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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2019 in Posts

  1. So yeah, it's been a long run but I need a long ass break from the server. And yeah it's quite sudden but I just dont have the enthusiasm to get on. I got life to sort out and other things I want to do and I can't if I'm doing this. I know this is short notice and all but some of you may have seen this coming. When ever I get on the server just complain about shit and get annoyed. I dont want to live like that and it's not why I joined the server. @Snadvich you mentored me to Bacara and helped me pull GM out of the gutter. @Matra OG Keller and the best second I could have had. I'm joining you in retirement. @Qal WHEN YOU COMING BACK AS COLONEL. Best Marshal and, again, another great mentor. @Starkiller (think that's you) 1v1 me on For Honour peasant. Hitokiri is broken and you know it. @Faded You meme, but honest guy who helped me realise a lot of thing. @Keller why the fuck is your name not Ramm on here? Any way, you have grown and lot and I hope you will keep doing so. @Foe you can be a real bastard sometimes but you were my bastard. @Knockout great bro, got a lot of potential, keep at it. To the 21st in general. This is not the end, someone will take my place and prove themselves, this is not a good bye forever, just the summer. Keep it real and keep it serious. @Dennis you keep sending me those dam anagram shit, imma break your knee caps. And yeah, everyone else not the server who I didn't mention directly, good luck, have fun, dont be a cunt and dont burn the shop down while I'm gone. This is CT-6476 captain Gadget, signing off for Mygeeto. Oh yeah, @Dragon please deny or void my app, cheers. Also I dont know if theres a template for this so FUCK IT we'll do it live. I'm just gonna clarify as some of you dense mother fuckers dont know what temporarily means apparently. I WILL RETURN, AND I WILL STILL BE AROUND BUT I AINT DEALING WITH PEOPLES PROBLEMS.
    5 points
  2. Of all the fuckery in this battalion, Cannon has made the most growth and positive changes than anyone in the battalion has experienced. Cannon went from being frozen at NCO status to now being the XO of 327th. Cannon is honestly one of the most respectable leaders I’m proud to say I’ve supported through his rise. If anyone deserves to fill Poe’s shoes, Cannon is the homo for it. +1 to my son. He loves 327th more than he loves Poe’s toes
    3 points
  3. +1 I say make it ONLY buyable in the Armory ! Needs to be Expensive. (Remember Rockets have Rules)
    2 points
  4. @Zim @Ccmonty Fixing your balance is hard
    2 points
  5. Dear Gadget, Would just like to inform you to get gud kid. Love, Starkiller
    2 points
  6. Okay so I get emotional here. I know gay. But when I couldn’t bring my self to get cause of shit going on my life. Poe was there. He listened and he helped me through some shit. When I was constantly playing Poe was my #1 supporter and helped me push towards my goals on SWRP. And the shit he did with the battalion after being on the block for so long. Poe did the impossible and kept 327th alive when most everyone lost faith. I repeat he kept 327th functional. Yes his leadership style wasn’t the same as everyone else but he did one hell of a job as Bly and you can’t deny that. So if he was able to pull a dead battalion from the grave, think about what he can do to better every other battalion as the attack reg. Goodluck brother +1
    2 points
  7. -1 Why don't you get it. The new map is 75% done and yall just keep changing maps like changing your gender we got different maps on event server try doing your liberation events on there. so Just stay on the map
    2 points
  8. Battalion: 187th Legion RP Name: Battalion Commander Sugga Date: 6/20/19 Reason: Its taking away from the family. My loved one and me have grown to distant and i have to fix that. I got to take care of some responsible stuff. Goodbyes: I love everyone that I meet. You guys have grown so much on me and I do appreciate you guys making my time as battalion commander an amazing time. Love you all and i hope you all have a great rest of your life. Please officers of the 187th don't let the battalion die, I've left you the material to thrive take it and run, make the 187th a great battalion and give it back its legacy of a large battalion. To all the people that might hate me for what I have done with the promotions I deeply apologize, Everyone has been an amazing help and i do appreciate everyone for what they have done for me. Thank you and hopefully