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Return to Rishi Outpost


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Name: Bbstine

Suggestion: Return to the Rishi Map until the new map is completed. 

Implementation: Returning Rishi Moon to main server main map.

Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rishi_moon 

Workshop content if applicable: rp_rishimoon_crimson_sr 

 It's already on the map list but here's the link to the steam community page. : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890036049&searchtext=Rishi+moon

Now, let me explain why I think is a good idea. 

  • New Event Ideas, on the ship we've basically run dry of event ideas and it just seems to be the same thing over and over again.
  • The map already has a Jedi Temple, therefore relieving our server of less perma-props.
  • The map is enormous, proving more aspects to training for clones, examples being such as pilot training (sky box is pretty big), it has sim rooms, training rooms, there's also bunks, room for an OOC lounge, and much more.

Now, I'm not saying the ship is the worst thing possible and deserves to be obliterated from existence, I love the hyperspace possibilities, the engineer roleplay in both hypermatter chamber and engine room, and much more. But see, things get a bit stale and I think it's time we move to something some others never got to experience. 

The ship is so large that there is an over abundance of props, especially in the MHB. On the ship we had to take over the fifth floor just for a Jedi Temple, and that floor contains a mega fuck ton of props that I'm pretty sure if we wipe the floor we'd drop about 100 ping each. (Over exaggeration, relax.)

Now, I don't wish to shit on no Naval at all, but the map we're currently on, and forgive me god for saying this as it's so blatantly obvious. The map was made for the naval, not meant for 15 battalions to run around. (501st, 212th, Delta/Foxtrot/Omega/ (all counted), Null, Republic Medics, Senate Commandos, Coruscant Guard, 104th, Doom's Unit, Special Operations, 41st, Rancor, and Galactic Marines.)

Now, I wish to point at an issue that people should actually be pretty damn excited to hear about, we can finally solve the issue with interrogation rooms with force sensitive beings to regular attackers. We won't ever have to hear about the consistent bitching about who has authority where because immediately when captured we distribute the prisoner where they need to be delivered. (Force Sensitive to the temple's interrogation room / Regular Attackers can get locked in the little ass claustrophobic rooms next to the huge courtyard.)

Jedi Trials (without revealing the trials to everyone) makes them a bit more roleplay orientated without building actual things to make it look realistic. So hopefully this kinders to their liking. 

Elevator spam will be completely destroyed, because the only people needing to go up elevators would be masters going up to high council, and Base Ops (Naval) going up to the base watchtower to sound the alarm. 

As a summary, the roleplay would be better fitting more to a nice serious roleplay environment, it (might) fix issues via ping not 100% sure about this one but I'll list it any way, and gives a new change of scenery to those who never experienced the beginning of Synergy. I personally think this would be a great idea, and this might get shut down by the Founders or the community, but I'd love to see the opinions from others. 

We can now eliminate the escaping of CC's by locking them in spawn with the door button and setting spawns for battalions in their bunks, Jedi in their temples, Naval up in base bunks, and the High Command in base as well. (Sorry Zim, more spawn setting.)


P.S. We removed Mass Effect Props so maybe we won't be ass raped by lag on the map anymore.


                                           -Bbstine (don't kill me please)

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+1 I think it could bring more roleplay to the server and it can have where the Battalions can be on guard duty and have active patrols and jedi dont have to wait 15 years on a elevator XD. But I believe it would be nice to go back for a change. 

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+1 Planet map > Venator. Even though this will probably get denied, Jedi get their temple back, clones have more things to do, we can work out how base ops work and provide some better RP for clones and Jedi with a whole area outside the walls. This venator map is amazing and all but we have been on a venator for a solid 4 or 5 months and with the other map on the way, it could provide a good acclimation period.

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Now this idea may sound crazy... but it could just work. The Venator is great and all but... it is boring, slow, and uneventful. I will bullet my reasons on why I feel we need this

  • Better Main Server Events. Gamemakers could actually have a base to assualt, and we could see sieges and better combat. 
  • Jedi get a Temple. Jedi will have a large Temple and even a cave system they could use for trails
  • Clones have range to do stuff. Passive RP would MASSIVELY increase as they could go out on scounting missions, trainings, and all other assorted thing outside of the walls
  • It would give a MUCH needed change of scenery for many people, and would probably increase people's enjoyments as a whole

The sole complaint against this could be "it is not optimized" or "lag" but the removal of prop packs that cause issues. Also, the main map lags anyway, so it is a small price to pay. I cannot see the lag actually being worse than it already is, so why not just move it to something more people want.

Overall, we NEED this.

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1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

Was extremely laggy, but I believe that was due to the mass effect props and such.


But it was about as equal to what we have now on the ship currently.

Could do an event server event with the map and as many people as possible and see how that goes.

Plus, in some months we're bound to get the new map anyways so this won't be staying a while either.

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1 minute ago, Zyner said:

Could do an event server event with the map and as many people as possible and see how that goes.

Plus, in some months we're bound to get the new map anyways so this won't be staying a while either.

Great idea Zyner.



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  • Retired Founder

Absolutely not, We've lost server population due to lag and the server crashing, Rishi moon will just make things 90x worse.

The lag on Rishi Moon is way worse than the current map. It's an unoptimized piece of garbage.

New map is expected to be done by July, be patient.

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2 minutes ago, JaBaku said:

@zyner Why wait when we could have a better map that offers more roleplay and nobody knows when the new map might drop could be couple of months.

Development Team Discord shows that 1st July. Thats what Joah said to us.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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