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Clone Wars 10 year anniversary

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So 10 years ago when I was a kid I caught my brother watching a movie called The Clone Wars I watched it, liked the clones did not think about it a lot till the TV show came out. Me and my brother watched the 1st episode live when it 1st premeried. I fell in love but as a I grew up with the TV show it grew up with me. More death and even more fantastic story lines. Without that TV show the prequel movies would have been forgotten and most of us would have never met. I see them bringing it back later down the line because those disney fucks wanted to make some gay rebel's show. So let's keep playing the best era ;)


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Clone Wars came out when I was 7-8ish, I'll never forget the hype for every episode. Remember on cartoon network when there would be a little like golden message in the corner that said CLONE WARS NEW EPISODE and then a count down? I lived for that when I was younger. I'll never forget the narration of the admirals voice before every episode while it showed giant space battles that amazed the hell out of me. The show just kept consistently getting better and the plot lines became more intense and became something anyone, no matter their age, could enjoy. I was hooked as soon as the intro started in the premiere. Disney hella dissed the fanbase when they cancelled it with so many more in-depth plotlines that we had yet to explore.

I don't think I would have ever became a Star Wars fan if it were for this show. Obi-Wans wits in the showed made me laugh and it redeemed Anakin's character from the edginess of him in the prequels. It made all the characters much more bad ass showing them being generals in a huge galactic war and showed us the darker and deeper sides such as death. It also made the clones more than just "hehe look cool soldiers". It gave them all indivualism and showed that they weren't just mindless droids built for war, but soldiers would had their own personalities and fears that they rose above because they genuinely believed in their service as troopers.

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13 minutes ago, Fizzik said:

Man, I remember asking my parents permission to watch this show. It's been so long. 

For some reason I remember watching the re runs of the first season after the first ended and tried saying they were new so I could stay up xD

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I got into star wars late 2015 because of the force awakens release, then early July 2016, I found icefuse then the rest is history


my dad made me watch the OT before seeing the force awakens

Edited by Bolt


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