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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Jayarr and I should just combine maps. Mix his exteriors with my interiors. Then I'll work on optimization, and map would be perfect.
    2 points
  2. Having a hostile portion of civilian honestly is a decent compromise
    1 point
  3. 2/4/5 I did not enjoy this event! I was confused at the start with what the OBJ was, and was also confused when CG did the tech and ENG rp to fix a LAAT and it was hyperspaced away. I may have misunderstood the objective during that portion, and if so that is on me! When we got to the main area, we heard over the intercom that you were basically just spawning on top of anyone using jetpacks. Why not just ban jetpacks at that point? Or limit them to jump packs? When CG entered the ATC tower to provide negotiations with weapons on safety, we were gunned down. We then heard that the EJ was doing negotiations RP with others, which was not very cash money. We then just decided to blast our way out, similar to how the entire deployment felt. This felt very shoot em up. Additionally, we're trying to push a lot of EJ's to be providing more RP than just shooting people, but the EJ's were named to car names and just blasted anyone that was getting too ahead, or were just shooting to shoot all around. Your plan seemed good for the event and it seemed very well thought out. However, it felt for myself and my battalion that we were being punished for trying to be smarter than our enemy and we didn't have much of a chance of success anywhere. I was also gone for the assault on the Jedi Temple, so if that's where most of the RP was, then I apologize I missed it!
    1 point
  4. We absolutely do not need a fourth faction. We can barely support three as it is.
    1 point
  5. they have decided
    1 point
  6. *Flashbacks to running into rocks for 3 hours looking for areas that could fall out of the map*
    1 point
  7. Optimization is certainly not as bad as its being made out to be. The only thing I said was poorly optimized was the trees, because I didnt know how to make collision meshes too well at that time. Otherwise, the map uses practically every single trick in the book for optimizing a source map. Areaportals, visclusters, hints, farz plane, props fade, LODs, vision blockers, npc node paths/hints, etc etc etc. I assure you, the bug testing phase of the map was very thorough. There were things like docks and other areas that got cut because they just didnt meet the performance standards we were looking for. There is never a proper metric on what makes a map more optimized then another in a multiplayer server, and if I'm being completely honest with you, it all seems to come up to personal opinions and bias more then actual facts at the end of the day. There are certainly maps that run worse than others because of the techniques used to optimize (which I have mentioned), but almost every single map will run horribly on multiplayer. Even the people who made the engine, Valve, have terribly poor performing maps on multiplayer. Models, lua, player connections, PC hardware, server host, and so on will always drag down anything and everything to the point where it's easy to just point at something and say 'that's the source of the lag'. I personally can confidently say that Onderon, to me, runs the same as Corellia. Because I am confident that Bananakin took every optimization step that I did too. It runs the same as Anaxes, and Extensive, and Rishi Moon. So on, so forth. It all compares, in my eyes. And again, as I said earlier, that comes down to my experience and my bias. Now if you're talking optimization in terms of navigation and level design, then meh. Onderon was bad on that regard, I was a new level designer. It was a stepping stone in learning and becoming who I am now, and I continue to grow from it.
    1 point
  8. gm_flatgrass
    1 point
  9. Just remake Endor ez
    1 point
  10. Remake endor without performance issues pls
    1 point
  11. Only problem with this is every time we change map we need to edit documents to reflect the change and its a pain
    0 points
  12. Onderons bcc sucks and corellia has more space for trainings including the 2 planets. Not to mention alot of documents gonna need edited again to be relevant to Onderon if we switch back and all the quests gonna need redone seems like alot of work just to please a few people
    -1 points
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