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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2024 in all areas

  1. This is not promoting hate or disrespect in the slightest. I am officially changing my neutral to a minus one due to the nature of the application. None of the officers knew about this and you certainly had not spoken to the current high command which is a slap in their face. This has everything to do with the fact that you do not outline a good plan and from the former 212th BCMD, I have no confidence that you would be able to run this battalion with the experience, or lack thereof, that you posses. If you want to put in the work, that is perfect; that is what you should do. But as a SSG who was recruited EIGHT DAYS ago. This will not bode well, and this will further harm the battalion more than it would help it.
    4 points
  2. Hiya Nexus, Due to the nature of my character and being tied to my history, naturally, against my will, this application and all that surrounds it will be controversial. I ask that constructive feedback is given and arguing and/or judging people for their views/beliefs on me is kept to either yourselves or at the very best DM eachother about it. I do not want to promote or allow negativity and judgement behind me or anyone whom holds their view on me and my application. Thanks for your understanding! <3
    4 points
  3. -1, I do not give you my approval.
    3 points
  4. Steam Name: Afternoon RP Name: 212th HVY SSG Turf Fish RP Rank: SSG Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55466905 Battalion you are applying for: 212th Attack Reg Experience: Former Sargeant Major for the 212th (Another Sever, a while ago now), And Former Minge. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I for a long time doubted myself and my capabilities to take seriously any sort of position in any regiment, and as a whole take Star WarsRP seriously, but as I spent more and more time on this server, getting to know the Ins and outs of how Synergy operates, I also got a real feel and sense of community and belonging here. Despite all my previous behaviours, warns, kicks, bans, I've since chosen to take up the righteous path and work on reforming myself. I found myself wanting to keep coming back and work on my behaviours. From being a rude, mingey, good for nothing CT, I've managed to genuinely fight for my right to take part on this server and mean something to our fellow troopers and staff-alike. Everyone doubted me at first, becoming a private in 212th, then PFC, and then Specialist, at each hurdle, I got comments like... "How long is this gonna last Turf?" "How the f**k did you get into a regiment, Turf?" "Turf actually telling people he's gonna be good and improve? Ha, yeah right!" I ignored them, I understood why such comments were made, be it in jest, or as a serious jab to me. I understood where they were coming from, without a doubt. BUT! I, Turf Fish, ignored them, because I knew finally I found somewhere I belong, somewhere I can actually apply myself and do good, for my battalion, for my battalions image, and for myself! People started to catch wind of my "Reformity" from what I once was, people saw me hit Sargeant, and finally people started to recognise and appreciate the fact that I'm actually here and working on being better. And this only came around due to the immense love shown to me by the 212th. Without PJ and Warmaster, and of course may others, I wouldnt be here applying on this forum, nevermind on the server for Cody. What I mean to say is, I regret the past, but we all have them. I'm here now, trying my best for Synergy, for the 212th, and for myself... But finally, to answer the question...! I think I should become Battalion Commander for the 212th as I want to serve as an image for fellow troopers that, whatever decisions you decide to make, be it good, bad, ugly, etc... You can always offer yourself up and be better for the people that care. I really want to serve as BCMD, grabbing the Bull by its horns and start to steer 212th into a much more vibrant, lively and exciting regiment to join and be a part of! It's my passion to offer my leadership skills and time to improve the 212th. I think it's crucial, if I was to get BCMD, to really focus on the feedback given from both inside of 212th, and out. A big part of me taking on this role, and why I'd be a good fit is that I am determined to overcome any hurdle put infront of me. Not only this, but I am very interested in strengthening bonds between fellow 212th members and other regiments, as I feel there is a slight disconnect which is stopping us from all reaching and recognising eachothers potential, both in training, OOCly, or in events. Right now, 212th is hurting without a Battalion Commander at the helm, leading them and being a rolemodel. I think that again, because there is nobody at the top, there is a real disconnect when it comes to working on feedback and decision making. BCMD serves as a figure head, someone to look up to and listen to, I know I could be that person, that Cody, for all of 212th. I'd make an excellent fit for Cody, I have the drive, love, will and passion for it. I'll ensure our regiment grows, both in numbers, and in strength. I've also got the added benefit of one hell of a redemption story, I feel as if I've really captured the hearts and minds of the people of Synergy, and I plan to use that also to my advantage. I'll be reaching out, asking for advice, and I can say confidently, due to my nature, character and history here, I will not be allowed to fail. My mere presence in the 212th and now current rank and intentions have really garnered more eyes on us, and I'd love to show everyone just what I could do. Availability: Most days past: 1700 hours GMT:(00:00) I work bartending hours, and occasionally I get placed on nights, but due to the time difference, this actually serves to mine and your benefit, as I will always gaurantee to be on high pop times! Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: On and off now for 2-3 months. Day or two total hours. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, Blue Yeti :D Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I'd have my battalion at the end of my term, be able to confidently say their voices and respected, heard and valued. Not only this, but I want my battalion to grow in character, people in lead positions fill up Ghost Company, 2ndAC and medical roles and specialist units alike. I will work tirelessly to ensure that we pull together as a battalion and push that brotherly love clones are known for. At the end of my term, I would have hopefully boosted peoples morale and perspective on themselves, recognising and appreciating peoples potential and employing that for the betterment of the battalion. I really want to prove to everyone, both in the 212th, and the server, that we arent just a random assortment of people cobbled together, being just another number, logging off after each event just for merit points. I will push for togetherness, respect and dignity inside of the 212th. I will be the Judge and Jury for the 212th, a voice for each member and a brother to look up to. I also want to really push for prestigious awards such as Battalion of the Month, and seeing members of the 212th getting RPer of the week! At the end of my term, I am confident I will have scored these for our battalion, sinking a few more awards for the regiment, gaining us more respect, eyes on the regiment and bragging rights! Don't forget the bragging rights! Friendly rivalry (to a certain degree) is healthy! Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand this. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Copy that, understood. Thank you reader, for your time, patience and willing. #TurfForBCMD
    2 points
  5. +1 I dont know the dude really but if a person has the drive to change how he acts on a video game so others can enjoy it and so he can enjoy it that is someone that deserves to be in a commanders position truly shows the man is unselfish and is actually trying to make a difference don't judge someone completely on their past that's ignorant
    2 points
  6. -1 everyone who is meme +1ing is crazy. Just put your actual vote
    2 points
  7. +1 This is Turf's redemption arc and I'm here for it
    2 points
  8. +1 Dude you're my actual goat. On god the entire 41st are, like, your biggest fans. I hope that you have big things in your feature, and I think you'd be an amazing BCMD
    2 points
  9. I appreciate all the feedback on both sides of things. It's incredible to read all of this and see how many people actually reached out. Be it good or bad, whatever the outcome of this application is, I take it all in stride! I believe in myself. I wont stop believing in myself. All of this means a tremendous amount to me. #OrangePride #TurfForBCMD
    1 point
  10. -1 I love turf fish but this is prolly just gonna cause more problems than its worth
    1 point
  11. -1 From the former BCMD of this battalion, this person would not make a good BCMD.
    1 point
  12. More reasons to +1 guys All within the last 3 months! 0-0
    1 point
  13. Easiest +1. Just give it to him.
    1 point
  14. this man will do more radical and possibly better things then 3/4 of yall +1
    1 point
  15. +1 I agree with anything Mystic does
    1 point
  16. +1 dude this application is dope, turf fish for MCMD 2024!!!
    1 point
  17. -1 Im sorry Turf Fish, You are of the greatest of gentleman but I cannot approve of this! I cannot fit your ban list on 1 page in console.
    1 point
  18. +1 bros redemption story is godly
    1 point
  19. +1 just make sure you got plans, man. It would be a very good redemption story
    1 point
  20. +1 Bro taught me my ABC's during a deployment. He also has reformed from his old days. App also looks great
    1 point
  21. +1 apps good . minge to bcmd goes kinda hard
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. +1 holly shit this app is great
    1 point
  24. Name: Niner SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121254489 Who helped (If applicable): reborn ryan part inky bauks Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The troopers seiged the base on general grievous and found out the weapon that he was creating Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
    1 point
  25. 5/5/5 my gambling losses have been remade!
    1 point
  26. I gotta file an RAOS, I didn't see you request PTL.
    0 points
  27. Wassup my guy. Wanted to critique a few things you've said here. 1. Red Squad isn't a thing anymore, and hasn't been for some time. People still use the RS lore names, but that's not a battalion sanctioned system, and we don't police the names our members want to use. Parjai is also not a subunit, it's what we call 2ndAC Officers. 2. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, but it seems like some sort of inside joke of SOBDE. If it is, then it's very telling about your thoughts on Foxtrot in general. 3. While the original intention may have been standardization, the original intention was also to have Grey RC, which you clearly don't have. The battalion and server have changed, and there's no legitimate reason for SOBDE to hoard subunit that you guys have admitted publicly and privately you have no intention of using. 4. The naming convention was supposed to keep in line with the regiments, which is admittedly confusing. the ARF job is intended to fill the marksman role, and we're ok to keep the marksmen name if need be. 5. So, to set the record straight, we approached Rizzo well before we even talked to our own officers. We wanted him, and SOBDE as a whole, to work with us to make sure the subunit was the same quality as SOBDE. His response was to say that the only way to make this suggestion work would be to have SOBDE have full control over the subunit, and essentially be a squad that just is outreached to 212th. He wouldn't entertain any other offer. This suggestion isn't overstepping, considering high staff gave us the go ahead to make this suggestion. 6. SOBDE has never had a hard time filling squads when they advertise and are active. Having been your Regimental previously, I have firsthand knowledge on how you guys operate, both successfully and not so successfully, so I can say this some some confidence that having Foxtrot in 212th will not hinder you in any way. I can also say this considering we already had Foxtrot for over a year and a half and SOBDE didn't have issues recruiting. Kaiser and I are more than willing to discuss this with you guys if you want more clarification about the suggestion, and if this does pass, we hope you'll want to be involved in helping the subunit find success.
    -1 points
  28. -1 Gregor is used as BCMD of SO BDE and y’all have to many sub units while other battalions only get 2
    -1 points
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