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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2019 in all areas

  1. This is for all who in their lives start to feel uncomfortable with themselves and for me to show ya'll that you have to put mind and spirit into something and only you can help yourself, you have to push yourself and not rely on others to compliment or help you. If you know something is wrong with you and your friends tell you're perfectly fine, its good to listen to them but you must realize they're saying that not to hurt you but sometimes you have to kick your own ass to help yourself. Only you can better yourself in life for me it was my weight for you its whatever you can dare challenge.
    11 points
  2. First off the outer areas of interest should be designated with operational tags (I.E. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta etc..) as they weren't just some pretty names and operational identification tags were necessary for outside territories I don't know because they're close to the base of fucking operations. Second, for us to go into a serious RP server there is still a lot of clowns wandering around with no real operational status or directives including no one asking fucking questions as to their directives or orders. (Sorry I'm getting real triggered.) Third, if this was a REAL military installation it would be defunded and disbanded for the activity within it because nothing as far as activity or operational status would indicate anything running like anything remotely close to a real base as I was fucking on one. Lastly, If this is going to be a serious RP server and I am being shot by a fucking piece of shit shiny who has no consequences to his stupid ass actions he's getting his goddamn brains blown out of the back of his fucking head! (Fail RP my fucking ass!) Me or you. You fucking first! Thanks for the vent.
    7 points
  3. This guy sounds like Founder material
    5 points
  4. HoloNet News (This is a new's page that comes from an encounter I did where we interviewd the base and some clones, for now there are only pictures I may do it again in the future) In here we can see some clones in formation. In the back we managed to see Anakin Skywalker (Definitly a jedi we can look up on) Here is a picture with some brave clone troopers alongside our reporter (Thank you for the amazing job) Here are a couple of shots of our interviews (Will update with the full interview tomorrow dont miss it!) A couple shots of the brave men of the Republic Thank you for your service! Final Regards We would like to thank the republic for allowing us the pleasure of interviewing them, remember boys everyone is watching and chearing for you! (Report made by WeyForce, HoloNet director of writting)
    4 points
  5. Guys you know its a game right? we can just ban the guy. It's kinda sad that a skinny white kid has to wait 6 days to come on a gmod server to troll I don't know if you are browsing 4 chan or looking at child porn @elkman23 but you gotta wait 6 days to inact a gmod trolling session? Christ this sounds like a school shooter in the making
    3 points
  6. > new map drops literally less than 48 hours ago. > already cries and complains about it.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. @elkman23 This is Jouii, Jouii trolled the server for a good month when I was on the server. He messaged me this about 10 mins ago, you guys are lucky I still have notifs for forum PMS. Keep an eye out, I'm not joking this kid had me up for hours every night banning alt after alt. @Joah @Jackson @Marvel @Sanchez Resident @Carter Please notify all discords to keep an eye out. This guy is a serious troll. Previous Offenses: - Getting large groups to shoot up the server. - Will rank up on alts, get your tryout docs and then use them to get mates into the batt *DID THIS WITH DU A LOT*Leak the documents. Then shoot up the server as that battalion. - Will get whitelists by lying ect. So staff make sure you check they're on the correct rosters.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. God I love you TechnoDad.
    1 point
  11. If you think the switch from semi-serious (even less than semi-serious imo) to SeriousRP is gonna be instant, then you're absolutely delusional. People don't change immediately, especially with how mingy/how often people would break character before. This is a change that's gonna take months to fully take effect. Also, new map just came out, of course people are gonna want to look around. TLDR: Chill the fuck out, change on the level that is currently being attempted takes time.
    1 point
  12. Damn lucky good job man. Proud of you
    1 point
  13. Shit you're way too cute for a snack u a meal boi Hard work and dedication bro, great fucking job!
    1 point
  14. i would recommend jumping on a trampoline daily for about and hour to anyone looking to lose weight. i lost 20 fucking pounds and i have legs of steel
    1 point
  15. Fatty >,< good stuff gettin fit. must be the tube you play :pepelol:
    1 point
  16. BAND. CAMP. Just joking, but good work man. Its amazing to see things like this.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Wow! Nice to see the hard work paying off ay? Keep going bud.
    1 point
  19. Great job fam! I used to struggle with weight as well and i know how hard it is to loose it
    1 point
  20. Man about to sign up for band camp if it does that to me and I can fuck my baritone
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 10/10 Very fun and everything ran smoothly
    1 point
  23. 10/10. Short and sweet. Nice Tech RP involved too.
    1 point
  24. 10/10 Loved the late night and also the quickness of it.
    1 point
  25. 9/10 Pretty fun our boys has fun with 21st.
    1 point
  26. Gotta just chill out my guy, this ain't arma mil sim. This is Gmod, and of course there's going to be people just wandering around ESPECIALLY since the map just came out less than 3 days ago. If you want to go pulling rank on every little person that walks around to try and have fun in the game to make them go do something, that's your prerogative, and good luck with all that. People will RP when they want to RP, and as long as they aren't running around breaking character or breaking rules, leave them alone.
    1 point
  27. Big +1 very dedicated to everything he does
    1 point
  28. You put in that work you get that work bruh straight up
    1 point
  29. wrecker cosplay looking nice congrats
    1 point
  30. bruh good shit dude stay with that mentality!
    1 point
  31. +1 I haven't met many people who strive to improve and do as well as you do. Good luck.
    1 point
  32. +1 I agree with Agent, people do need chances. It takes a lot to be too far gone, and you haven't reached that point. Good luck.
    1 point
  33. +1 Seems like ur fit for staff! Good Luck!
    1 point
  34. +1 You'll do great gamer.
    1 point
  35. +1 hardworking responsible member I think he would do great on the staff team
    1 point
  36. +1, just accept this man.
    1 point
  37. +1 hardworking and good person straight up
    1 point
  38. I found some fun, old pictures. @Ratio @Panzergrenadier765 @Max @Jackson this is when you were AR Senior. Freaking ages ago. @Faded @Prince @Genji the Asian @Rush Cat @Zim (I'm tagging you cuz I love you, also cuz I have a SS with you as A'den. Best memories <3) All old SOBDE boys remember these two.
    1 point
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