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Posts posted by Soccer

  1. On 3/31/2021 at 5:04 AM, Deku said:

    (little late to this but oh well) o7 my man, focus on yourself and best of luck in whatever you're doing now. If you ever need someone to talk to my DMs are always open, having people that care for you are important and I hope you can look towards some of the friends you've made here for help.

    fuckin simp

    thank you bro 

  2. 20 hours ago, KimonoCat said:

    I meant  make that money so you can get the $90 gun lol

    Hell yeah

    On 3/28/2021 at 9:55 PM, The_Real_Tucker said:

    S I M P I've known you for a while, Mr. Inactive Pilot lead. Ever since our 187th days. It was fun while it lasted. 

    I will be back

  3. 1 hour ago, Guac said:


    Oh and btw, not that's its any of my business, but don't let any partner of yours force you to stop doing something you like. Of course time management is important, but so is your own enjoyment. Have fun out there buddy :peeposalute:

    Thanks bro 

    • Friendly 1
  4. Name: Soccer

    Steam ID: on the roster/Record

    Staff Rank:SA 

    Are you VIP?:Yeah


    Reason for leaving: I have not been able to get on at all with my GF getting mad when ever i try to and i have also started a job which will take up alot of time. I dont want to keep making ROA/LOAs to find a chance to hop on and might as well just resign to give space for bigger and better staff/troopers. I will be back one day i promise if you want to talk to me you can dm me on discord or poke me on TS when i might be on. My depression has also gotten verry bad again and idk what to do so i am trying to fight to live at this point.

    Farewells: i want to say bye for now to
    @Bud thank you for being such a good friend to me and helping me with the staff team and growing as a person

    @Pogyou have taught me alot and were always there for me i will never forget you

    @Mavelle your a great Gamemaster and you will get high in the staff team i know it

    and to anyone who i might have missed you can DM me on discord and i will tell you one there 

    • Friendly 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Black said:
    • 0/10 - terrible organisation, terrible spawns, Helpers abusing their powers (flying in god mode and killing troops that didn't evacuate the base), u guys can't spawn droids, u spawned the amount to make the server lag, after u were told to by an Head Admin to chill with the spawning u went even HARDER 15 minutes ago. I will gladly say that i enjoyed more 10 same events in a row based on blowing skygate and spawning droids on venator back in 2017 than this one, i hope this will be handled by a GMO+ cause this thing was really TERRIBLE!!!

    you do know that we all have a shitty event once in a while right so this is a learning expirience 

  6. 1 hour ago, ask said:

    0 shitty event got droids spawned on my got a admin in god mode killing me, tried to get out of the base but couldnt then started getting shouted at by "the force" to get out of the base then i tried to got killed by a gun ship or a count dooku that chased me spawned back in got killed by droids so only way i could get out was by killing the droids cleared almost all of them me and a fellow trooper then admin came killed us we respawned and bam all droids had respawned aswell. Shitty event don't do them anymore thanks!

     he tried alright he didnt do it on purpose what so ever and yeah but other than that i am going to say the idea was good just shit happend so 7/10

  7. 1 hour ago, Naffen said:

    4/10, Didn't really understand the storyline, Bossk somehow survived 20+ turbolaser shots directly and /me escaped when he was inside the base, when other people got 1 hit by the turbo lasers. Not sure what the goal was but wasn't that fun.

    i eventuly got lost myself i had a quick idea wich turned into a super long event

    • Pay Respect 1
  8. Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable):warmac,leer,Lerona,Kirito

    Event Name:The Bossk Returns

    Summurry:Trandoshions are sent to annexes to negotiate with the republic which, of course, goes downhill which leads to an attack on base with the CIS backing them up. and alot of shit happend.



  9. Name:Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: The umbara trandos


    The Republic sent some troopers to Umbara to has gotten taken over by Trandoions which plan on keeping it till the last one stands.

    The troopers are sent to clear out the outpost there and take it back as well as saving hostages


  10. 8/10
    it was a well put together event it had a good story line and execution. It was a little lagy at times but that was bc of the GH spawning alittle to much at once over all very well done event i liked it and glad i helped 

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