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Craigary last won the day on July 14 2023

Craigary had the most liked content!


About Craigary

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Community Answers

  1. Australians are incapable of being toxic
  2. RP Name: Rancor ARC CPL Craig | Hunter Craigary | 41stEC Elder Paladin Craig STEAM ID 32: STEAM_0:1:204734404 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 23 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: VA Are you currently staff on another server? No Why did you leave the staff team?: I previously left due to an impending deployment/workup cycle, now thats out of the way I have real time to dedicate to the server. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Staff has always been something I enjoyed on the server, working my way up through the ranks and assisting the server in any way possible. I want to make my way up again [hopefully past HA this time] and pursue all avenues of the staff team. I also have alot of down time to assist during times not alot of staff are active, early morning etc. I have thought a while about whether I should jump back in or not and have finally decided to pursue staff again. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): It went well, Hosting events and what not (this was pre seperation of GM and Staff.) Assisting the newer staff members and grinding. I took on as much responsibility as I could in the little time I had. I worked hard and played harder my fellow gmoders. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  3. -1 He created RP. Everyone seems to have enjoyed the event except you, not only has he not done anything to necessarily break commander rules but he exercised players choice. That’s the beauty of a (non) serious rp server.
  4. Didn’t talk to you a whole lot but you seemed cool from the times we were in a channel together, enjoy life.
  5. +1 Dont even have to think about it. I’ve watched you grow from DU years ago, to 501st, to helping me in the right direction with staff, to now as a head admin (again, arguably filling the shoes of a director) and you only keep climbing. You got this man, good luck!
  6. +1 Ive known mystic for a while and seen his drive and dedication with anything he sets his eyes to. With out a doubt he will do excellent as Yoda.
  7. +1. From the limited interactions and the dedication I’ve seen I have no doubts you’re going to do great! Genuinely good guy.
  8. Odyssey himself rose up from the ashes of icefuse and warned of the second coming of Craig.
  9. Yeah remember we were just talking about how bad you wanted to come back
  10. You still exist? I wouldn’t know cuz you haven’t spoken to me in 2 years! Let’s start our own battalion, there’s too many options
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