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Llama/Yoda last won the day on December 17 2019

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  1. Llama/Yoda


    Scrambled eggs, Bacon, and toast
  2. Korm was one of the most genuine, friendly, and welcoming people this community has ever seen. If there's a Heaven or a Valhalla he is most assuredly there. Since I heard earlier I have been trying, and failing, to process the news. Just the other day I was watching his stream and I can hear his voice so clearly right now in my mind. I've been thinking about way back when, my mom was sick and I wasn't doing well and Korm was one of the people who was comforting. Not much to say but I am going to miss him, and I know everyone in this community will too.
  3. +1 my lad has matured so much since I first met him. I am very proud of how far he's come and I think he's ready to make an excellent Regimental
  4. +1 Probably the best Yoda in synergy history. Give him another term.
  5. +1 I think this is an excellent idea. Also perhaps we could shift the NPC's around a little bit to find a nice equilibrium. It would be great for NPC's to have a lot less health as well so that the entire server would feel less bullet spongey. Might encourage people to actually get into the mindset of the character a bit to have to deal with problems in a similar way as a clone from the show. This would solve the "events would be too hard" complaint as well. By this I mean having NPC's overall have lower base health and do less damage. Along with event jobs.
  6. +1 the absolute mad lad can bring glory back to the 501st
  7. Nightmare is quite frankly the best Master the Jedi Order has ever seen, and that's not even Hyperbole. He is the longest standing Master, wise beyond his years, and has given me and every other Yoda advice without which the Jedi Order would have gone to shit a long time ago. If you want the Jedi Order to thrive right now, you need to make Nightmare Yoda ASAP. +1 get it my boy.
  8. I shall keep this as civil as your comments warrant. 1. Staff didn't remove him from Ahsoka I did. This decision was made after I was given a false account of events which you perpetuated by reporting it to several different people who then came to me with said false report. He also didn't abuse Ahsoka powers, you made that miserable excuse for a report and it failed because you were dead wrong. He got removed for battle meditation which I now believe he didn't intentionally do, but of course at the time I had several people spreading that false claim which you invented, and perpetuated. 2. He broke PTS once by mistake and was arrested once and it was falsed. So don't pretend that this happens consistently. 3 You've disliked sniff since he got Ahsoka because you were rightfully removed and then failed the trial on lore 3 times before screaming at me that it was unfair. So let's not act as if this is anymore than deliberate malice on your part. Please don't lie on apps, it's not a good representation of the applicant.
  9. I can wholeheartedly +1, this man has been doing an excellent job as my Ordo and there is no one I would trust more to take my place as Papa than this lad right here. Good luck my son, I know you will make Ba'buir and I proud!
  10. Battalion: Null RP Name: Sergeant Kal Skirata Date: December 15th, the year of our Lord 2019 Reason: I'm tired. I want to go home. Nah but for real I just haven't been as passionate about the server nor having nearly as much fun. You could attribute it to the transition from Ordo to Kal, or you could call it burnout or real life being busy. Regardless I just wanna retire to a nice spot in 41st with Egg and the boys and relax. Goodbyes: this is legitimately tough. I have loved being Kal and before that Ordo, and I think I've done a good job. Part of that is loving the boys I've had under me. Gonna try to fit everyone in here but who knows if I'll fit it all @sniff Couldn't get the @ thing to work but anyway. Just letting you know you're a fantastic Ordo, and will make an amazing Kal should you decide to stick with it. You've been running the squad.for a bit now and I can't wait to see how you do as Kal. @Tinovious Brother get the heavy flamer. Also sorry I wasn't able to follow you up as Kal as well as you deserved, but oh well we'll play arma. @Snow My boy you're now the longest standing SO BDE member. Sorry I'm leaving but you know my heart just ain't in this anymore. The people I played for just aren't here anymore for the most part. Every other Null lad I've had under me: sorry k can't write all of you a little blurb but honestly I'm tired and thought it was time, just know that I love all y'all and I'll be there to support whatever you do. @Fyi You'll do an amazing job leading SO BDE, good luck brother and who knows, I may return sometime soon. And the rest of SO BDE, you boys are great, make papa proud. @Nightmare You're a quality Arligan keep going. @Wynter Best Bardan. @Egg I'm coming home
  11. I would say keep 41st as Lumi's battalion cause they have more lore and appear in the films. And then straight up remove DU cause they lack lore pretty much entirely minus one episode for five minutes
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