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Ron last won the day on April 2 2020

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About Ron


  • Mystery Man™

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  1. Everyone's time eventually comes. I didn't get to interact with you much during your return as I have been MIA and away from the Community from quite some time, but it was refreshing to see a new face with ideas and consistently interacting with the community when I would check in once in awhile. You have definitely grown as a person from when I originally met you during the split. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
  2. Ok guys, I'm going to demote all the founders and take over Synergy, this is what you wanted
  3. This is only occurring on the "Recently Browsing" footer and not on the main index, btw.
  4. I am relatively confident nothing was breached on our end of things. I am closing this to avoid unnecessary ramblings. The email account I've registered with on these forums has not been breached in any recent data leaks. The password I use for this website has not been breached in any recent data leaks. The last person to access our web back-end (where the actual DB is stored) was @Square which I've verified by IP Address. There is nothing suspicious in our logs. I will keep an eye on things for the next week or two just for verification. The advice given is sound, you should not re-use your passwords across multiple websites, including our forums or steam. Use a secure password generator. Lastly, saving passwords in Chrome or any Web browser is not secure, use a proper password manager.
  5. This is correct. The main reason for only allowing certain groups animated avatars was simply due to optimization, it was never about being special or “cool kids only”. Our cache system isn’t optimal (wasn’t implemented by me) and we didn’t want mobile devices, or slower connections to have any significant load times. With that being said, it’s always better to deploy changes like this in small batches rather than forcing everyone to reset their avatar one day due to a performance issue. This was the main reason we only allowed it on certain groups. I haven’t touched the ACP in months as @Forseenhas mostly taken over my old role and I act as a Consultant when needed, he’s welcome to enable gif avatars for all users if he wishes to do so, but understand the negative performance impact it may have and also the pain-in-the-ass it is to reset all avatars like we’ve had to do in the past. My recommendation would be to only allow this if the current cache system is optimized; and understand it still may have a negative performance impact. They probably already know this, but @ Forum Adminshould never touch the cache settings unless you explicitly know what you are doing and have potential support from our host as it can be wonky.
  6. I updated the member group permission to mirror the basic battalion tags. Just remember the member tag is meant as a placeholder until someone joins a battalion; so please remove it properly for anyone who has other tags. If it gets randomly abused I'll revert the change; also I wiped the group to clean it up. Thanks
  7. Ron

    D3A Admin Mod

    D3A uses a weighted value system, similar to TeamSpeak. Any values EQUAL or GREATER than you, cannot be run. Unfortunately, running commands on yourself was never intended as the original admin mod was created for DarkRP, which is more prevalent to abuse. It cannot be changed, sorry.
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