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Everything posted by Vires

  1. Vires


    Big -1 here. If you want to become a RC lead how about you prove that you can pass the tryouts? You shouldn't be leading and hosting tryouts that you can't pass or at least prove you can pass yourself. Regardless of that from my interactions in-game with you when I'd run around(not sure if that's changed) you were pretty damn aggressive and would set off quick.
  2. You see CG will arrest for that aswell since it counts for breaking PTS, I'm pretty sure even Gene when he was a marshal was arrested for it and used as an example.
  3. +1 Only one really that active and definitely the most dedicated for the spot -Gei boi ex-Boss
  4. Just want to remind you that halo has been big gay since Halo Reach
  5. Battalion:Delta Squad RP Name: RC 38 Delta Squad Boss Date: 3/13/2018 Reason: It's been obvious that recently I've been i n a c t i v e as hell on Boss. I've been in the process of resigning for about two weeks I'd say, making sure those under me knew and were ready to take over and now that's over with so I'm making it official. The main reason is that I simply just don't find enjoyment in being RC anymore, besides when we do our own thing here and then for the most part it's a walking simulator for hours until a not so great event comes around. I honestly would've hoped that I could've stuck around Boss for longer and done more for the squad but I just can't force myself to get on and it wouldn't be fair to my squad or anyone else on the server if I'm holding a position and don't really get on or do much. Goodbyes: Not really any since I'm still going to be in the ts and when I'm not feeling as burnt I'll probably get on and play Recommendation: Only really @Fours is good for it in my eyes, shown the most dedication to the squad and would make a great replacement.
  6. -1 Not needed and is just going to promote power hungry CG to jump on the smallest reason to arrest.
  7. Vires

    RM Hazard Trooper

    Big -1 to the Flamethrower, others have had to spent millions, which for most was a fuck ton of hours or actually donating...
  8. @BbstineI carry you in PUBG I'll do the same in Deadspace 3 tbh, but I've yet to beat it, ecksdee
  9. @Woody What mods do you use for this?
  10. Okay then, I still don't see what the point is in even adding it for the reasons that you stated. In what manner would they evac troopers to a safe position? On their heads? RM are in my opinion as interesting as a medical role can get without adding things that make no sense.
  11. RM aren't the only ones on the ship that can do medical RP. Nobody does it overall because it's pointless to do in the middle of a fire fight unless it was schedueled into the event, and even when that happens they're just escorted to the medbay to be treated.
  12. Well it seems meds disagrees as he said "This unit will allow people to go into a more fun and mobile class that will be able to be on the front lines a lot more and also allowing them to get more combat rather than being locked up in the medical bay. "
  13. An interesting aspect would be your double healing, which is already pretty damn good, I think a jetpack and a med kit that good would honestly be broken. Another point is, as a MEDICAL battalion I think you should be focused on that, not combat.
  14. -1 you say RM have nothing special about them yet they can out heal everyone on the ship(besides RC/Null since they have the same medkit) which makes them pretty special, I'd prefer an RM over a regular medical trooper anyday. Secondly this isn't explained at all, sure they fly in and heal them but how exactly would they extract them? The good 'ole sitting o head strat? Regardless I've never once seen anyone do any extensive medical RP during a battle because it's honestly pointless.
  15. Ayy might as well put Boss up there too
  16. So what makes it unique is it's armor and the weapons??? Makes sense. Weapons could be given to any Bat to make them more interesting, didn't have to be ARF, once again even from your description it seems completely pointless.
  17. Honestly this is dumb as hell. Why is it that SC aren't allowed to preside over their domain, which is the protection of the Senators. TG are allowed to arrest those that enter their domain and to my knowledge take over of AOS request if no CG are on so why can't SC do this one thing? If the batons are going to removed I'd suggest they get replaced by the elastic restraints.
  18. Bug Type (server/forum): Server Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): To test it you can go on Boss and see for yourself, but I've always spawned in the CG bunks Description of the bug: Boss the lead for Delta Squad spawns in the CG bunks instead of Delta Squad bunks How can we recreate it: Go on Boss' class
  19. Vires

    Fixing some heads

    Can the rc mega minds be fixed tho?
  20. -1 Named character or not he's a battalion medic, and if Kix gets it EVERY named character that's a medic is going to get it.
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