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Posts posted by Soccer

  1. RP Name: TR 212th HVY ARCT SSG Soccer

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:75099830

    VIP (Y/N):Y 


    Time zone: Mountain Standard 

    What was your previous staff rank?: Admin

    Are you currently staff on a different server?:No

    Why did you leave the staff team?:I got removed for my attitude (I tried to work on it to make it better)

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):I miss the staff team Dearly i had fun when I was apart of it. I know i have what it takes to become staff again with my time on synergy. I know a lot of people on this server and I know how to be a good staff member. I can help the server a lot by becoming staff again and help out others with getting tickets done fast.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):I had a lot of fun back when I was staff and I learned a lot of how to be a good staff. I  felt like i made the staff team more efficient with tickets and trainings. I wish there was more people who would do stuff in the staff like help out admins or NA if they need anything like a Dupes, vehicles, ETC.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:Yes i do

  2. Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable): Slak,mech,rys,Craig

    Event Name:Spikes revenge

    Summary of the story:Spike came back after the first 2 times,but this time with 2 death watch, the deathwatch had a list of people who had bounty's on them. before the deathwatch could proceed with the bounty's, the troopers of the republic killed one of the death watch and  found the hit list and detained the other deathwatch. spike eventually got away with a red cyber Crystal and will return soon.

    What was the result of the event?: there was a lot of passive RP  but the troops found the hit list arrested the deathwatch that was at the bar to be interrogated. spike got a red crystal and made his escape after attacking the republic

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: roleplay oriented

  3. dude you just hit 75 hours then you posted this play on this server more to be more experienced on the server i am sorry for this but -1 for me  just play on the server and learn more about it then mabey you will get it

    • Agree 1

    Name: Soccer

    Who helped (If applicable): Turtle,slak,carnage,sparks,kilo, sleeper

    Event Name: CIS-Kidnappers

    Summary of the story:so basicly the cis send some commando droids in CT armor who sneek into the base and kid nap a BO and a Trooper while the out posts are being attacked, the droids fly a laat into a cis frigate/mulifacent and hyperspace away.

    What was the result of the event? We sent the commandos into the base dressed as CT’s to kidnap 2 BO they took one of the BO to granit to hold hostage there with droids guarding him. Grievous was sent in to help distract the troopers away from the BO so the BO can be kidnapped the BO eventually got kidnaped the commando droids that were left started killing the other troopers after they got away with the BO.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up but little role play oriented.

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