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Thexan's Staff Application


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RP Name:

Thexan Skirata | Shaak Ti

Steam ID:







Whatever Arizona is in currently. (Time here doesn’t change, but what it falls in does.)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I’m going to be totally honest in this section, there are only three reasons that I want to be staff on the server. My intentions are this:

Game Master: Something I’ve never done on either servers (Icefuse/Synergy) is become a game master.

Something New(ish): I’ve been back here on Synergy roleplay for about 6 months or so, and I’ve gotten where I want to go as a player. I’m currently Shaak Ti and I’ve been where I want to be clone wise. I’d like to get back into staff so that I can help out everything I am in by playing the role of a staff member.

Helping out: Being completely honest here, I see a clear lack in quality in the staff team, what with constant bickering between lower ranked staff members and the lack of common sense when it comes to enforcing the rules. I believe that I can help by enforcing the rules equally while also maintaining a professional attitude when I am on.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Most people know/see me around. One thing I try to do while I am online is be friendly and social, as it is my job to be approachable as Shaak Ti. I am actually looking to join the military soon after I graduate high school, which should hopefully be in the next two months. I can’t boast two hundred hours by any means, but I do want to make the most of my time in this community before I have to take another leave from it.

Do you have any previous staff experience?:


Moderator - I spent about two months staffing on Icefuse, getting to the rank of moderator, (Funny story, the HA who did my interview forgot to put me on their roster, so for the first two weeks I didn’t get looked at for promotion.)

TRI - One of my biggest accomplishments staff wise was making it to the rank of TRI. I believe at the time that the passing scores were supposed to be 80% and up, which fed into the feeling of accomplishment.


TRO - When the split in Icefuse happened, I transfered over to synergy, and with that I was given TRO being that I was also a TRI on icefuse. I, to this day, can probably recite both the planetary and ship trainings by heart.

New Admin - Like I said above, I transfered to synergy and was given the rank of New Admin. (I got burnt out after non stop playing SWRP for the last year and decided a break was in order.)


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9 minutes ago, Tango said:

Neutral I don’t think I have seen u in game before. Correct me if I am wrong. 

I don't know your timezone, but I am currently three hours behind the timezone the server runs on. When I get off of school it is already 6pm EST, not to mention that I have been staying late for the last two weeks for an additional two hours. By the time I get home from that and settle in, it is already 9pm EST. (6pm EST for me)

EDIT: I have about 65 hours or so logged into gmod and the server, which is pretty much the only game I play when I get free time.

Edited by Thexan
Typo/Something to add
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Congratulations Thexan! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 4/12/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application

Its been 7 hours, you have 15 +1's and no negative feedback. You're doing something right mate.


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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