I will see you guys again. I just want to say good luck to dreams and Soap I know you guys will do great and will keep it alive. Soap -You've been by my side by day one and I couldn't have asked for a better friend Dreams - You're still going to be my favorite Aussie, Number 1 Aussie friend couldn’t ask for a better one. Yuri/Tingus/Godfather - Thanks for the help you’ve given me. I hope the CG uses you to your potential Youseff - You have been an amazing friend and I can't thank you enough for the requirting, I hope the SO uses you to your full leading potential Niner/Tinovious - God ima miss that accent and those ridiculous pts’s Keep them up your doing great as niner Willom - Your doing great work, Keep it up and i promise you’ll do great for the battalion Franco - Goddamn ima miss you. You are the best recruiter i've ever meet. I really hope you stay active and keep it up. Funmaster - I'm sorry I left during your LOA, You are a great para lead thank you for everything you've helped me with Razen/Flyer/Burner/Viper and whatever else your called - Much love man we’ve both had our differences but I still do respect you and your a hell of a leader. Keep it up man Knockout - We didn't talk too much but i hope you have a good one, You’ve been a hell of an arf. See ya blackout Maverick - Thanks for always putting up with the 187th constant L.A.A.T spawning, Your a great BO i hope i see you higher in the future Camilo - Even though you were a giant pain in my butt i still love you as a friend. I hope you make it fair baby girl. Cat - Yea do good i guess just kidding i love you man, Ima miss the pvp have a great one. Perri - Much love, You are probably the funniest monotone guy ive ever met in my life keep it up big man. Carvis - I'm going to miss you, Thanks for everything you’ve helped me with To all my NCO’S - I love you guys a lot even if I acted differently. Thank you for listening to my orders and doing what I have asked of you
    1 point
  9. +1 Know his stuff would make a great Gm
    1 point
  10. Welcome back Stern just letting you know by my experience Base ops isn't fun no more and Naval is way better and always was and will always be better
    1 point
  11. If you did a city occupation map change then the whole method of the server would need to shift from MLRP to City RP, These would be better for events.
    1 point
  12. +1 Dream is one of the most active and dedicated officers in 187th. He has been there for them for quite a while now, and most definitely has the experience for this position. He is an amazing leader and I know he will take the Battalion to new heights!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. +1 don't let your dreams be memes
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. +1 yea, i dream to dream to achieve his dream on synergy.. Alright i'll stop with the shitty non-sense up above. he a nerd.
    1 point
  17. +1 man you were there for the battalion as a whole even as a sgt you did the job of a LT and now a CMD I would love to see you as a BCMD lead this battalion to victory and dont let it slip. (Former)187th CMD 2 times|Shock CMD|187th LTC| PURPLE PRIDE WORLD WIDE Keegan
    1 point
  18. -1 short app ha get memed nerd +1
    1 point
  19. +1. Pythin has worked with me in Base Ops/Naval and has done SO MUCH to benefit us. He is a ex HA for Synergy and has been high positions before and I feel he has plenty of experience for this. Good luck, boyo
    1 point
  20. +1 Cannon is the best option for bly I thought he deserved it as long as i've known him Poe was an incredible Bly and if i can see anyone filling his large shoes it is cannon. -Biggs
    1 point
  21. o7 luv ya man, stay strong see you another time my friend. 😥
    1 point
  22. I still think Kal needs to revive his sons. But instead of defibs, it's this belt.
    1 point
  23. Only one of the loas were for burn out. One was because he was moving. The second was due to his computer being broke and having no internet. The only LOA that cannon took for burn out was 3 days, and that was after he and I grinded for 4 days straight on redeveloping systems within the battalion. A total of 3 LOAs in the span of 9 months is less than a majority of members on the server.
    1 point
  24. part of me laughs at that and the other part of me wants to end it all
    1 point
  25. I couldn't even get Master when I owned everything.. smh.
    1 point
  26. The opposite of this.
    1 point
  27. Jesus Christ, this bitch makes Kirara look like a saint lmaoo
    1 point
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