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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. Name: Eclipse Who helped (If applicable): Nade, Josh, Hazard Event Name: The Message Summary of the story: What was the result of the event?: A message is recieved from an unknown planet. It states that there is a civil war going on. On the planet there are two rival forces, the goverments militia, and the rebel insurgents. Both sides have been fighting this was for 12 years. Both sides are willing to commit war crimes. Battalions are tasked to deploy onto the planet to scout out. First, 91st and 41st will be deployed, they will be tasked with recieving information from the planet, and scouting out the place. Then, once they provide the recon, 212th, 501st, SOBDE, and 104th will be deployed. They will be tasked to attack one of two sides. The recon will have the option to pick. Attack the goverment, or the insurgents? The person who is attacked depends on what the 41st and 91st see. If the 91st see the rebels commiting war crimes, they will probably attack the rebels. The troopers will be tasked with attacking whoever was picked. If the rebel insurgents, they will be tasked with attacking the rebel base. If the goverment, they will attack the capital and take the goverment building. If the capital is taken, they will be tasked with escorting the higher ranks of the goverment outside, where the rebels will line them up and execute them. The rebel insurgents will be able to come and assist the republic on other events made by me. This was what was intended to happen. Instead, we deployed Recon and only recon and they were tasked with doing the same thing as in the summary. The rebels ended up attempting to murder the republic and eventually were attacked. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event Roleplay for the first half, Shootemup for the second. NOTE: Event server event on the map hfg_starwarsuniverse2_fix
  2. Name: Forest Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 7/11/18 - 7/18/18 Reason: Dad and Mom want me to go outside and do stuff more. This is an ROA because I will be on later in the day more often instead of during the day. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  3. +1 it was a very good take on my idea.
  4. Name: 41st EC SUP CSM Forest | Jedi Padawan Vizion SteamID: STEAM_0:0:92893442 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 523:49:02. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I Would say 6 because I have seen all of the movies and bonus material, seen most of the episodes from the show, and played multiple games, new and old. Despite this, some things I still don't really know and I could learn more. I watch youtube videos on it and other things like that aswell. How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Of course! Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: https://synergyroleplay.com/index.php?/topic/8388-hit-and-run/ https://synergyroleplay.com/index.php?/topic/8386-the-court-event/ Those events above are event ideas I hope to make. Here is one I am making right now: I call this one Separatist Sabotage. A civilian medical supply ship reports that its critically damaged because it has been attacked by the separatists. The republic take note that there are citizens aboard, and that its a medical frigate. They might already have wounded citizens aboard. The republic show up and find a space battle. The civilian medical supply ship is fleeing from the CIS fleet. The republic send out ships to take down the separatists. The CIS fleet isn't too large, so they take them down. The civilian medical ship come aboard and they are brought into medical care. The CIS fleet keep coming back to get these citizens. If the republic interrogate the civilians, they will find out that one of the citizens is an important Senator from the CIS who attempted to defect by stowing away on a medical frigate. The CIS will keep attacking untill the fleet is depleted. The citizens consist of the senator, two of his/her bodyguards, medical crew, and the captain of the ship. One of the two bodyguards will be oddly suspicious. The separatists contact the bodyguard and tell him he will be paid handsomely if he assassinates the senator. He obliges and when nobody is looking, he kills them. If he is caught, he will be interrogated, then disposed of properly. If he is not caught, he will lie and say that a droid did it. They will attempt to get off the ship after this. Whatever ending it is, they will leave the ship at the end and fly away.
  5. -1 We would lose a lot of lore characters on the server. I got a question tho would we lose sev? did he die? i thought he did but he's in a clone wars episode idk
  6. +1 If this meeting was called, I wasn't notified. I was probably asleep. I have pumped time and dedication into my naval, abandoning my clone almost completely to play on my naval, just to get removed. The reason I was removed? None. They wiped all of us but these guys. What makes these guys special? Who knows.
  7. -1 event sounds dumb just kidding +1 love u conrad
  8. To be completely honest, the age limit isn't all that bad. Sure, its bad for the mature 10-13 year olds, but its good for the high staff who have to waste their precious time dealing with issues like it. Despite this, I will still be +1ing this. I think that, if community feedback of an applicant is strong enough, we should grant them the exception that they are allowed to apply and interview. Having 12 year olds in staff is beneficial to the 12 year olds, as they are getting experience for their future and for when they need a job in real life. tl;dr basically allow certian staff ranks to allow 10-13 year olds to apply if community feedback is good/if they have been prior staff and had no prior issues and they formally resigned. +1
  9. Name: Forest Staff Rank: Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 6/20/18 - 7/10/18 Reason: Need a break. I've been overwhelmed lately and I need some time to cool down. I'll be on when I can. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
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