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Everything posted by Luckyy

  1. I mean we got the E11-D on the server so imperial era dont matter, Other than that I prefer but the clan associate mandi models so +1 to everything but that
  2. That's why I dont use 3d scopes
  3. So currently right now I have a bug on gmod where if I ever run with a gun out it doesnt go down like its on safety, does anyone know a fix to this, this happened a while ago and somehow fixed itself but now its back after the update This cause a bunch of problems mainly with just trying to shoot, itll act like im shooting but no ammo is expunged or damage dealt
  4. I like the guns, they're new, sound cool, look cool and to be honest I prefer this cover the cartoony vibe
  5. Its just as Duck said, this is mainly for sims and etc off time stuff, 90 percent of the time its off time, sims, trainings, and tryouts, the other 10 percent is event time, most time is spent on off time, so in total this suggestion far exceeds its useful times with its uselessness, and the delay can be set to a limit the founders want, to again stop spam which would help in events Edit: And the spawn points for these teleporters can be set for game masters as well as helping player basis with previous things stated
  6. Name: Lucky RP Rank: Yes Suggestion: Adding teleporters around the map, as the map is huge and most of the time takes a long time to get from one place to anther, Implementation: Teleporters can be placed in certain places to allow for people to get around the ship faster but not to where TACs would be at point useless, also could add a 10 second cool down to stop spam Would be an electrical/ Data table placed around the map that you click on and use to teleport to say, sim room A or MHB, ETC Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: Requires Developement, Dont flame but the thing they use on Icefuse is a perfect example
  7. OOF Still only two hunters to complete a Term XD, still love you man :)
  8. Y is one of those retards facing the wrong way
  9. +1 just dont go back the camp again boy
  11. Food Fact #4 the Harris teeter bathroom is usually clogged with shit that's most likely made of food
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