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Posts posted by Soccer

  1. Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable):Xander, Dono,Kaptain

    Event Name: The moon Take


    The ATK regiment gets deployed to rishi moon After being briefed in BCC to help the troopers at the base since they got overrun by droids and got taken Captive. They are holding their Highest ranking personal hostage by a Bounty Hunter. After they clear the base and after the negotiations, they will have to hold the base back from reinforcements of CIS troops.. it went well other than a map change and shit happend but the republic got the hostage and defused Most of the bombs. 

  2. Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable):Cyan (spawned something for me)

    Event Name: The distraction
    The GAR is informed The CiS has taken over Tatooine and was sent to take it back from the CIS. The CIS fought back hard but to no
    avail. The CIS decided to go to Anaxas to try and take the republic data and tried to take out the fleet the Republic had to no success.



    Edited just now by Soccer

  3. Name:Soccer
    Current Staff Rank: Admin
    Are you Currently a GH?: Yes sir
    How long have you played on the server? [Hours]:
    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 5 or something around that
    Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes i do 

    Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?:I want to be a Gamemaster beacuse we lost a few GM's yesterday and i feel like i have what it takes to become a Gamemaster again. I have so many ideas in my little weird head it is so easy for me to come up with events. I already began to think of many.
    Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team
    ?: not really at the moment
    Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster:

    Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional)


    • Agree 1
  4. Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable):Deku,Elijah

    Event Name: Outpost Takeover

    Summery:  The CIS tookover Aurek and set up base there for not that long before Commadore Wolfe had a feeling that there was something happening at the outpost so he sent out a squad to check it out and clear out the outpost. they  found a Tactical Droid  wich they killed swiftly  and took its head to find out they took over Outpost Besh on Endor. The republic Sent troops to endor to clear out Besh , Distoryed the lander and went on their way

  5. 4 hours ago, xander said:

    This application looks like it took about 5min to make, i haven't seen you around on the server either just like Guac said so for me its gonna be a -1 until you get some more time into the server again.


    Same for me bro -1

    • Friendly 1
  6. On 11/27/2020 at 12:49 AM, xander said:

    -1 From what I have been seeing in the 212th, you attitude seemed good at first but lately you have been acting up with us now considering Disciplinary action because of your attitude and actions

    Hey if you see any issue with my attitude Let me know when and where i am doing it and i will try and fix/stop what i am doing wrong i dont want to have that look on me like i did back then i want to fix it and continue to fix it

  7. 1 hour ago, Deku said:

    Honestly, your application is really lacking on the information. Seems like you just put periods behind a small statement just to meet he 3 sentence requirement. How do we know that as a staff member you'll right your previous wrongs and continue to accept tickets and do good work? You said you got removed for attitude, what have you been doing to "work on it"? I feel like this application is very short on the information side. I would like to know more before I +1/-1. From my time with you in DU, you got burnt out very quickly, what will stop that from happening again this time?

    I got burnt out bc i was bored and had nothing to do, about the attitude i was about to resign anyway before being removed so i changed my attitude alot seins i didnt care as much at that point, I actully loved taking tickets and working as a staff member just after a while you need a break from it,I really want to right my wrongs i do have a little anger issue but i really try and keep that in check especally as a staff member. I was a good admin just had some of my faults wich i did and will keep trying to work on.

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