected me was that Commando Droid.
  8. +1 I have not seen an issue with so thus far and you seem capable. But the Rank is only a Trial.
  9. I'm going to be realistic here. We once said we would enjoy a rotation, We once said we want a new map, We once said a majority of these post ask for. However, When it comes time to switch or get on a new map most of the time the player pop drops or it never happens. I don't know how many posts like this we have passed but nothing happens or it make no difference. The Community seems to want things but never strive to see that it is successful. I will use Endor, Venator Extensive, the new Alderaan map. It realistically will not work out. But please prove me wrong. -1
  10. @Artemis - Phoenix Shit man.... Your Brother was one of the best people to be around and man he fucking made us laugh sometimes. Man made his way around to make sure everyone was having fun. Hope you guys are doing well.
  11. SPOILER ALERT, THIS MESSAGE CONTAINS MEMES AND SHITPOSTING. DO NOT BE OFFENDED AS THIS IS SAID IN A JOKING REGARD OR SATIRE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. So I am going to start off by playing devil's advocate here and just say from an outside prospective this looks like the boomer doomers of the 21st being upsetti spagetti about changes to how the 21st has been ran for a while now. I understand the inactivity honestly I do but it really looks like that from reading the report. Secondly, Yes it is the Commander's Right to change the Battalion how he wants it, it is his after all. However for the part of maintaining activity in the Battalion and to himself I do believe he should be setting the best example he can. Either being on and creating things for his men to do or just entertaining them with memes and a good time. We have removed plenty of BCMDs and SOBDE members for just hitting the min required hours because the standard of the Battalion and the Standard of the server sometimes changes. You want everyone to see you BCMD so they can kiss his ass to get promoted. I'm not saying that's the case 100% of the time but that's how some people act even if they do not admit it. Hell I did it in CG early on when I was not notable. My Third point is how you conducted yourselves during this report. I am always in agreement for constructive argument. I don't know if it is a strange concept to most people but sometimes we disagree. WILD CONCEPT I KNOW! But from your replies it's just overall unprofessional. Now you have answered questions and provide context which I am grateful for so that I can make this post if some context. I would also enjoy if Claw Contacted me as a BCMD to a BCMD so that I can hear the other side but that is up to him. Again hearing both sides would allow the rest of the community to understand the mindset at the time VS the results of that choice. Fourth, The choice to make himself a position that he did not earn. Now honestly that's fucking funny. I mean he does have the right if he had the training but that's a immoral choice in my opinion but that shit is fucking a joke. Final, I would like someone to find his exact hours. There are resources that can track that and I would like someone to provide because one, I cant be bothered and secondly it would provide hard evidence of his activity. It will show AFK hours but that will come down to you provide context to your evidence. Again, I will apologize if this upset anyone or may seem not in the right mood but honestly this is kind of a unprofessional shit show. Gadget if you also have context, Mate pm me in Discord. I will be ending this with a -1 till hard evidence of Inactivity that means providing a tracker of time on the server and showing him afk. I have spoken to Claw on somethings and my opinion will stay the same. Sidenote: Matra, Oatmeal, and Oxen good to see some Marines back.
  12. 7/10 Reasons stated by Bro
  13. -1 Honestly, You are jumping from running a Bat to Running the entire Military side of the server. Now don't get me wrong im sure you can muster up and do the job but however from the interactions I have had with your Battalion and the culture it spreads, I do not want a leader that allows that nor is one for the most part to attempt to cull it.
  14. +1 Spoke to me. Honestly you can do good but keep your retarded tendencies in check.
  15. CG gave me ODC and no filiter so thanks @Andrews
  16. ngl, Kinda wackers but whatever. I think the Phase 1 for Nulls are never used so it doesn't really matter to me but im sure most units would have Phase 2 or modified Phase 2. I guess the new thing is so be "unique" and "cool" but it is what it is. +1 Doesn't affect me.
  17. Honestly, One of my good friends on and off the Server. Gonna miss you man.
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