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Everything posted by Twrgy

  1. -1 i bet this dude wouldnt last a single term jk plus jhuan
  2. damn, now i gotta type up my resignation
  3. I am back, I will be pursuing my full-time role and dream of becoming the best janitor that there has ever been, I am willing to clean so FUCKING hard that I develop brain cancer from all the bleach and other cleaning chemicals I will be around. Can't wait to keep the ship nice and clean (especially the SOBDE bunks because they all stink)
  4. If you want me to replace zim let me know, i have some other good ideas on how to fix things
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsMl3nWReaU&feature=youtu.be
  6. Twrgy

    Korm's Senior App

    -1 minge jk pus 1
  7. Fucking +1, you were a great XO and I hoped you went for Gregor as you would make a great one. Also you are a hero <3
  8. Battalion: Foxtrot RP Name: RC 39 Foxtrot LEAD Gregor Date: 6/19/18 Reason: Recently I have been really inactive and I have lost the drive to get on and play. Also SWRP is getting extremely repetitive in my eyes and I am just overall bored Goodbyes: ALL OF SOBDE Everyone in SOBDE was a good friend to mine and they made my experience something else. SOBDE was my home and I could never leave it. (that's kinda ironic) @Quill You are the nicest person on the server and a good friend <3 @Badger Great XO of 501st and should be the next Rex @Genji the Asian dad @Bazoo A good friend and I recommend you for Gregor @Jorrdan We will still catch hella fortnite dubs @Prince Ill never forget that gay voice you did @Freck British cuck @Bbstine #gumegang @conillim You'll always be Kix in my eyes @Esitt How did I forget you <3 I'm just gonna also thank everyone on the server. You all are great Everyone in the "Synergys Family Friendly Group Chat" You know who you are I will still probably pop into the Teamspeak every now and then, Until next time Bye. <3
  9. +1 only person who deserves it
  10. +1 You have been in CO for a while now and you are a 1stLT. You deserve it the most. -Gregor
  11. Quill where do I start. You are one of my favorite people on the server and a great friend. I know at first you didn't want to go for it because you want to leave 501st when it is doing its best. You have made 501st into the golden age having fucking 30 people show up at the BvB and outstanding officers. You deserve this with everything and I really hope you get it. Good luck <3 +1
  12. If he was one of the most dedicated RC members then why would he leave and hop to multiple battalions, when you're dedicated you stick to it and never leave. But I don't want to have some big debate on Fadeds app so I'm just gonna end it here.
  13. -1 Faded I've known you personally for a while now and I feel as if you are not fit for the job, you have been hopping battalions and being extremely indecisive. Nothing with this -1 has to do with you not being in SOBDE but mainly that fact on how indecisive you are and I feel you are not fit for it yet. But if you do get it prove me wrong -Gregor
  14. +1, fun late night event
  15. +1 This man couldn't deserve it any more
  16. I'm not in it, can we retake it???!?
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